All week we talked about how we are made in the image of God. We did this by talking about how we need to know who we are in God, we need to grow in him, come alongside others, serve others, and go spread the good news.
Since out main theme was made, we taught the children a song called Different Drum by Blanca (Link to video here). In the song it talks about how "we're not a copy of the status quo, we're cut from the cloth of the original... all you need to try to be is who you're made to be." This is what we focused on this week. We discussed how we think that our identity is who we are/what we do. But if our identity is what we do, then our identity is always changing. We need to be ourselves because that's who God made us to be. And, the identity that stays constant is that we are children of God.
Another part of the song says "we're gonna march to the beat of a different drum." This lyric reminds us that we are set apart. We do not walk in the ways of the world. Since we are children of God we need to remember that and walk in his ways. That way people will realize that we are different and realize that they too are children of God.
So, do you know that you are "not a copy of the status quo?" Do you believe that you are a child of God? Will you "march to the beat of a different drum?"
John 1:12, Romans 12:2, Ephesians
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