Saturday, April 8, 2017

Are You On the Fence?

   “I’m on the fence about it.” Have you ever said that? You just are not sure which way you want to go; or which way is right. Well, at Camp YoliJwa they do a little skit that deals with this predicament. It goes something like this:
   A girl is sitting on a fence (or a bench). She is just minding her own business when Jesus comes over. He says “you know, today would be a great day to come over to my side of the fence.” The girl says “yeah, I guess I could do that.” But, just as she is about to go over Satan comes on the other side. He says “you don’t want to do that. Come to my side. You will not have any responsibilities on my side.” The girl stops and thinks about it. Jesus says “please come to my side. You may not have another chance to.” Satan says “no, you’ve got all the time in the world. Besides, if you go to his side you will not have as much fun. Come to my side.” The girl says “you know what I think I’m just going to stay here.” Jesus looks like he is about to cry and turns away. Then Satan starts to laugh. The girl asks Satan “why is Jesus so sad, and why are you laughing?” Satan says “because Jesus knows that if you are on the fence you are on my side.”
   The moral of this skit is that we cannot continue to be on the fence. There are so many people out there who consider themselves Christian but they are just on the fence about it. There are also Christians out there who have chosen to accept Christ but they are on the fence in other ways or about other things.
   It’s like this. When I was first learning how to drive it would take me a long time to get places because when I was at a stop sign I was never sure if I should go or not when a car was coming. But, now that I am more experienced I know when to commit. If I would not commit/go I would be stuck at the stop sign for a long time. Or, if I would go but decide all of the sudden that I should stop I would get hit.
   Especially nowadays we need to know what we believe and why we believe what we believe. We cannot continue to be on the fence about things. If we do not commit we are of no use to God. We need to follow the Great Commission and spread the gospel.
   So, have you gone to Jesus’ side? Are you on the fence about anything you shouldn’t be on the fence about? Are you following the Great Commission?
   Revelation 3:15-16, Deuteronomy 30:19, Matthew 28:16-20

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