What do all of these lovely ladies have in common?
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can
tell" (Belle). "Some day my prince will come" (Snow White).
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream" (Aurora). "I
can't wait to meet everyone! [gasp] What if I meet... the one?" (Anna). If
you haven't gotten it by now I'll clue you in: they all want to find their
prince. Once they find their prince they live happily ever after (even if they
are not married [Anna]).
In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul talks about marriage and singlehood. We've all heard the verses before. Paul states in verse 8: "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do." Why would Paul tell us to stay single? Didn't God create us with a desire for the opposite sex?
Paul goes on to say "...An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband" (34). Think about the married couples you know. Do they have a lot of time to help others? Not really, they do not have time for it. I'm not saying it is wrong. Like Paul, I am saying that married people have other concerns. They have to care for their spouse, children, and think of other needs for their family.
Single people only have to care for themselves. This frees them up to think about others and what God would want them to do. I know that I have more time to help out at the school I work at, at church, and help friends because I do not have any commitments.
But, that doesn't mean it is not difficult to not think about marriage. As
stated before it is difficult in today's society to not think about marriage.
We are constantly bombarded with people and movies saying "why are you
still single?" Those of us who are single have to ask ourselves is it
worth it?
Is it worth feeling lonely at times? Is it worth the possibility of not having a family? Is it worth maybe having no one to come home to? I am 23 and I have never been on a date. I will tell you firsthand it is not easy feeling like something is wrong with you because you've never had a boyfriend. But, that is just the Devil lying to you.
It is worth it. I cannot tell you how many opportunities I have had because I am single. I have been able to go on mission’s trips, play soccer on some amazing teams, meet with friends who are hurting and help them, help out more at church, coach many different teams in soccer, and so much more. I would not have had time to do all of those things if I had a boyfriend.
I guess rather than looking at the world we should take a lesson from Paul, and more importantly God. We are to follow God's word. He did create us to be relational beings but not all are called to have that kind of Eros relationship. Rather than dwelling on it, we should be thankful for this time we have; because it could just be a passing season (Ecclesiastes 3). Ultimately we should not forget to have our own adventure during our seasons of singleness.
So, will you choose to be thankful for the season you are in? Will you obey God's word and stop listening to the world? Will you choose to help others as much as you can?
1 Corinthians 7, Ecclesiastes 3, Hebrews 13:16, Philippians 2:4
Is it worth feeling lonely at times? Is it worth the possibility of not having a family? Is it worth maybe having no one to come home to? I am 23 and I have never been on a date. I will tell you firsthand it is not easy feeling like something is wrong with you because you've never had a boyfriend. But, that is just the Devil lying to you.
It is worth it. I cannot tell you how many opportunities I have had because I am single. I have been able to go on mission’s trips, play soccer on some amazing teams, meet with friends who are hurting and help them, help out more at church, coach many different teams in soccer, and so much more. I would not have had time to do all of those things if I had a boyfriend.
I guess rather than looking at the world we should take a lesson from Paul, and more importantly God. We are to follow God's word. He did create us to be relational beings but not all are called to have that kind of Eros relationship. Rather than dwelling on it, we should be thankful for this time we have; because it could just be a passing season (Ecclesiastes 3). Ultimately we should not forget to have our own adventure during our seasons of singleness.
So, will you choose to be thankful for the season you are in? Will you obey God's word and stop listening to the world? Will you choose to help others as much as you can?
1 Corinthians 7, Ecclesiastes 3, Hebrews 13:16, Philippians 2:4
Official Website: www.savoringsingle.com
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/Savoring-Single-Shelley-Black/dp/1973610590/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513614663&sr=8-1&keywords=savoring+single
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Such a great post Kaitlyn! I loved you how used the Disney Princess examples, haha! Thanks so much for being part of the Tour! <3
ReplyDeleteLove you heart! Well written and thought provoking!