This concludes my series on the Enigma that is Jesus. At
the beginning of the series, I talked about how people call Jesus a lot of
different things. Many people don't understand Jesus. We learned that this is a
good thing because he is God. If we can understand our God and why he does
everything he does, then he wouldn't be worthy of worship.
We talked about many things that Jesus said that were
confusing, or difficult for us to follow. Jesus was showing us how we are to
walk with him and like him by teaching us through his word. Jesus said many
confusing things and things we don't like because they are hard for us to do.
If following Jesus was easy he wouldn't have said: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the
gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through
it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a
few find it" (Mat.7.13-14). Following Jesus isn't easy but it is worth it
to have someone who loves us enough to die for us.
But, that's what I think of Jesus. The point of this
series was to try to explain why Jesus said what he said. In no way did I
totally discuss everything Jesus said or did. And, I don't understand
everything he said or did still. But, it doesn't matter what I think about
Christ to you. It matters to me what I think about him; because I know I'm
saved through him. What matters is what you think about him.
In Matthew 16:13-20 we find the story of Jesus asking his
disciples, "who do people say the Son of Man is?" The disciples throw
out a few names like Elijah or the prophets. Then Jesus asks: "who do you
say I am?"
I encourage you to not delay. Look more into this and
make a decision quickly. Matthew 24:42 says: "Therefore keep watch,
because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." Jesus is coming
back for those who trust him as their savior. He will come in the blink of an
eye. And, if you have ever read Revelation or the Left Behind Series you know,
you will not want to be left behind.
However, if you say that Jesus is the Son of God, as
Simon Peter did in Matthew 16:16, I encourage you to choose to follow him
today. Ask Jesus to wash you clean as snow, believe in him as your personal
savior, and confess your sins. Do it because you realize you cannot go through
this life without him. Do it because you want to keep growing in your knowledge
and relationship with him. Do it because he loves you so much and wants to be
with you forever.
If you already know Christ as your savior, I encourage
you to keep growing in him. Abide with him each day. Read his word. Pray about
your blessings and problems you have. Trust that he loves and cares for you.
Above all else, do not give up hope. He loves us and he is coming back for us
some day. Until then, follow him because he is our only hope.
So, who do you say Jesus is?
Image from here.
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