Saturday, March 8, 2025

Supposed To's

 What's with all the supposed to's?

It feels like it's nothing new.

We are supposed to have money to live comfortably,

But is that what we always see?

We are supposed to be always perfect and on,

But that wears us down to the point where we sing a sad song.

We are supposed to be happy all the time every day,

But that just makes us unreal I need to say.

What's with all the supposed to's?

It seems like there's so much to do.

We are supposed to obey the law,

But how can we do that for the long hall?

We are supposed to love others,

But what if someone doesn't act like a brother?

We are supposed to serve,

But what if you are overworked and on your last nerve?

What's with all the supposed to's?

God loves us no matter what we do.

We should lower our expectations and just be,

That's what God wants from you and me.

He wants us to grow,

And to reap the fruit we sow.

Faith in our work is what will show,

When we just learn to let God and let go.

So, are you focused too much on the supposed to's in life? How can you learn to lean on God and grow in him?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Know Your Objective

    One day my brother and I were playing a video game called Star Wars Battlefront 2. In it there is a campaign mode where you have certain objectives you need to complete. We were blazing through the levels till we hit one. And the reason we failed was for a very silly reason.

   We were about midway through the level and doing well. Then we were told to go to the library. We went and when we got there, we didn't know what to do. We just assumed we should destroy the bookcases. That's what we did. No sooner did we do that than we saw the word "defeat" come across the screen. Okay, not wanting to feel any more defeated than we already did, we tried again, and the same thing happened. The third time we actually went into the objective menu and found out we were supposed to defend the bookshelves. We were losing because we didn't know what we were to do.

   It is the same in life. We were all created for a purpose. We all have an objective. We are to reflect God's glory and tell others about him. If we didn't have an objective after being saved, why wouldn't God just take us to heaven after being born again? It's because we are here for a reason. We have a purpose.  Do you know that? Do you know what your objective in this life is?