Saturday, December 30, 2023

Have Patience Don't Be In Such a Hurry

    One day I was at school with my students, and we were coming inside after playing outside. I went to work setting up lunch while my co-teacher helped the students wash their hands. After washing their hands, the children sat at the tables to eat lunch.

   I was still working on getting all the lunch items out on their plates. I was going as fast as I could. One child sat down and said, "Ms. Kat, you forgot my vegetables." Another student sat down and said, "why did I only get two crackers?!" I looked at my co-teacher in shock. I was literally in the process of opening more crackers and the students could not wait seconds for me to open the crackers. My co-teacher began to sing a song about patience.

   I looked at the students and said, "do you see that I am working on it? Please be patient!" Then we talked about how sometimes you need to wait for things and people. We also talked about how teachers are not octopi. We can only do so much at once.

   That's not the first time that has happened and I'm sure it will not be the last. But it is a good reminder that we all need to practice patience. Sometimes we want things right away. We want God to give us things. We want God to take trials away, and we want it right away. 

   Romans 12:12 reminds us to "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Sometimes trials come for reasons we cannot know or see. That's when we must trust in the Lord. We must pray and remember his word so we can get through the trial. Easier said than done, but still true.

   So, how are you doing in the patience department? Are you relying on God when trials come? Pray and ask God to give you patience and trust when trials come.


Monday, December 25, 2023

An Empty Gift: A Christmas Blog

   Today is the day. The day my students are talking about before it's even Halloween. The day where kids believe a man in red has come down their chimney, whether you have a chimney or not, to put gifts under your tree. But how would your kids feel if those boxes they thought had presents in them were empty? How would you feel if someone gave you a present and nothing was in it?

   The funny thing is, the greatest gift we have ever been given came in "boxes" that are now empty. Jesus came to earth and was placed in a manger that is now empty. He died on a cross which is now empty. He was placed in a tomb that is now empty. Those packages help remind us that while they are empty, we are not. 

   Jesus came to give us the greatest gift, salvation. Then he didn't stop there. God sent the Holy Spirit to guide us. He sent us so many gifts through the Spirit. But we must empty ourselves of ourselves. We must give up our desires, our selfishness, and our sin. We must become empty so we can be filled in Him. We must be born again.

   So, this Christmas, remember that just because something is empty doesn't mean it's bad. Remember to thank God for what he has done for us. For the gift he has given us. Remember to empty yourself of your desires and be filled with God.

   1 Corinthians 6:19, John 14:26, John 3:6-8

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Look For Glimmers

   I began a grueling time of COVID. I've had COVID before. It did take a lot out of me. I had many of the same symptoms as before. I just expected it would be about the same as the times before. I was wrong.

   I was congested beyond any level I had been ever. I was exhausted and unable to sleep. When sleep did finally come I didn't want to wake up. I wasn't hungry but when hunger came it was ravenous. The problem was I had no energy. Yeah I could hardly even sit up at a table. Chewing? Took the energy out of me. And when I did get any headway, my head would start aching and pounding. 

   That went on for at least 10 days. 10 days of misery. 10 days of questions. 10 days of "God why?" "God did I sin?" "God do I need to learn a lesson?" "God tell me what to do to get better, please." 10 days of crying out for healing. And, nothing.

   I wasn't even able to make it through a whole day of work in that time. I was weak, tired, and losing hope. So what do you do when you have nothing left?

   I had to look for the glimmers. What was good? Where did I see God? I saw God in him sending my boyfriend to be my helper. I saw God in the scriptures, as I listened to healing scriptures for many of those days. I saw God in people reaching out to check on me. I saw God in the songs he sent over the radio. I saw God in the podcasts that randomly played while I was resting. I saw God in women praying in the spirit over me for healing. I saw God in my students listening and helping me. I saw God in my bosses being supportive and caring. 

   None of those things changed my circumstances, but it did change my perspective. I was still tired and in pain but I was thankful for those around me. I was still congested but I saw the help coming. And, as I write this, I'm still sick. But I know God is with me. Will I still face thought battles? Probably. Will I still get emotional? Probably. I don't know if there's a grand lesson in this suffering. I don't even know if I'll make it through work tomorrow. But I know whose I am and who is for me. That's what I need.

   So, when challenging times come what do you do? Where do you look? Who do you look to?

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Hands Up in Battle

    Each day we wake up to a new morning and a new chance to grow in God. We may not know what battles we will face that day, but we know who is on our side as we face those battles. Yet, some battles are harder to face or defeat than others.

   In Exodus 17:8-16 the Israelites are fighting against the Amalekites. Joshua is leading the charge against them. Moses is standing on a hill holding his hands up to God. Now, maybe there's been a time where you had to stay in a certain position for a long time. Your body starts to have some kinks in it, but you keep going. Then your body begins to ache, and you just want to switch positions. That's probably how Moses was feeling. The only problem was, when he put his hands down, the Israelites began to lose the battle. Because of this, Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms so they would win.

   This battle was in the physical realm, but it was in the spiritual realm where it was won. It emphasizes the fact that God is with them. It emphasizes that God won the battle for them. That's what we must do sometimes. We must be prepared to face our battles with God. And, when the battle draws on, we must remember to raise our hands to God. We must ask for his help and provision.

   So, what battles are you facing? Are you facing them with God or trying to face them on your own?

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Your Everyday Impact

   One tradition I have at the end of the school year is asking the students who are graduating what song they would like to dance to on their last day. This year many of the songs we danced to at holidays were songs by Christian artists. I didn't expect them to impact the children as much as they did. They were so impacted that many of them said they wanted to dance to Shooting Star by Owl City.

   This made me think about our impact that we have each day. By choosing to find songs by Christian artists, with a good message but not too didactic, I was able to reach those kids. It was something little but it could make a huge impact on their lives.

   Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." In using songs by Christian artists I was reaching students. They were learning good morals and having fun while they were doing it.

   Have you ever thought about this in your daily life? Is there any way you could do or change something little in your life to make an impact for the kingdom?

