I've taught Bible lessons before I worked at this school. I was a Sunday school teacher, taught Vacation Bible School lessons, and lessons at camp. But, teaching at this school was different. I taught Bible lessons every day at school and went deeper into those stories with the kids. Each story I taught I started to see a common thread: everything comes back to the heart.
Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Why? They disobeyed because their heart was not for God at that time. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son. Why? He was willing because his heart was for God. Saul killed Christians until he met Jesus on Damascus road. Then he started to preach the Gospel. Why? Saul's heart originally wasn't for God. Then his heart changed, he repented, and he started to preach the Gospel because his heart was for God.
Each of these stories teach us many lessons but my heart started to change while I was teaching too. I have always tried to do what God calls me to do, even when it's not easy. That year many times when I was teaching Bible I wasn't just talking to my students, I was also talking to myself.
Have you ever had that feeling when you heart starts beating faster and louder, you keep on talking though you may not know exactly what you are going to say next, and after you say what you said you are thinking "how did I do that? Where did those words come from?" Those words did not come for you, they came from God. And, those words may be talking to you as well.
The words that come out of your mouth lets people know exactly where your heart is. If you are asked to help volunteer somewhere and you say, "I can't I have to get some things done at home." Then you just sit on the couch all day. Where is your heart? If you are asked to go to a special event at a church, and instead you go out to eat, where is your heart? If you lie, cheat, steal, etc. To gain things for yourself, where is your heart?
God lets you know exactly where your heart is by testing you. If you feel like you are not having good conversations with God like you used to then your heart probably is not in the right place. What can you do to continue to have your heart in the right place? God tells us in the Bible: read the word, pray to him, and trust in him. That's the way that your heart will be for God. That's how we can be like those in the Hall of Faith. That's how we can reach others for Him.
So, where is your heart at? Do you have a good relationship with God? What can you do to keep having a heart for God?
Ezekiel 36:26, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 6:21
Image from here.
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