You may be thinking, "I'm not that bad." Let's see if you are
correct. You are in charge of choosing the next CEO of a major company. There
are many choices but the company has narrowed them down to 3 options. First
there is a man who is well built. He looks tough and will not take no for an
answer. You know he will push the company to new heights because he will push
his employees. And, if anyone steps out of line he will get rid of them and
find someone better.
Next there is a man who is smaller, leaner, and wearing
glasses. This man graduated from Harvard. He excelled in all of his classes and
graduated with a 4.0 GPA. He is also up with the times and is very tech savvy.
You know this man will help push the company into not only the 21st century but
the 22nd too. He will keep on helping the company grow so it will not fall
behind other companies.
Who would you choose? Before you make an official decision let me remind you of a Bible story. In 1 Samuel 16:1-13 we find the account of Samuel choosing the next king of Israel. Samuel saw 7 of Jesse's sons and he thought all of them would be chosen because of experience, stature, etc. But, God didn't choose any of them because God looks at the heart. God cares about choosing leaders who care. He wants leaders who will help his flock grow. He wants leaders who will be good role models. He wants leaders who walk with him.
Now, back to the CEO choice, who would you choose? Who do you think God would choose? We never know who God would choose but we must remember that God looks at the heart. He wants people who care about Him and about others, just as the great commandment calls us to do. According to God's standards a Shepherd boy can be king, a murderer can be the leader of Israel, a tax collector can become a disciple, and a carpenter can be the savior of the world. Each of these men were chosen by God to make a difference. They were not chosen because of their stature, experience, or knowledge. They were chosen because of their hearts.
Imagine what God could do with you if you followed him with all your heart? Could you become a CEO that makes a difference in the world? Could you become a pro athlete that gives God the glory? Could you become a missionary that reaches the lost? God is searching for people who have a heart for him, do you have a heart for him? Will God choose you to make a difference because of your heart for him? And, if he does, will you be willing to listen to the call?
Image from here.
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