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Peace Be With You

 One day I was at church just sitting in a chair waiting for the service to start. The pastor came down the steps and was making his way to the front. As he passed me, he said, “Peace be with you.” Now it is very rare that I am so quick thinking when it comes to quips and jokes, but in that moment, I said, “my peace I give to you.” The pastor stopped, smiled, and said, “I like that.” Then we moved on with our days.

I thought about that exchange afterwards. What I said was for real. I did want to give him my peace. But I had also said it because of a Bible verse. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 

Jesus left this earth and gave us peace. We can have his peace. That’s mind boggling for me to think about. Because we have his peace, we can offer his peace, and in turn our peace to others as well. 

Here’s the thing though, to offer others peace, we need to be at peace ourselves. We need to have Biblical peace, which is not just calm and tranquility. It is having peace during those times but also in the storms of life as well. When things are going wrong and our world seems to be crashing around us, we are still calm because we have peace. We know God has a plan and nothing the world throws at us can hurt us. The worst thing that can happen to us is death. If that does happen, we will be with Christ.

Once we are at peace with ourselves and our circumstances, we can offer peace to others. We don’t have to fight them. We don’t have to argue. We can turn the other cheek. We can offer to go the extra mile. We can give them our cloak as well. Through those actions people will notice there’s something different about us. Then we can tell them how to get perfect peace.

So, are you at peace right now? How can you remember to have peace daily no matter your circumstances?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

On the Rock

 The last nail was hammered into place. Your home is finished. It looks beautiful to you, and you are proud because you made it yourself. You are even more proud because you chose to build your home on solid land. Looking around at your neighbors you see that some of them chose to take the easy way. They did not spend much time on their foundation. Some chose to put their homes on dirt, others chose sand, sand! You shake your head at their choices.

Looking in the sky you see dark clouds. It seems like a storm is on its way. You walk inside your house and build a fire. The storm comes and you feel at peace in your new home. Glancing outside you see your neighbor’s home begins to slant. He chose to build his house on something that was not firm and now he was out trying to fix it, getting soaked. You whisper a quick prayer for him then sit back down in comfort.

A crash of thunder awakens you. You had dozed off. The storm got worse while you were asleep. You go to your window and see that lightning is flashing and the rain is pouring down. Can you really be confident in your handiwork? Will your house stay strong through this storm?

As you ask yourself these questions you look back outside. That’s odd, did you not used to be taller? Looking at the floor you realize that you have begun to sink. How?! Your rock began to turn to sand! How, you do not know but to make matters worse you realize something else. Your house was starting to lean.

With no time to waste, you grab some rope and try to tie your home together. But the sand does not make it easy to move. You try using some of the furniture in your home, you try using spare logs, you try using anything to get your home to stay up. Why had this happened? Had you not planned for any situation?!

Outside your window you see something in the distance. Could it be a boat? Around the boat the sky looked clearer. You see what looks like a person standing at the front of the boat. Suddenly a rush of wind hits you and you hear the words “be still.” What? How can you be still? Your house is beginning to break. You need to fix it quickly before the storm gets worse. Again, the voice comes, “be still.”

Realizing that you probably cannot fix your home anyway, you give it a shot. Letting go of your home, you sit in the middle of it. Your breathing begins to slow down as the storm is around you, as the sand sticks to you. You hear the words “I am with you.” Briefly you open your eyes. No one is there, just the same storm, sand, and broken home. 

Closing your eyes again you hear the word, “sing.” Sing?! Now!? That’s crazy. What would singing do? Well, what have you got to lose? The song “Word of God Speak” by MercyMe comes into your head. You begin to sing, “Word of God speak, Would You pour down like rain, Washing my eyes to see, Your majesty, To be still and know, That You're in this place, Please let me stay and rest, In Your holiness, Word of God speak.”

You lose yourself in the song. You realize that you had taken your eyes off of God, you had praised yourself, you had thought that something was more powerful than your creator. Prayerfully you ask for forgiveness. No sooner do you do that than you realize you don’t feel rain anymore. You open your eyes and see that not only is the rain gone, but your house is fixed, and it is back on solid rock!

It was counterintuitive for you to be still and sing, yet in doing that, God helped you! He fixed everything! He was your rock all along!

So, where are you building your house? How can you become stronger in your relationship with God?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving: Being Content

   One Thanksgiving I sent out a blog that talked about how comparison is the thief of joy. That is still true. We can look at what someone else has and say "I want that. I won't be happy until I have that." This is the thief of joy.
   But, it goes beyond that. The wisest man who ever lived was telling us that we need to be content with what we have before we even said "I want that." In the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon talks about how many things are meaningless. Here is the richest, wisest man in the world telling us many things are meaningless. He had all he could ever want and yet he said pretty much all of it was meaningless. Why?
   In chapter 6 Solomon talks about wealthy people. These people have much but they never have time to enjoy it. Instead, when they die, someone else enjoys their wealth. What is wrong with these wealthy people? They are not content.
   These wealthy people look around and say I need that and I'll be happy. They are not happy with what they have. They are not content. God gives us so much, and yet we never seem to be content. Let me ask you this... when you die will anything you own go with you? No! So then why are we always ungrateful for what we have?
   This Thanksgiving I encourage you to look at what you have. Take a lesson from the wisest man on earth and don't fall into the trap of wanting more. Think about all that God has blessed you with. Rather than choosing to look at what you want be thankful for what you have. Remember to enjoy the special moments in life because, when we go to heaven, it's not going to matter what you had on earth. What is going to matter is what you did to reflect God's glory.
   So, will you continue to compare your possessions to others? Will you choose to be content with what you have? Will you look around at the blessings you have and be thankful? Will you reflect God's glory in all you do?
   I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
   Philippians 4:11-13, 1 Timothy 6:6-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
   Certain ideas for this blog were pulled from the book by Jud Wilhite called The God of Yes.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Nobody Like You

   As a teacher, I listen to a lot of children's music. One song that is very popular lately is "Nobody Like U" from the movie Turning Red. Some of the lyrics are: 

"I've never met nobody like you

Had friends, and I've had buddies, it's true

But they don't turn my tummy the way you do

I've never met nobody like you"

   The kids love singing this song. As I was listening to them sing, I thought about the lyrics. "I've never me nobody like you, Had friends, and I've had buddies, it's true." I know the song was relating it to an earthly relationship, but I couldn't help but relate it to our relationship with God. 

