So my loyal followers know that I typically post blogs on
Saturdays. But, something happened yesterday that I just had to do a post
about. I had a soccer game. The soccer game was fairly interesting because we
went into overtime, but something happened that was even more interesting, to
me at least.
Did you ever have something happen to you that you weren’t
expecting to happen? Something that could’ve ended really badly? That’s what
happened to me yesterday.
I was in goal, like I normally am, and I went out to do a
standard breakaway save. But, I got more than I bargained for. I made the save
and the next thing I know I’m on the ground with my eyes closed because the
right size of my face hurt so badly. Then I heard the voices of my teammates
over me saying you’ll be okay. I knew that I just needed a minute because the
wind got knocked out of me and my face hurt. But then, I heard a new voice. He
started asking me questions about me and the team in order to make sure I didn’t
have a concussion. I didn’t have a headache, ringing in my ears, or blurriness
in my vision. So I got up after more questions and I was asked if I wanted to
stay in. My answer was yes. I wasn’t going to let me team down.
During the game in the huddles with my team everyone kept
telling me how bad my eye looked. After the game, when I finally looked at it,
I was like “oh yeah that is bad.” I was told over and over again that I’m lucky
I didn’t get a concussion; and I’m lucky I didn’t get my eye split open. I don’t
call that luck I call that the work of God.
What about you? Has something ever happened to you that
you weren’t expecting? Did you pity yourself and get angry at God, or were you
thankful that something worse didn’t happen? Did you ever stop to think that
maybe whatever occurred happened for reasons you just could not understand?
I know that there are people out there who could never
understand why I did what I did yesterday. But those people are the ones we
need to witness to, whether that is with our words or our actions. Are you
witnessing to them?
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