I don't know about you but even though I cannot physically see, hear, or touch God I know he is there. I know because I see God in the little things. When I need something like water and suddenly someone brings water to me, by coincidence, I know that is God touching me. When I'm struggling with something and someone comes to talk to me and see how I'm doing I know that's God speaking to me.
But, sometimes I cannot see, hear, or touch God. I just cannot seem to find him. And, normally, when I cannot see him I feel that I really need him. I feel like I cannot go any longer without him and his help because I've just been beaten down by everything in life. I try to find the positive but it's hard to see the light when you are drowning in the sea of problems.
In those times, I remember that God never gives us more than we can handle through him. Also I remember this quote from God's Not Dead 2: "the teacher's always quiet during the test." In life we will have times of trial and times of testing. Trials come from Satan. He wants to bring us down and separate us from God. Tests come from God. God wants to see if we will follow him no matter what, which is why he gives us tests (think of Abraham having to sacrifice Isaac).
God is our teacher. He gives us everything we need to know in the Bible. He also walks with us in life. However, there are times he wants to see how much we have grown, just like any other teacher wants to. Teachers do not talk during tests. They want to see how much the student has learned; and what the student can do on his own.
After the test is over, the teacher lets the student know how well he did. I don't know about you, but I always worked my hardest to pass tests. I wanted to become better, learn more, and grow. Therefore, I needed to know certain topics before I could learn other, harder, topics. Tests during life seem to be the hardest ones because sometimes you don't know you are in a test. But, whenever something happens in my life I try to look at it through different lenses. I look at it from my perspective, other people's perspective, and God's perspective. I do my best to pass these tests and trials in a godly way.
So, do you ever have problems finding God? Do you see God in the little things? Do you work your hardest to pass tests given to you?
Joshua 1:9, James 2:1-4
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