   Jeremiah 10:6 says, "There is none like you, O Lord; you are great, and your name is great in might." It's true, I've never met anyone like him. He's perfect, loving, caring, intelligent, strong, and so much more. All of his attributes turn my tummy because, though he is perfect, he chooses to love me. He chooses to love you. He sent his son to die for us then sent the holy spirit to be our counselor. That is something that should turn our stomachs.

   Some more lyrics in the song are:

"You're never not on my mind, oh my, oh my

I'm never not by your side, your side, your side

I'm never gon' let you cry, oh, cry, don't cry

I'll never not be your ride or die, alright"

   I just picture God singing this to us. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." His love for us is so much that we are always on his mind. He is always with us. While we may cry, God feels those tears. He comes to comfort us. His love encircles us in a warm embrace. He's always with us. That’s why there is no one like him.

   So, do you believe that God is always with you? What can you do to grow in your relationship with God?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Stop Running

 Breath coming in and out,

So fast you want to shout.

Heart beating in your chest,

You wish you could slow down and rest.

You can't pause or even slow,

If you do, they will catch you, you know.

Glance behind,

They are getting closer, back to the grind.

Sweat pouring down your face.

Fear you will never win this race.

A voice tells you to stop,

Then suddenly you drop.

The darkness of your sin surrounds,

There's no way to drown out the sound.

Liar, thief, prideful the whispers say.

Crumbling beneath them they ruin your day.


A different voice says, and you feel you can climb any hill.

Through the tears,

You see a mirror with all your fears.

They scare you and you can't get them out of your head,


A man wipes them clean,

This is amazing, is this a dream?

The man kneels to you,




How can he love someone so unclean and filled with sin?

It feels like someone blew up a balloon for you and you are just waiting for someone to pop it with a pin.





If you were to look in that mirror, what would you see?

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Are You Leaving the High Places Up?

 If you have ever read the books of 1 or 2 Kings in the Bible, you will notice a common trend in the writing. Such and such became king, he did what was right or wrong in the eyes of the lord, he lived this many years, he fathered this many sons, then he died. Sometimes you will get a bit more information on what he did or did not do.

There was something that struck me the other day as I was reading it. Many kings did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Some did. Of those who did, many still had one problem: they did not tear down the high places.

What are high places? High places were where people went to worship idols. I imagine by building them up high they thought in some way that they were closer to their gods so the gods may hear them better or see them worshipping. Whatever the case, even the kings who did what was right in the eyes of God did not tear them down. 

Why was this a problem? Well, even though those kings may have had a heart for God I imagine they had a people pleasing problem. See, if they were bold, had faith, and trusted in God’s plan for them they would have torn down the high places. Tearing down the high places would upset those who worshipped those gods. Thus, many kings left them, I imagine, in fear of what the people would do. See, even if they would have followed their heart for God fully and torn down the places, the people may have revolted.

There are times where we tolerate things because of fear. We fear what others will think of us. We fear what others will do to us. We fear discomfort. Yet, we forget what 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 says “We don’t look for the things that can be seen but for things that can’t be seen. Things that can be seen are only temporary. But things that can’t be seen last forever.” You can see a mob of people coming after you in anger for your choices, but that mob is temporary. You can see someone firing you from a job, a job that is temporary. You can see health concerns in your life, but those health concerns are temporary. 

Thus, we face the same choice as those kings. Will we choose to keep up the high places, the things of this world that help us get ahead, that help us stay in comfort or peace, or will we choose to say no? Will we choose to walk in our lives reflecting God’s glory by not tolerating the high places or things of this world that may cause us or others to sin?

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Do You Want to Be in the Race?

 I do not like running. Yes, I am a soccer player and coach but in soccer I am running for a purpose. Running just to run does not appeal to me. 

Thus, when I read 1 Corinthians 9:24, which says “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.” I struggle because there are times where I want to be in the race but other times I don’t. Running a race is hard work. It would be so much easier to be like the hare in the tortoise and the hare and just stop. But, I know this is the race of life so running is kind of required. 

Here’s the thing though, when you look at long distance runners you don’t see them running all the time. They stretch, weight train, drink water, watch what they eat, and rest. They are not running all the time. They know if they did that, they would not win the race. 

1 Corinthians 9:26 says, “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.” Paul is talking about how runners do everything they do for a reason. They don’t just decide one day that they are going to run a marathon. If they did that, good things would not happen. No, they train their body and mind for it.

In this race of life, we choose what prize we will run for. Will we run for a temporary prize and chase the things of this earth, or will we run for a heavenly prize? If we choose a heavenly prize, things don’t get easier on earth. In fact, we need to prepare ourselves for puddles, cheating runners, insults from fans, to maybe get lost, injuries, etc. The way we prepare ourselves for this race is by knowing the one who created it. We get into the word, so we know what to do when hard times come. We pray. We reflect His glory in all we do. 

So, are you in the race? How can you prepare yourself for when struggles come in the race?

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Battle Belongs to God

   The punch comes. You know it's coming but you don't have the energy or stamina to block it. Any respectful opponent would have stopped hitting you a long time ago knowing you were going to fall any moment. But this opponent isn't respectful. He's cunning, crafty, hateful, and filled with spite. He doesn't just want you to get hit. He wants you to feel each punch in your gut. He wants you to feel defeated. He wants that so much, that he doesn't let up. The opponent wants you to fall, to fail, to think only you are in the fight.

   A hand reaches out to you right. All you need to do is tag it. You do, and your tag team partner steps into the ring. He blocks every punch. He doesn't punch back. He doesn't need to. The opponent wears himself down to the point that his punches are slower than a snail. Your partner won the fight without throwing a punch! How had that happened?

