WAKE UP! That’s what I would like to say to some churches
out there. Let me explain to you why I would like to say that the best way I
know how: through relating it to a movie. ;)
Back in 2013 a movie called The Croods came out. Grug, the dad in The Croods, is very protective of his family. He does not like
change, or new things. The Crood family only goes out of their cave during the
day; because at night it is dark and they don’t have any light. The family does
not really argue with this point of view until Eep, Grug’s teenage daughter,
begins to rebel against this idea. She becomes increasingly more curious. One
night she leaves the cave and meets a guy named Guy.
This is when Eep starts to get some “rebellious” ideas.
She begins to say that what the Croods are doing now isn’t living it is just
surviving. Then an earthquake comes and the Croods’ cave collapses. So the
Croods have to move on. They are saved by Guy. Guy shares his new ideas with
the family and everyone seems to agree with the ideas, except for Grug. Grug
doesn’t want to change.
This is how some churches are today. They are just
surviving, they are not living. These churches are dying, they just may not see
it. Change is very difficult; but if churches do not change they will die. I’m
not saying that the churches need to change their beliefs when it comes to the
Bible. They need to change how the service is. If churches do not change with
the times then they will die.
Grug did not want to change his ways. If the family would
have followed him they would have died. But, the family chose to follow Guy.
Some may see Guy as a radical, rebel in the church. This person comes in and
wants to worship in different ways. Maybe it is using contemporary songs,
starting different outreach programs, or anything against the grain of the
Ultimately the Church is to follow Jesus’ example.
Churches are totally different today from what they were back in Bible times. But,
Jesus did leave an example for us. He differentiated, or changed the way that
he dealt with people based off of who they were; and what they liked. He still
preached the gospel but in different ways. That is what the Church needs to do
today. Far too many churches are not reaching others. They are not following
the Great Commission because their focus has moved to themselves. They want
their way in the church and they will not change.
I hate to break it to these churches but they are dying.
They may survive for a time; but they are not living out the Great Commission. That
is why I think the churches need to wake up. The people there need to take a
good long look in the mirror and say are we following Christ’s example?
So, how is your church doing? Is your church reaching
others? Are you doing your job to reach others? Is your church differentiating
to reach other people?
Romans 1:16, Matthew 9:37-38, Ephesians 2:19-22,
Ephesians 4:16
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