Picture this: You are going about your day in Jerusalem. You
see dust kicked up from so many people being here. You smell animals and sweat
because it is so hot. Yet, there is some excitement in the air. People are
getting ready for Passover. Then you hear that Jesus is coming. You hear that
Jesus has performed miracles, healed others, and could be the Messiah. Other
people begin to grab palm branches and run outside the city to greet him. You go
out and see that people are dancing and singing because salvation has come. Then
you hear Jesus weep and say that Jerusalem will be destroyed.
Based off of what you visualized how are you feeling? You
probably are confused and maybe even a little angry. Wouldn’t a savior protect
his kingdom? What many people forget is that Jesus is an enigma. He has a
perfect plan that has come about and will continue to come about. His kingdom
isn’t temporary or earthly. His kingdom is an eternal kingdom. And, what is
even better is that his kingdom isn’t just for the Jews. He died on the cross
so that ALL could be saved.
This is why we celebrate Palm Sunday. This day started
the week where Jesus would die and be resurrected. I encourage you to think
about what Jesus did for you. He took the burden of sin for you. He came into
Jerusalem knowing that he would die. He came saying “not my will but yours be
This blog was shortened from a sermon I preached at
Maytown Church of God today. If you would like to hear the whole sermon you can
click this link to hear it. Then scroll down to find the sermon called "Why Do We Celebrate Palm Sunday?" And click audio (you may have to turn on the volume to hear the sermon).
Image from here.
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