   Many times in life I feel I am fighting a battle. It's not easy to fight battles on your own. The thing is, you are not alone. It just feels like it because you are not looking for your tag team partner. God is always there. He's ready to take the burden. He's ready to fight the battle. But he won't do it until you tag him by asking him for help.

  Once you do tag him, it is so freeing. Romans 8:37 reminds us: "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" God steps up and takes the burden from you. He removes the sin. He takes the problem in his large hands and crushes it. And we get to rest. We just need to be willing to give it to him.

   So, what battles are you fighting today? Are you willing to give those battles to God? Can you admit that you are not strong enough to do this on your own?

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pray First?

   If you know me, you know I'm a fixer. If a problem comes up, I try to think of ways to solve it as quick as possible. There are times that works and times it does not. Its especially hard for me when someone I care for is hurting because of a problem. More than anything I want to take the problem away. Most of the time that's not possible.

   One time this happened when my friend's grandfather died. I was sad because I knew the grandfather. But I knew my friend was sadder. Each time I saw him, I asked how he was doing. I asked if I could do anything for him. This eventually annoyed him because there wasn't anything anyone could do. 

   I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to show my friend I cared but how could I? That's when I decided to pray. Now, it's good that I decided to pray eventually. But after things had settled, I asked myself a question: why was my last step prayer?

   Many times people, like me, don't want to ask for help. We want to be independent, self-sufficient, and it makes us proud when we are. But that's the problem: not admitting we have a problem and need help. When we pray, we are inviting our creator into our lives. When we pray, we are admitting we can't do it all on our own. When we pray, we are working on growing in God.

   See, prayer should not be the last step. It should be the first. The Bible says we are to pray without ceasing. We pray in the morning when we get up, at breakfast, as you are driving in your car, at work when that coworker or customer annoys you, when things are going well, when problems happen, and every second. Our thoughts should be on our creator and growing in him. Prayer should be first, not last.

   So, when problems happen, what's your first step? How can you be better at praying consistently? How can you grow in God today?

Saturday, October 7, 2023

It's Right There...

   Have you ever had the experience where you are stuck in line at a store? I'm sure you have. It is a good test of patience. But more than that, there are other things you are tested in. I mean, store owners are smart. They know you will be stuck in line but they don't leave you to be patient in peace. No, they have to put temptations within your reach.

   You know what I'm talking about. There are little trinkets there that look cool. There is chocolate. There are snacks, magazines, and much more. It's all right there... all you need to do is reach out and take it. 

   BUT, you know you shouldn't. Yet that nagging voice says you may as well because you are stuck in line anyway. And that's when you tell that voice to shut up. You say, no, I don't need it. It may look good now but eventually it will not be good for you. It's in the moments when you look at something, see that it looks good and may fill up your senses for a bit, but can let it go that you have defeated the temptation!

   Now your temptation may not be while you are waiting in line. It may be somewhere else like in your room, at the gym, or wherever it is. Many temptations pop up when you are at your weakest. The Devil knows your weaknesses and will capitalize on them. That's why it's so important to know Gods word. So when temptations come up you can combat them.

   So, what's your temptation or weakness? How can you combat that weakness with scripture?

   James 1:14-15

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Discipline of Forgiving

   There are times where people hurt us. People lie, people betray, people don’t listen, people don’t seem to care, and much more. We are all sinful beings. We are not perfect. We all make mistakes. But, when someone does make a mistake or hurt us, what are we to do? Simple answer: forgive. Simple yes, but not always easy to do.

   One time a friend of mine hurt me. The friend lied to me. In my heart, after the friend told me, I had already forgiven them. I had prepared my heart for such a thing to happen in advance. That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t still hurt by the friend’s actions. It just means I was able to extend mercy in that moment. 

   Other than the hurt and a bit of anger, the biggest thing I struggled with after the event was guarding my heart. I had been hurt by my friend. Trust had to be rebuilt. There was a time where guarding my heart was easy. But as the friend began to show how remorseful they were, I began to break my guard down. I wanted to let them back in. I wanted to trust them. But how could I? Wasn’t a time of discipline needed for that friend to understand what they did to me?

   I had to find a balance. I am not my friend’s judge, God is. I had to follow Hebrews 12:11 “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” I had to keep my heart disciplined. Again, trust had to be rebuilt.

   I also had to remember Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” I have failed as well. I made mistakes and God’s mercy was extended to me. The discipline was not mine to give. God is the judge. He had already forgiven my friend, but that didn’t mean that growth was not needed. That didn’t mean that my friend would not have to go through a time of discipline from God. 

   Healing was needed for both my friend and me. When I had gotten through my mourning, confusion, and anger I had felt peace. I felt the spirit in my heart again. What my friend did was wrong, but in the end, it made both of us stronger. It helped us both grow in our spiritual walks.

So, when someone wrongs you, what do you do? Is there anyone you need to forgive?

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Mountains of Bloomsburg Finale: Choices Made

