Sunday, February 16, 2025

Footprints in the Snow

     As a kid, I enjoyed many activities in the snow. One of them was making footprints in the snow. Now, I was organized even as a child. I tried to make footprints only in one area. Also, I kept a specific area in the yard clear of footprints because I liked seeing snow without them in it, but that’s beside the point.

  Why did I enjoy making footprints? Well, other than enjoying acting like a giant, I liked making an impact on something. Once you put your foot in the snow and took two more steps you could look back and see what your shoe looked like. It was interesting looking at the details that the bottom of my boot made. Then I would race off to make a snowman or go sledding and not think about it much more after that.

   My footprint wouldn’t stay there long though. Inevitably more snow would come, someone else would step there, or the snow would melt. But that took time. 

It’s incredible to think about how temporary things are. One minute I made my impact on the world (literally if there was mud) and the next it was gone. That’s how our lives are too. One minute we are here and the next we are gone. Wow, morbid turn I know right. But it’s the truth. Our legacy will inevitably end and what then?

   What will matter in the long run? Will the house you have, the car you drove, how much money you have matter when you die? No, none of that will matter. What will matter? How can you have a legacy that lasts? Paul talks about this in Colossians 3:1-17. He says we are to put away the things of this world. We are to focus on Godly things such as compassion and love. Those are the things that will matter in heaven. That’s what will make a legacy, not for us but for God. And that’s what we should be focused on.

   So, are you focused on your legacy or on God’s and how you can make a difference for him on earth? How can you make an impact for the kingdom each day?

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