In the movie Tangled there is a lost princess named Rapunzel. She was taken from her home and raised by a woman, named Mother Gothel, who just wanted Rapunzel for her power. Rapunzel wanted to leave the Tower but Mother Gothel would not let her leave. Rapunzel meets a man who helps her leave the Tower to complete her dream. Of course there are trials on the way, but in the end Rapunzel realizes that she needs a new dream. Her new dream includes the man who loved her, the kingdom, and her parents. There was a huge party because the lost princess had returned.
This story reminds me a lot of another story from the Bible. The lost son wanted his share of the birthright before his father was dead. His father gave him the money and the son left. The son spent all of his money on frivolous things. Once he did not have any more money people did not like him anymore and he was not popular. He ended up getting a job feeding pigs. Then he decided to go back home. His father welcomed him and there was a huge party.
Obviously there are some differences between the stories, but there are some major similarities. Though the son left on his own and Rapunzel did not have a choice, both realized that they needed something more. They both had a dream to leave where they were "trapped" and go back home, whether they knew it was their home or not. Both of them faced trials on their journey like soldiers and false friends. Finally, both ended up realizing that their dream needed to change. They both realized where they belonged. When they came home there was a huge party because what was once lost is now found.
These stories relate to us too. We walk on this earth with a lot of different dreams. But, we realize that those dreams are only temporary fills. We realize we need something more. We need to go home to our father. I'm not talking about our earthly father, I'm talking about our heavenly father. We fail and sin on earth then we realize that doing that is wrong. That's when we repent. We turn around. We turn away from our wicked ways and go toward a new dream. We go towards our true home.
So, what stage are you at in your life? Are you trying to fill your life with temporary fills? Have you repented and started to run toward your new dream of being with your heavenly Father?
Luke 15:11-32, Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9
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