I want to start off this blog by saying that this is a
story that was told to me by a friend. I have permission to tell it.
It all started in middle school. This girl had tried to
follow God, but in doing so it made her stand out more. She was an introvert, a
deep thinker, had a really good memory, and tended to over-analyze things. This
is her story.
In middle school this girl was bullied. She didn’t have
any close friends and she wondered what was wrong with her. She would go home
at night and cry herself to sleep. Eventually, she began to think that she
should end it all.
Some of her thoughts at this point were: “I’m never going
to have a best friend who sticks with me,” “I must have caused others pain in
their lives because no one likes me,” “nothing I ever do will be good enough for
anyone,” “I’m broken and battered,” “I’m a ticking time bomb,” and “does anyone
truly see me?”
The girl knew the other voice was God’s. While she heard
the voices she began to cry more than she ever had before. She began to shake
and toss and turn; and her heart beat faster than ever before. After fifteen
minutes of this she got the idea to talk to God. As soon as she did that the
shaking stopped.
So, why am I telling you all of this? It is not because
the girl wants attention or pity. It’s because the girl told me that the only
reason she made it through those nights was because of talking to God. Without him
she told me that she probably wouldn’t be here today. See, God is with us no
matter what we are going through. He reminds us of our worth, which is in him.
I also want to point out that no matter what you have
done in your life, no matter how you are feeling, no matter what people have
done to you, and no matter how people feel about you remember that God is
always there for you. People are going to mess up and let you down but God will
never let you down. You just need to trust him.
Finally, we need to realize that we have no idea what
people are thinking or what they are going through. People don’t have
thought bubbles over their heads that tell us what they are thinking. The only
way you will know what a person is thinking, or what is going on in their life,
is if you ask. We need to be there for one another through difficult times
because that’s what God calls us to do.
So are there any lies the devil is telling you right now? How has your relationship with God been lately? Do you know anyone who may be in need right now? Are you willing to reach out to them?
James 4:7, John 1:10-13, John 10:27
Love it! Such a good reminder :-)