   Ahda and you reach the stone bridge that goes across the lava. You walk across and see Ubel step out. Ubel smiles and looks at Ahda. "Ah, I have waited a long time for you my friend." Then Ubel looks at you, "we had a deal. My servants will help you get home." Little creatures who looked like Ubel came out and led me toward trees on Ubel's side of the lava river. You kept going past trees and suddenly a branch grabs you, then another, and another. You realize you've been tricked. 
   Now you watch helplessly as Ahda is with Ubel. Ahda steps forward, "why did you want me to come here?" "I just wanted to talk with you and see if I could help you out." Ahda raised his eyebrows, "How could you help me? Gottes has given me everything already." "Everything?" Ubel remarked. Ahda sighs, "Well he has not given us your area of the mountain." "That's right, Gottes has given you dominion over all of his creation... except for my area." 
   Ahda glances over at Ubel's area. Right now you see Ubel, his minions, and his dominion for what it really is: a wasteland. You try to scream to Ahda to run but the tree covers your mouth. Ahda looks and sees lush, green trees. He sees golden fruit as well.
   "You do have a very nice area, but Gottes has given us so much." Ubel nods his head,"yes, but he has not given you everything." Ubel pulls a golden fruit out of nowhere and bites into it. Juice dribbles down his mouth and he licks his lips. "Haven't you ever wondered why I am able to do what Gottes can do? Why I am able to grant wishes just like Gottes?" Ahda nods and looks at the fruit in Ubel's hand.
   "I can do that because I have knowledge. Whoever eats fruit from my dominion has knowledge like Gottes. Would you like some fruit?" Ahda grabs the fruit, "Gottes told us not to eat your fruit but it looks good." "Why wouldn't Gottes want you to have what is good? Why wouldn't he want you to have knowledge like him?" Ubel says. 
   You watch in horror as Ahda bites the fruit. The juice dribbles down his face. Suddenly Ubel jumps on Ahda. Ubel's minions race away from you and across the bridge. You realize you've made a horrible mistake. 
   From the sky you see a flash of light then you hear the crack of wood breaking. Jordan, the Engel, has set you free. He takes you to the very top of a mountain. "What has happened?" You ask. Jordan frowns, "Ubel now has dominion over the mountains because Ahda disobeyed Gottes." "What can we do?" Jordan looks down the mountain at the destruction. "We cannot do anything." "Then it is hopeless?" "No, Gottes has a plan" Jordan said has he touches your head.
   Your mind suddenly sees a man who was unlike any other man. This man died to defeat Ubel. You did not understand why another man's death would defeat Ubel but then you see the man raised to life. The man the crushes Ubel. You see many people following this man and being saved from Ubel. You also see Engels and Ubel's minions fighting each other for all eternity. Then Ubel is finally defeated.
   Your mind comes back to Jordan. "What do we do now?" "Choose to follow Gottes and tell others about him." You look down at the village and see a massive dragon like creature destroy the entire village. "Where will we live?" "Wherever Gottes calls you to. He will be with you, if you choose to follow him."
   Would you have chosen to eat the fruit to gain knowledge? Would you have followed God back then though it would be harder now? Will you tell others about what God has done for them?
   Proverbs 14:12, Genesis 3, Galatians 2:20

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Mountains of Bloomsburg Part 4: Helping Ubel

   Ahda, Kaine, Abek, and you continue walking through the mountains. The terrain has gotten rougher and you are running out of supplies. You begin to wonder if this trip is truly worth it. 
   As you walk you think about the conversation you had with the tree and then with Ahda. He told you that Gottes created everything and provides much for us. But Ubel, who was once an Engel, turned on Gottes. Now Ubel tries to defeat Gottes through the people that Gottes created. That's the reason why no one goes into the mountains, because Ubel's dominion is there.
   Ahda suddenly stops, "we should probably get some rest for the night." You, and the rest of the crew, lay down. You try to sleep but can't. You realize that you can no longer put any of these men in danger, but you must get home. You quietly grab your pack and continue on. 
   You turn a corner after walking a while and see a rushing, river of lava. There is a stone bridge that goes across the lava river. Against your better judgement you walk across the bridge till you reach the other side; but you don't step off the bridge because you see someone move on the other side.
   "Come out!" You yell. A golden creature comes around the mountain. It had the feet of a cow but stood up like a man. Its torso and head looked like a man as well, "hello." The creature said. "Who are you?" "My name is Ubel." Realization comes to your face. This is the creature that turned on Gottes. It is also the creature that could help you get home.
   Ubel smiles, "I am not what you were expecting?" You shake your head. The bull legs are a little odd but he was beautiful. "Why have you come here?" "I need to get home." Ubel nods, "I see, and Gottes did not answer your request." Again you shake your head. "Well I would love to help you. See, I'm not like Gottes who does not answer requests I like to help others."
   Your heart starts pounding. You realize that you could be going home now, but you also have a knot in your stomach. You know something is not right but you want what you want. "Will you send me home now?" "Friend, I would love to do that but I cannot." "Why not?" You say as your hope begins to fade. "My power is very limited here and I do not like to use it if I do not have to. But, if you could do something for me in return then perhaps I could help you." 
   You know that you could turn back now. You could go back to Ahda and then back to the village. But instead you say, "what do you want?" "Bring Ahda to me. I wish to talk with him about how things are going in the village. Perhaps I can help him as well." Now you are confused, "you want me to get Ahda so you can help the village?" "Yes, I want to be able to help Ahda gain understanding. I am contained to this area of the mountains. I have so few people to talk to and help. But if Ahda comes, and sees how helpful I can be, then I may have a friend to talk to and share knowledge with."
   You think about the deal. That's not so bad; Ubel is trying to be helpful. You wonder why people say that Ubel is so bad. He seems to want to give people what they want. Then you remember the tree's words about how Ubel is evil. You look back at Ubel and suddenly see a bull with matted, black hair standing up. His eyes are red and his nostrils are flaring. You rub your eyes and open them again. Ubel had changed back to the gold bull man.
   "You just want to share knowledge with Ahda?" Ubel nods. "Fine, I will bring him to you," you say. Then you turn around and head back to camp. You hope you made the right choice.
   If you could get whatever you desired by helping Ubel would you choose to follow him? Are you ever tricked by something that seems good but is actually bad? How can you remember to follow God no matter what?  
   Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 16:9, Isaiah 30:21

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Mountains of Bloomsburg Part 3: On the Fence

