"Faith is taking the
first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" (Martin Luther
King Jr.).
Do you trust me? That's the
question I asked some children that I was teaching. I had only known these
children for 3-4 days. The first child said, "yes I trust you."
Children are very trusting, which can be good or bad depending on the situation.
Thus, after I asked "do you trust me?" The child
would get a bean. I didn't know if it was good or bad. Therefore, the child
actually couldn't trust me. This helped the children have fun while also
realizing that people are going to let them down; no matter how much that
person doesn't want to let them down. There is only one person who we can have
faith in and know that he won't let us down: God.
The shield was a vital tool to
the Roman soldiers. It was their only defense from flaming arrows. The shield
was so tall that the soldier could crouch behind it when he saw those arrows
For the Christian, we need to
crouch behind our faith. We don't have arrows flying at us, but we do have
other things thrown at us. We have lies, guilt, and many more things thrown at
us by the devil. When these are thrown at us we must have faith.
Faith is the only thing that
may keep us going at times. When many bad things happen at once we must cling
to our faith. If we don't cling then we have a danger of losing the only thing
that truly matters in life: our relationship with God. Sure, people also matter
to us but, as stated in other blogs, we need to take care of our faith first
before we can take care of others.
How can we have faith? We need
to dig deeper into our relationship with God. When you first accepted Christ
you were on fire for God and you wanted to know more about him. Like in any
relationship, that fire fades. In order to keep our faith we must dig deeper.
We need to find out more about God. We need to pray and talk with God. That is
what will help our shield of faith grow.
So, will you dig deeper into
your faith? Will you get to know God more as you grow? Will you continue to
keep your shield of faith up?
Hebrews 11:1, Romans 10:17,
Ephesians 6:10-18
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