Did you ever watch a show, movie, or hear a story about
someone who messed up and think “he should have known better?” Or, you watch a
show and tell the character in the show not to do something you know the
character is going to do anyhow (because you either saw the show before, or you
are just that good at predicting shows). Yeah, I have definitely been there. In
fact, I was there the other day before I saw the show Samson at Sight and Sound.
There are many lessons in the production but the story boils
down to a few key lessons specific characters learn.
Delilah. A name well known by those who study the Bible,
Delilah is the woman who caresses the secret to Samson’s strength out of him.
Christians tend to see characters in the Bible as black and white. In other
words: Delilah was a betrayer, Moses always followed God, Joseph forgave his brothers right away, Thomas was a doubter,
etcetera etcetera. But, Sight and Sound does not portray characters that way.
The only way to true freedom is through the grace of
Jesus Christ; but Delilah could not follow Christ because she felt she didn’t
deserve it or she didn’t want it because of wanting pleasure in this life. She
wanted to feel loved; but she compromised in order to get what she thought
would make her feel loved. She loved herself more than she loved God.
Just like Delilah, we many want something for our life
that isn’t our destiny. To that some people may say “we make our own destiny.”
And, in a way, we do. We choose the path we follow. Delilah chose to betray
Samson. Samson teetered back and forth between following God/having faith and
doing what he wanted to do. Many of us tend to teeter back and forth between
having faith and falling away from God just like Samson. But, in the end,
Samson had faith in God; and he chose to follow God. That is why Samson is in
the hall of faith. He loved God and accepted God’s grace in the end.
So, have you run away from the love and grace of God? Do
you ever teeter back and forth between having faith in God and not having
faith? When it comes down to it are you going to follow the destiny God has for
you, or are you going to follow your own path?
Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 12:9-12, Luke 1:37, Hebrews
P.S. If you have
not seen Samson at Sight and Sound in Lancaster Pennsylvania yet I
highly recommend it.
More information on the show at this website: https://www.sight-sound.com/WebSite/shows.do
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