What do you do
When you feel so down?
When you cannot be perked up
Because you feel like you are going to drown.
We have so many blessings
In life
But for some reason we forget them
Because we have so much strife
What do you do
When you feel so alone?
When you forget
Everything you have known.
In times when it feels
Like God is far away
And you cannot
Keep the Devil at bay.
He whispers lies
And says you are not loved.
But in order to remember
All you need to do is look above.
For some reason whenever I am going through a hard time
in life I get the urge to write. Most of the time, if it is a really difficult
time, I write poetry. However, sometimes it is not a really difficult time and
I find myself writing again. Sometimes I find myself writing because I know how
I should feel or what I should do but it is hard.
The world tells us that we should act on our feelings;
that we should follow our heart. But the Bible says that the heart is wicked
(Jeremiah 17:9-10). When we accept God he then creates a clean heart in us.
But, sometimes we still stray away.
The reason behind why I tend to go through these phases
is because I stop talking to my best friend. I stop talking to God. When I take
my eyes off him then my problems become big. When my eyes are on him then my
problems do not seem as large.
I’m not going to lie, it was not easy to write this blog.
It is not easy to be real with others and let them know your downfalls. But,
that is what we are called to do (2 Corinthians 12:9). My point is that no
matter what problem you are facing it is important to keep your eyes fixed on
God. Because, when you do, your problems will not seem as big since you have a
bigger God on your side.
So, are you listening to the Devil or God? Are you going
through phases in your life where you trust God and where you do not trust him?
What can you do to keep your eyes fixed on him?
Matthew 14:22-33, Nehemiah 1:9, John 1:12
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