If you have not noticed by now I have certain themes I
enjoy writing about. A few of them are children, change, identity, and growth.
The reason why I enjoy writing about these is because they have made a major
impact in my life. As well as the fact that I feel like it is important for
people to continue to grow in these areas.
Our identity is consistent throughout our lives. But, we
change and grow as we are called to do (Colossians 1:9-10). There is an Alice in Wonderland quote that says: “I
knew who I was this morning but I’ve changed a few times since then.” Most of
the time when we hear the word “change” it makes us nervous. Because it means that our consistency is gone
and that we need to get out of our comfort zone. And yet, we are called to
change and grow.
The Alice quote embodies this idea perfectly. I know I
have gone through many ups and downs in my life. But, those challenges and
experiences have shaped me into who I am today. You may have known me when I
was in high school but I have grown and changed since then. You may have even
seen me yesterday but I have even changed since then. Every day we gain new
experiences that teach us things, if we allow them to. We should always try to
grow and change for the better.
So, are you trying to grow/change for the better? Do you
realize that people you knew years ago may have changed for the better?
John 1:12, Philippians 4:6-7, Proverbs 3:5-6