Saturday, August 3, 2024

How Do You Worship?

    I have worshipped God in many places. Technically in all you do, you can worship. But I am talking about worship in a community and singing. Though worship should be between you and God, it sometimes feels like you are being judged during worship. If you look around during worship you may see some people raising their arms, crying, dancing, etc. Sometimes people are not focused on the song, instead they are focused on what others are doing. 

   Worship should be something sacred. You should not feel judged for how you worship, and you should not judge others as you should be focused on the Lord. Yet, judgement will happen. In 2 Samuel 6:14-22 we see David dancing in front of the Ark of the Lord in a priestly garment. The king of Israel is worshiping the Lord for all to see by dancing. Now, either that is something that is looked down upon or the king was a bad dancer ;) Whatever the case, Michal, his wife, judges him. She says he shamed himself. David replies, “I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes!”

   David didn’t care how he was judged. He just cared about praising the Lord. There are times where I will sway or dance during worship. The only time I never felt judged about how I worshiped was at Breakout Church. One of the first things the pastor said was worship how you feel led. I sat and drank in the words that God was speaking to me during that worship. It was amazing to see, hear, and feel the worship there. There are people dancing, yelling, speaking in tongues, pacing, flagging, and much more. They do whatever they feel led to do and there is freedom in that. I would love to see us stop judging others so much and focus more on connecting with the Lord. God gives us different gifts and personalities for a reason. So why don’t we praise him for that and all that he has done for us?

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