   You continue walking through the forest. As you walk, you have a tight grip on your sword. You have no idea what you may meet in this place.
   You come to a clearing and you see a tree. You put your sword away and walk over to the tree. Then you remember how Ahda said that "things that seem normal in the mountains probably are not normal, or safe." You do not want to risk getting hurt by going into the clearing. You see a stick that must have fallen from the tree, pick it up, and run back to Kaine.
   Ahda breathe a sigh of relief as he sees you come back. He asks you, "do you have the stick needed to heal Kaine?" You hold up the stick. Ahda looks at it and frowns, "you must get a branch that was just pulled off the tree. This one doesn't have sap. Please go back to where you found this and ask the tree for a small stick. Kaine is getting worse."
   You quickly run off but your thoughts go back to your conversation with Ahda. He said to ask the tree for a stick... why would you need to ask the tree? You try not to think about it.
   Finally you make it back to the clearing. You draw your sword and slowly walk up to the tree. "Excuse me," you say in a soft voice, "are you home?" No one answers and you breathe a sigh of relief. 
   Suddenly, a face appears near the trunk of the tree, "who disturbs my slumber?" You try to back up quickly but a branch lashes out and grabs you. The tree picks you up and looks at you, "I have not seen something like you in a long time. What is your name?" You whisper your name to the tree. The tree nods, "and whose side are you on?"
   Now you are confused, whose side are you on? What does that mean? The tree is still staring at you so you figure you should answer. "What do you mean, whose side am I on?" The tree just stares at your for a little, "I mean that everyone has a choice. You are either on Ubel's side or on Gottes' side." 
   Realization comes to your face. Ahda mentioned these two people before and said that in the mountains the danger of the war from both of these sides is real. You realize that if you answer this question wrong you could die. "I am on no one's side." The tree shook his head, which was actually like shaking his whole body. "If you are not on a side you are on Ubel's side." You shake your head, "I am not a part of this war. I just want to save my friend. Please help me save him." 
   The tree sighs, "I can tell that there is no trying to reason with you. I encourage you to ask more questions of your friends who are here. You must learn more about this if you are to survive the mountain. For your friend, you may take one of my branches." 
   The tree sets you down and reaches a branch out. You break off a branch and the tree squeezes his eyes in pain. "Thank you," you say. "Don't thank me, thank Gottes who provies." You nod and run back toward Ahda and Kaine. You just may have to ask more about this war...
   If the tree asked you "whose side are you on," what would your answer have been? If you don't know whose side you are on will you ask more questions to figure out whose side you want to be on?
   Revelation 3:15-16, Matthew 12:30, Matthew 5:13

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Mountains of Bloomsburg Part 2: Clakes and Fear

   You walk through the village searching for the man you just met. Suddenly you see Ron and you run up to him. Ron smiles at you, "How are you doing today?" You smile back and say, "I'm doing well but I have a problem. Can you help me navigate my way through the dark side of the mountain? I need to get home." Ron's smile turns into a frown, "no one ever goes into that part of the mountains, it is forbidden." 
   A man who was walking by comes over to you, "hello my name is Ahda. I couldn't help but overhear, I have never been in that part of the mountains but I've studied it. I could help you." You agree to have Ahda help you and some other men, Kaine and Abek, agree to come.
   You walk through the mountains. You turn around and take one last look at the village. Suddenly it gets really dark. Ahda turns around, "it normally is dark in this part of the mountains." He hands you a torch. Kaine and Abek take out torches as well. You take the time to light the torches and continue on. You wonder if you will ever reach Ubel's part of the mountain. 
   Ahda stops, "it is night, we should stop to rest." You look at the sky. It looks the same as it did an hour ago, dark. Ahda smiles, "I kept an eye on the few shadows you can see in the mountains. That's how you know what time it is. Kaine will take the first watch. You should get some rest while you can." 
   You lay down and close your eyes. No sooner do you do that than you hear someone scream. You wake up and see Kaine grabbing his leg. Ahda turns to you, "he was bitten by a Clake." "What is a Clake?" You ask. "It is a creature that crawls on its belly, has 2 legs along each of its sides, has leathery wings, and sharp fangs. When it bites you it makes you see your greatest fears. The only cure is sap from one of the trees on this side of the forest." 
   Ahda put some cloth over Kaine's wound. "I need you and Abek to go look for a tree and bring back a stick with sap in it when you find one."
   You and Abek run off. You hope that Kaine will be alright. All you can think about is the fact that if he dies it will be your fault.
   Would you have agreed to go on a hard journey with strangers? Who do you go through the journey of life with? If the Clake bit you, what would you see? How can you stop having that fear?
   Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 119:105, Isaiah 41:10

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Mountains of Bloomsburg Introduction

   Dark. All you see is dark. You open your eyes, now you see fog all around you. You cannot see any other people or any other things. After you stand there for a while you decide to move on because standing there is not doing you any good.
   You keep walking and you see beautiful trees. They are some of the prettiest trees you have ever seen. Next there are creatures you have never seen before. There are lions with the heads of eagles, birds that look like they are on fire, men with goat legs, and so many more creatures. 
   After walking a while you come to a town. There are many children playing, people working, and people worshipping. You walk up to a man and ask, "where am I?" The man replies, "you are in the Mountains of Bloomsburg. I've never seen you here before, what is your name?" You tell the man your name and he shakes his head, "are you new here?" You say, "I've never been here before." Then you tell the man where you are from. The man says, "I've never heard of that place either but you are welcome to stay here. If you have any questions my name is Ron." You nod your thanks and walk on.
   Suddenly you see a lion with the bead of an eagle above you. You cover your head thinking that this is the end. The lion like creature lands and cocks its head at you, "who are you?" Your mouth drops open. This creature can talk! You finally get your voice back and tell the creature your name. "You are not from here are you?" You shake your head no. 
   The creature begins to pace while talking to itself, "very strange, what is he up to?" The creature stops pacing and freezes. You look around wondering if this is normal.
The creature glances at you. "I don't know what Gottes is up to but he says I am to take care of you and answer any of your questions."
   You begin to ask questions of the creature. You find out his name is Jordan. He is called and Engel and he works for Gottes. Gottes created this world. You look around and see a long, dark mountain range. You ask Jordan, "what is that place?" Jordan replies, "that is the part of the mountain that Ubel is contained to. The people of the village have decided to never go there lest they be tempted to betray Gottes." 
   You ponder that for a little then say, "I don't belong here, I'm from somewhere else." Jordan says, "I know you are from somewhere else but you were brought here for a purpose." "What is that purpose?" You ask. "I do not know, I do not try to understand Gottes." Jordan replies. "Would he be able to take me back?" Jordan nods. "Good then I'll ask him to send me back." Jordan smiles, "you can ask but you may not get the answer you want." You sigh, "is there anyone else who could send me back?" Jordan glances at the dark mountain range, "Ubel may be able to but he is crafty. He used to be an Engel but then he betrayed Gottes."
   You think about it then realize that you must get back. A plan begins to form in your head. You are going to go to see Ubel.
   If you actually came to this land would you want to leave? What other questions would you have asked the Engel? Would you trust Ubel? How does this story relate to the Bible?
   Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Blessings In A Hard Week

   We have all had them: a week where it feels like murphy’s law applies to you. Over and over the hits just keep coming. That happened to me one week. Believe it or not, the week started out with me on my first vacation (without having volunteer teaching) in 12 years!

