Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rooted: Camp YoliJwa 2024

   This year Camp YoliJwa's theme is Rooted. I taught the young adults at their family camp this week. We discussed what good roots are, bad roots, and the fruits of the spirit. Now, with my husband being a landscaper I thought a lot about what we can learn from plants and there's quite a bit.
   First, plants need deep roots. The roots give them their nutrients and help them get water from the soil. If a root is bad or isn't in a good spot to do that then it isn't doing what the plant requires of it. The same can be said of us. We are plants that need deep roots in the right places. We need roots in the word. If we don't have that we will not grow properly.
   Plants also need a balance of space and closeness. If a plant doesn't have plenty of space it will be fighting other plants for nutrients, water, and sun light. If we don't have space to grow, be on our own path, or time away from others our relationship with God may be in jeopardy. We need to focus on our growth in God so that we can help others with their growth. If we are too far or too close to others that can cause problems. Too far and we don't make an impact on others for the good of the kingdom of God. Too close and we miss out on our alone time with God. Or we are fighting for the nutrients and knowledge we need. If we are too close or comparing ourselves to others, we miss out on the path and plan God has for us. And if we don't take time to be in silence with God we miss out on connecting with him and learning from him.
   A plants job is to produce fruit. Plants try to produce good fruit but that doesn't always happen. We can produce good or bad fruit too. Galatians 5:19-26 talks about the fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit. We are to produce the things of God, or the fruits of the spirit. We are not to produce the fruits of the flesh. The things of the flesh are the things of the world. The things of the world will pass away. Only the fruit of the spirit will last and matter in heaven.
   Finally, a plant doesn't eat its own fruit. The point of fruit is to spread the plant to other places so others like it can grow. The purpose of our lives is not to glorify ourselves. Rather our purpose is to reflect God's glory. Our purpose is to produce fruit that others see that then get spread to others. It helps others grow in their faith. People look at us and see we are different. The fruit of the spirit that we produce is different from the fruit of the flesh. 
   So, what kind of roots do you have? What fruit are you producing? How can you keep growing in God?

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