Saturday, June 25, 2022


   Have you ever gone through a time where you just don't think things can get any worse? Maybe multiple things happened to you in the period of a few days that just weren't what you were expecting. Maybe you wondered how God could allow those things to happen to you. That's when you get the typical answer from a Christian friend, "everything happens for a reason." You may not like to hear that answer, I believe it is true and even I don't like hearing it sometimes.
   God does do everything for a reason. To illustrate this let me tell you a story I once heard. Once there was a pastor. The pastor was mentoring a young man who decided he wanted to be a pastor. By meeting together, the pastor had discovered some items that had to be dispelled from this young man if he was going to be a successful pastor. Apparently, the young man was very prideful. He thought he could do it all on his own and that he knew everything. One day the young man got some bad news. His father had just died suddenly of a heart attack. The young man was upset and began to call friends to let them know what happened. When he called his first friend, his friend was already crying. The young man asked if his friend had already heard about his father. His friend said "no." The friend then told him that apparently some of their friends had just gotten into an accident and died. The young man broke down. He wondered why God would let this happen. Then he turned his back on God. He began to drink and separate himself from friends and family. Eventually the young man saw the error of his ways and went back to church. The young man spoke with the pastor and said he realized that he had to be broken in order to grow closer to God. He saw that he was prideful and changed his ways (The Bait of Satan).
   This man could be likened to Peter. Peter was almost always one of the first disciples to speak, and sometimes he spoke without thinking. Peter was one of the disciples who argued about who would be greatest. He thought he could control things that just were not in his control. Peter too, was broken. He denied Jesus 3 times when Jesus needed him most. But, after Peter was broken, he turned to Jesus and was a very influential leader in the beginning of the church. Peter gave up his pride and shined brighter than ever. If Peter hadn't gone through that experience he never would have had that influence on others for Christ.
   As Christians I think we forget that sometimes God brings about bad things for our good, even if Satan caused it to happen. We may not like the things that happen to us but they can help us grow in God, if we let them. Being broken hurts but if we are never broken we cannot grow into something more beautiful. Just think about it, even a glow stick needs to be broken before it can shine (otherwise it is useless).
   So, when bad things happen how will you view them? Will you trust that God can use everything for good? Will you let your light shine no matter what happens?
   Psalm 51:8, Psalm 147:3, Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
   Image from here

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