Sunday, I woke up and went to church in South Carolina with my boyfriend’s family. Now, I had a crazy good experience there but that’s a blog for another time. The thing was the temperature was very hot down there. Like even the pastor who lives there was saying it was crazy hot. We had decided to go jet skiing that day…and we were beginning to regret it as we waited at the pier in the hot sun.

   BLESSING: jet skiing is fun, brings a cool breeze, and is exfoliating. It was so nice just being on the water, seeing wildlife, and playing let’s see who can hold onto the throttle the longest without letting go with my boyfriend.

   Monday we were headed back to Pennsylvania. We were projected to get back at 7pm. Well, because of the traffic, we made the mistake of going through Washington D.C. during rush hour, which is not only confusing but also incredibly annoying and I do not recommend. We didn’t get home till close to 8:45pm.

   BLESSING: I got to see some D.C. monuments from a distance. I spent some time getting to know my boyfriend better and see him in a stressful situation (so I know how he handles them). We were thankful to have gotten home safely and that we were able to relax.

   Tuesday, I went back to work. Which was hard enough as is, but while there I also remembered that my co-teacher was going on vacation that day (she had a half day). This meant I had more kids in my room than originally planned. Then I had an allergy shot. After my shot I just wanted to go home and rest because I was still tired from traveling. But I had agreed to go shopping with a friend so I tried to kill some time between my shot and meeting her. Well, because of work conflicts, she had to cancel.

   BLESSING: I got some recharging alone time. I got one more week with some of my older students. And, because my friend canceled, I was able to have a phone call with another friend which was a blessing.

   Things happened Wednesday but I am going to skip it as Thursday was a bomb of a day. The day started out well enough. But I got out of work later than I was supposed to. Luckily, the party I was attending was later than my boyfriend thought. I was minding my own business driving down the road when my car made a bang chink chink noise. I didn’t notice anything strange until I tried driving after I stopped at a red light… I made my way to Sheetz and parked. Sure enough, I had a flat tire. Well, I had never changed one and for some reason my lug nuts were not cooperating. I was on the verge of tears.

   BLESSING: I got paid for my extra work. A man came along to help me change the tire and helped me fill my spare. I was able to attend the party, which I thought would drain me. But the party was actually really relaxing, and I was able to get to know my boyfriend’s friends.

   Friday rolled around and I was not sure I could handle much more. I was driving on my spare tire in the morning and a light came on on my dashboard. I went to Sheetz to fill up my spare tire again, but the light didn’t go off. So, I contacted my mechanic and he said he could probably fit it in that day. The problem was I had work all day. Then I contacted my boss and asked if I could leave to get it fixed. She said they would make it work! When I got to work, the internet was not working. Music is usually what helps me get through the insanity of work and keeps me out of my head. That meant I had to fix my thoughts on the things of God. Later, I traveled to get my tire fixed. It only took one hour for me to get to the garage, get it fixed, and get back! I worked then went to the first meeting for soccer this season.

   BLESSING: The internet was fixed within an hour, and I was able to fix my thoughts on God and have my music time. I was able to get my tire fixed quickly because of people working with me and understanding. I did not lose money. I got to see the soccer girls and catch up with them. And oddly enough, I had energy to play with my students and interact with the soccer girls (introverted girl here).

   All that is to say, yeah depending how you looked at it, this was a pretty crappy week. But instead of focusing on the negative, instead of wallowing in pity, I chose to focus on the positive. I was trying to follow Romans 12:12 without knowing it. The verse says: “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Let’s just say, my patience was definitely tested that week. And I learned how to better communicate with God. Would it have been nice if my week just went smoothly? Yeah, but would I have learned as much or grown closer to God? No.

   So, when problems arise what is your attitude? What are your thoughts like when these times come? How can you follow Romans 12:12 better in your life.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Crutch

   We all have one at one point or another in our lives. It's a weakness, a sickness, an event, a hurt, or something else. It's a crutch. What is the job of a crutch? According to Oxford Languages a crutch is, "a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a person with an injury or disability." A crutch is to be used to help someone get healed. It keeps you off your injury until you are better.

   Yet, what if you never let go of the crutch? What if you are too afraid that you will get hurt again that you never let it go? Then the crutch holds you back. What is it that is holding you back? Is it a specific sin like gossip, lying, hate, addiction, etc.? Is it fear? Maybe you are afraid you will never be good enough, never be loved, never be able to let go of that one thing, etc.? Is it a lack of faith? Faith that God will provide, faith that God is with you, faith that he loves you, etc.? If you refuse to let go of the crutch you will never become who God created you to be. You will be diminishing your mission and the purpose God has given you.

   How then do we let go of our crutch? Proverbs 3:5-6 gives us the answer. It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." We need to trust in God and admit that we have this crutch or weakness. If you don't admit you have a problem and know it, you cannot let go of it. 

   Then you need to trust that God is in control. You need to have faith that you can let go of the crutch. Let go of the fear and believe that God is with you. Believe that you don't need to hold onto what's holding you back. Instead, hold onto Jesus. He's the only one you need and hes not a crutch. He's real. He's with you. He is for you. He doesn't want to hold you back. He wants you to grow, to walk, to run, to fly. You just need to trust him and let go.

   So, what is your crutch? Are you willing to let go of your crutch? How can you trust God more today?

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Held During Anxiety

   There is one time in the year that my dog freaks out the most: when we go on vacation. That's because he needs to travel in a car for 30 minutes to my Aunt and Uncles' house. He does not like car rides. He will whine, cry, growl, bark, cut our legs with his nails, etc. The thing I didn't understand is I am holding him. I will literally hug him, and he will still be freaking out. It did not make sense.

