So, can I just say that I am a little ticked off? I don’t
tend to get ticked off that often, I may get annoyed but I feel like that is a
different thing. Why am I ticked off? It’s because of Christmas.
I know what you’re thinking, why is a Christian ticked off
because of Christmas? It’s because of the fact that Christmas has begun to
overshadow Thanksgiving. There are Christmas advertisements up already, Christmas
songs playing on the radio, and Christmas decorations being hung up. Worst of
all some stores are opening up on Thanksgiving at 6 pm. Hello people! There’s a
red flag there already! Because stores are opening up on Thursday
(Thanksgiving), the American culture is basically saying that what we have is
not good enough. I realize that it is good for the economy and that the stores
make a lot of money on Black Friday; but it’s call Black Friday for a reason,
it’s not called Black Thursday.
Now back to the Christmas songs and decorations. I
realize that Christmas should be every day because we need to have good will
toward everyone; and because we should be thanking God for his gift every day.
However, as I stated in last year’s Christmas post Christmas has become the season of getting. People are much too busy thinking
about what they don’t have rather than what they do have.
So, now you know why I’m ticked off. It’s like
Thanksgiving doesn’t even exist anymore. We are told, in the American culture,
that we don’t have enough. We need to have our own house, a few good cars, a
dog, two children, and so on. And yet, we also celebrate Thanksgiving which is
a national holiday. So, what do we have to be thankful for when we are told
nothing we have, nothing we do, and nothing that we are is good enough?
Once again, to clarify, I do love Christmas. I love
Christmas time; and how people try to be kind and bring peace on earth. I love
the decorations, the songs, and spending time with family. But, I think it’s
important to remember the real reason for the season. I think we also need to
remember that Thanksgiving still exists. We need to be Thankful for what we
have, for what God has given us.
I encourage you to think about how you have been viewing
Thanksgiving this year. Have you been already getting into the Christmas
season, thinking about plans and what you want/need to get for others? Or, have
you been thinking about how thankful you are to have a home, family, food to
eat, clothes to wear, and so on?
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