A long time ago in a land far far away the Roman Empire took over Israel. There is unrest in the Empire and the Jews are waiting for the promised Messiah.
In a stunning move God sent his only Son down to be that Messiah. Jesus died on the cross, was laid in a tomb, and rose after three days.
The followers of Jesus became the Church. The Church knew that Jesus said he would be coming back for them. So the Church began to spread the gospel; and the people of the Church had no problems dealing with one
another as they had church services and spread the gospel...
Ha! That's not what the Bible says. And, that is not how things are today.
There are many churches out there and they all have their
own traditions, styles, and set up. But, there are at least two things every
church has in common. 1. The church believes that Jesus came to die for our
sins (at least all churches should believe that). And 2. Every church has
problems that will arise.
I have been to many different churches. Some of them I am
able to see some problems while I am there. A few churches I have been to are
more conservative in their style. They sing hymns, are set in their traditions,
and are devout believers. But, some of the churches are starting to move into
more of a contemporary style of music. I noticed, at those churches, that some of
the people do not like that.
Some people in those conservative churches may say I am a
rebel because I want newer songs. But, I respect the choices those churches
make to sing hymns. Now, you know how the Bible says to take the log out of
your eye before you take the splinter out of someone else’s eye? Yeah, well one
of those conservative churches played a contemporary song that most people did
not know. And, the result was that some people didn’t even listen to the song! They just sat there, didn’t look at the lyrics on the screen, and talked with
one another.
Different people are reached in different ways. I cannot
tell you how many times I have been reached by a song that I didn’t like the
style of music that much, but the lyrics touched me. We need to stop focusing
on the differences we have in styles and traditions; and start focusing on
being a united front for Christ.
If the Church does not change their tactics then we will
not reach as many people. We don’t have to change the message (Jesus Christ is
Lord); we just need to change how the message is delivered. There are so many
new venues we can use to reach others. Powerful movies have been created by
Christians to spread the gospel. Rap songs, rock songs, books, radio stations,
and so many more things have been created in order to spread the gospel. We
need to use this ways to reach others; and not scoff at people who are
different from us. God loves everyone; and he wants everyone to be saved.
So, have you become part of the problem in the church?
Are you focusing too much on how things in your church are not your style? Have
you tried to see the value in the way that others are spreading the gospel?
1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 28:19, Matthew 7:5
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