   Then I thought about how I have anxiety too. I whine, cry, growl, and get upset when problems come into my life. Yet, I am being held by the Lord. He is literally wrapping me in a big hug, and I still have anxiety.

   In those times I remember Isaiah 41:10 which says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I don’t need to fear because God is with me. In the highs and lows he's got me. He loves me. He helps get rid of the fear in his great strength.

   So, do you believe that you are held by God? When fear and anxiety appear in your life what do you do? Who do you turn to?

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Power of Prayer

   I went on a missions trip to Florida with the Lancaster Bible College Women’s Soccer team. We were on our way to the Edgewood Children’s Ranch. Along the way, we had a lot of inconveniences. First we got caught in a lot of traffic and did not make it to the place we were staying in NC until 11pm. Next, our credit card got stuck in a gas station machine. That was not good because that was all the money we had for the trip. I asked the girls to pray that we got it out and they kind of gave me looks of unbelief. I prayed and the card was finally removed.

   When we finally got to Florida, we were going to spend some time at the beach. Then as we were on our way, it started to rain. We waited out the rain by shopping. I told the girls we should pray that the rain go away. Again, I got the strange looks, but they tried it. The rain eventually stopped. We didn’t stay at the beach long. So, we tried it again the next day and it rained again as we headed down to the beach again. This time the girls prayed on their own.

   On our last day in Florida, we were going to a professional soccer game. As we were headed to the game, it rained again. That created a rain delay that went on for an hour. As time went on, one of the girls asked the other girls to get in a circle. Then she prayed that the rain would go away.

   It seems crazy that we would pray for something as simple as rain to stop but we did. Sometimes our prayers get an answer of yes, other times the answer is no. But we need to be willing to ask for those things.

   Mark 11:24 says: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Many times, we try to solve problems on our own before taking our concerns to God. There was no way we were going to get that credit card removed from the gas machine without a miracle or someone taking the machine apart. After prayer, the card was able to be pulled out. It may not seem like a big deal, but it was a reminder to me and the girls on the trip that prayer is powerful. We just need to be willing to pray, ask, and believe.

   So, how is your prayer life? When you have a problem, what is the first thing you do? How can you grow in your relationship with God and have more trust in him?

Saturday, July 22, 2023


How many of us like to be disciplined? Some of us dislike discipline so much that they cringed at reading that word. Discipline is done in different ways depending on who is giving the discipline. Is discipline important? Let's look at a person who chose not to discipline his sons and see what happens.

In 1 Samuel 2:12-36 we find the story of Eli and his sons. Eli was a priest of the Lord. He had two sons: Hophni and Phinehas. Both of his sons were also priests. Eli's sons made choices that were displeasing to God. They did not follow the proper way of the law in sacrificing and taking their part of the sacrifice (1 Sam.12-17). Eli knew this and he also knew that his sons were sleeping with the women who were at the entrance of the tent of meeting (v.22).

What should Eli do, knowing that his sons are sinning? He should discipline them. Does Eli discipline his sons? Eli went to his sons (v.23-25). He says the report he hears about them isn't good. He reminds them that no one can intercede for someone who sins against the Lord. That's all Eli does. Now, was it good for Eli to remind his sons about what they should and shouldn't be doing? Yes, should Eli have done more?

Eli's sons are probably adults in this situation. When children become adults they will make their own mistakes. That's okay, but this situation is a bit different. Eli isn't just a father in this situation. Eli is a priest who is an elder to his sons. Eli could have done something else to stop his sons from sinning. But, Eli doesn't do anything else. (We also find in verse 25 that God made it so Eli's sons wouldn't listen. We know no one can go against God. Yet, Eli still could have tried to discipline them)?

Because Eli chooses not to discipline his sons God gives his family consequences (v.27-36). The biggest consequence being both of his sons will die on the same day. This message is brought by a man of God. God had decreed this once. What God says will come about. Yet, God is a merciful God. If Eli and his sons would have repented and changed their ways what would have happened? We don't know because nothing changes. This isn't the last warning Eli gets. Samuel is given a message to give to Eli when God speaks to Samuel (1 Sam.3.11-18). This message is about Eli and his family. Eli is given plenty of warning and time to change his family's ways.

Eventually everything God said would happen  to Eli and his family did happen. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want that to happen to me or my family. How can we keep that from happening? We can't really, because God's will will be done. However, we can do something to try to prevent it. We can bring up our family in God's ways. We can discipline children to make sure they know right from wrong. Eli's story shows us what happens when one does not discipline their children.

Now, when we discipline, we must remember the words of Ephesians 6:4 "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." We are not to provoke children to anger. Yes, children will be angry if you discipline them. But, we shouldn't discipline them in the wrong way. We shouldn't constantly be bashing on kids. If we do, they may turn away from God. When we discipline we should think about the proper consequence for the action. We should also talk with children about what they did that was wrong and why it was wrong. That will help them think about right from wrong next time.

So, are you disciplining your children? Do you provoke your children to anger? What and you do to teach others right from wrong today?

Image from here.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Never Leave Your Side

   I love my dog Jak Jak. He is a fun, energetic, loving chihuahua papillon. Whenever we come home, he is so excited. He runs up to us and wants a hug and kiss right away. Then, after we get settled, he stays in the room we are in. If we decide to go to a different room Jak Jak is sure to follow. There are times where he literally follows us right behind our feet. He doesn't typically leave our sides.

   Thus, when I am home, I typically don't feel alone. However, there are times when I'm out and about that I feel alone. I'm sure you have felt that way as well. In times like this I try to remember that Jesus is always with me. Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

   In times where we feel alone, we can go back to verses like this. God tells us he is with us. He never leaves us or forsakes us. We are never truly alone. Jesus sticks closer to us than Jak Jak sticks to his family. We just have to lean on him when we feel alone or in hard times.

   So, are you feeling alone today? What can you do to remember that Jesus is always with you?