This week I was at Camp YoliJwa (YOuth LIving Jesus WAy).
Their theme this year is SWORD. In Hebrews 4: 12 it says: “For the word of God
is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and
attitudes of the heart.”
At Camp we talked about how important it is to know the Word
of God. One activity we did really hit home for me. Each year we have a different
memory verses to memorize. There are usually 5 to memorize (5 days in the work
week). However, some people pointed out that usually after we memorize them we
forget them quickly so it’s not really memorization.
This teacher said she doesn’t try to memorize she keeps
these verses in her heart. If she doesn’t get the whole thing right word for
word that’s okay (as long as she doesn’t add or take away from the meaning of
scripture). I thought even that may be tricky and I’ve grown up in the church
my whole life.
On Friday, we did an activity where we had a list of
situations. Each situation was different and evoked different emotions. We were
challenged to not use the Bible but instead our memory to put scripture we
could use in each situation on the page. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t terribly
hard either. I was honestly shocked that I knew many verses for the situations.
I may not have known the reference but I knew the gist of the verse. It was a
good activity because now I know some verses to use if I ever get into those
situations and I will not feel pressured.
What about you? Do you know the Bible well enough that if
someone had a list of situations you could put a verse to that situation? If
you do not, I encourage you to try to spend more time in the word. Try to put certain
verses in your heart so you will have them when you face trials. If you are not
good at memorizing, that’s okay. Just spend some time meditating on those
verses you find. Ask God to show you some verses you need to see in situations
you are in now.
Hebrews 4:12, Matthew 4:4, 2 Timothy 3:16
Image from here.