“No one can serve
two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be
devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
Matthew 6:24
Our verse today says, "No one can serve two
masters." If we love something more than God then it has become a master
over us. Let me give you an example from the secular world. Once there was a
man named Scrooge. He lost everyone he loved because he loved money more. He
would pay his employees very little. He would not use coal to warm his
buildings. He even ate very plain food so that he would save money. Then he was
visited by 3 spirits who changed his perspective. He began to give to others,
both his time and money. Scrooge realized that in the long run money didn't
We cannot take money with us to heaven. The only things
we take to heaven is our soul. While we are here it is our job to grow in God
and show his love to others. That's how we show our love to him. That's how we
serve him and not idols.
So, are you serving something other than God? How can you
follow him? Will you show his love for others today?
Image from here.
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