Oswald J. Smith once said “we talk of the Second Coming;
half the world has never heard of the first.” On March 3rd I began
an excursion to a new place: Puerto Rico. It was my first ever mission trip and
it was my first time on a plane. Needless to say, there were a lot of firsts on
this trip. This trip also got me thinking about a lot of things.
Every year at Lancaster Bible College there is a week set
aside to talk about missions. It is called Missions Conference week. Different activates
are set up for us to do; and missionaries come. Each year the theme is pretty
much the same message: some are called to go, others to send, and others to
pray. Honestly, you kind of become numb to it because of how much we talk about
missions. Not that I am saying missions is a bad thing. What I am saying is I
never felt called to missions in another country. People can be missionaries
wherever they are at.
Romans 10:13-15 talks about how people who have not heard
the word cannot accept Christ. I don’t know your thoughts on this, but I do
know that there are people in the American Culture who have not heard about
Christ. Or, they have not seen Christ through Christians. America is a missions
field. Think about our culture. There are people impacted by divorce, homosexuality,
abuse, sex outside of marriage, abortion, and so many other things.
I have found that people listen to others more when
people actually seem to care about them. It is in the little acts that people
tend to realize we are the real deal. Sure, as a “trader” we will need to
sacrifice some things but we need to remember the things of this world are temporary.
We need to show Christ’s love to others so that someday they may come to
Christ. And, when we become friends with those people we need to be an example
for them.
So, I want to be clear I am not saying we shouldn’t go to
other countries to be missionaries. What I am saying is that if you are a
Christian you are a missionary. It does not matter where you are in the world.
We need to tell others about Christ.
So are you being a missionary where you are at? Are you
showing the love of Christ to others?
Romans 10:13-15, Mark 16:15, Matthew 24:14
Link to Missional Living video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHa_d_8Wlgg
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