When I start to feel this way I think of a song from The Prince of Egypt called "Through Heaven's Eyes." Some lyrics are, "A single thread in a tapestry, though its color brightly shines, can never see its purpose, in the pattern of the grand design." Our story isn't a whole tapestry. Our story is only one part of the tapestry. We are part of His story. While we are here we have a choice: do we want to be part of God's story and shine brightly for him, or do we want to try to do things for ourselves?
The song goes on to say: "So how do you measure the worth of a man, in wealth or strength or size, in how much he gained or how much he gave, the answer will come to him who tries, to look at his life through heaven's eyes." Many people try to measure their worth through possessions or success. However, those things are only temporary. We do not take any possessions with us after we die. Many times people compromise to gain success. That is not what we are called to do. We are called to love others and reflect God's glory.
Finally, the song says: "No life can escape being blown about, by the winds of change and chance, and though you never know all the steps, you must learn to join the dance." This life is not going to go the way we planned. God has got better plans for us. We can step back from our lives and not do what God calls us to do. We can kick and scream all we want but God's plan comes about (Jonah). Or, we can walk with God and join the dance of our lives. We don't know what steps God will call us to do, but if he is with us guiding our steps we cannot lose.
We are not on this earth for a very long time. It may seem like forever when we are here but it is only a short time. We can choose to live this life for ourselves and then rot in eternity. Or, we can choose to follow God and make a difference in the lives of others.
So, do you believe that your life is part of His story? Will you live your life to reflect his glory? How can you take steps to follow God and help others today?
1 Corinthians 10:31, 1 John 2:15-17, Proverbs 3:5-6
Image from here.
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