Saturday, May 28, 2016

Christians Vs. Non-Believers

   Awhile back some of you may remember a Facebook post that went around called “God, Why Did You Let So Much Stuff Happen?” It basically talks about a person who seems to be having a bad day. Then the person has a conversation with Jesus. The person asks why certain things happened throughout the day; and Jesus tells him that everything happened for a reason.
   Well, after reading the conversation I looked it up on the internet to see what other people were saying. One blog talked about a continuation of the conversation someone came up with. That conversation basically questioned everything that happened; and why God did what he did. It makes God seem like he is stupid.
   Believe it or not, that’s not even what concerned me the most. The most concerning thing for me were the comments below. Most people agreed with the continuation of the conversation. I got really ticked when I started to read some of the comments. In fact, though I don’t post much on the internet other than my blog, I thought about writing a comment; but then I thought about what that would’ve done. Would it have made someone come to Christ if I would have argued with them? Probably not, if anything it would have made them resent Christ and Christians more.
   Honestly, I think that sometimes Christians think the best way to approach unbelievers is to argue with them. I’m not saying we cannot discuss things with them or answer their questions. But, if we argue with them we are just making them resent Christ more. That’s not following the great commission.
   I think, rather than arguing with people, we need to get to know them. We need to be friends with them first; and then, when they are comfortable, they can ask us questions about our faith. Then we can answer questions in a calm manner, and not a heated argument.
   I’m not saying this is the only way to fulfill the great commission; but I feel, in the American culture, it is one of the most effective. I don’t know about you, but I’m more willing to listen to people I trust and know rather than those I do not. And, if we are friends with people first they can see our example and wonder what is different about us.
   So, are you arguing with unbelievers? Are you trying to make an impact on others? Are you fulfilling the great commission?
   Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:23-24, Proverbs 15:1
   Link to blog with both conversations:

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Remembering the Maytown Community Nursery School

   Many of you may not know what it is like growing up in a church which is also a preschool. I do know what that is like. I also know what it is like having your preschool teacher go to my church. Many people do not remember their preschool teachers. I do, because I got the blessing of having my teacher go to my church. I also got the blessing of working at my preschool, so I got to know the staff there a little better. Each member of the staff has impacted me in different ways.
   The first member of the staff is Amy. I worked with her son in soccer; and I also coached with her husband. It was really neat to get to work with her even if it was for a short time. I want to thank her for taking over for me when I found out I had to go to school. I am amazed at how much she cares about everyone around her, how hard she works, and how understanding she is.
   Next is Chris. I want to thank her for helping me with the kids at certain times. Also, I really want to say a big thanks for taking over for me Tuesdays when I had school. Finally, thank you for all the little behind the scene things you do for the preschool.
   Sylvia, thank you for all the work you have done organizing things. Also thanks for dropping everything when we needed a hand with the kids. And, thank you for putting up with me when I forgot your name.
   Now I want to thank Nikki for helping me at the beginning of the year when I had no idea what I was doing, for asking me how things are going, and for the little things you have done for the kids and the teachers at the school.
   I had the opportunity to work with Mrs. J, or Mary, when the nursery school had a summer program. She agreed to give me a chance this year and that means the world. She worked with me, helped me out, encouraged me, and let me use what I learned at college in the classroom.
   Finally, there is Deb. Honestly, I do not know where to begin. For those of you who do not know, Deb knew me since I was a baby. She has impacted me my whole life from supporting me in my various activities to putting up with me volunteering at the preschool in the summer. And then you gave me the chance to work at the preschool. You giving me the chance to teach helped impact my decision to become a teacher.
   As previously mentioned, I was able to work at the Maytown Community Nursery School for 6 summers before this year. I got to see these amazing women in action. I got to be impacted by these women not only this year, but years before that. Because, the Maytown Community Nursery School has been a part of Maytown Church of God for years now. The Maytown Church of God has impacted the Maytown Community Nursery School and the Maytown Community Nursery School has impacted the Maytown Church of God. It is hard to imagine one without the other. Change can be a difficult thing, but we must move on.
   The legacy of Maytown Community Nursery School lives on, if not in anyone else then in me. But, there are other students out there; and even if they don’t remember everything about the Maytown Community Nursery School they have been impacted and changed by this school. 
   Ecclesiastes 3:1 & James 1:7

Saturday, May 21, 2016

A One Way Conversation

   For those of you who do not know me, I love The Lion King. It is literally my favorite Disney movie; and it has been for years. I do not just like the movie for the neat songs or the story line; I also like it because I am able to make so many connections to God in it.
   The other day I was watching a series based off of The Lion King called The Lion Guard. In the series Simba’s son, Kion, is in charge of the Lion Guard. They protect the Pride Lands. Many times Kion does not know what to do, so he calls on Mufasa for help. Mufasa gives Kion guidance, just like Mufasa gave Simba guidance in The Lion King, then Kion fixes everything by using that guidance.
   This whole exchange makes me think about how great it would be if I could talk to God that way. Do not get me wrong, it is great to be able to talk to God and know that he is listening. But, so many times the conversation seems one way. It is like I am talking but I do not get an answer. Have you ever felt like that?
   Then, as I was thinking about this, I realized that God does talk to us. He may not talk to us directly, like Mufasa talks to Simba and Kion, but he stills talk to us. I have found that God answers me through coincidences. He could answer through a song on the radio, a friend texting, something my professor said in class, or a message that is preached.
   It is strange how many times I am going throughout my day and I feel God pulling at me. It is difficult to explain. But, basically I feel my heart pulsing in my chest more than usual when I hear something, or read something, that I know is from God. He does communicate with us; it just may not be in the way we are expecting. In fact, I think it is better that he does not communicate with us directly. He communicates with us through his Spirit, which was his gift to us. It is through the Holy Spirit that we are able to have a personal relationship with him. And, even though I feel like I am not getting answers sometimes, I am so thankful to know that God is listening; and that he cares for me.
   So do you ever feel like God is not answering you? Have you ever thought about the fact that God may be talking to you through coincidences? How have you seen God change your life? Do you trust his plan for your life?
   Romans 10:17, Romans 8:9, John 16:13

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Character of Love

   A while back I was talking with someone and they said that I just don’t seem that loving. I honestly didn’t understand it. I always try to practice what I preach. Time and time again in my blog I have said that the Greatest Commandment is to love God and the second is to love others. I wouldn’t talk about loving others if I didn’t believe it or do it myself.
   This conversation got me thinking about how much I have done for this person and other people. It is true that I could love others more at times; but I still try to love others. I began to think about this so much that I talked with a friend who knew me well. I told her what happened and she said “you are the opposite of unloving. I don’t understand where that person got that idea.” Even though my friend said that, I still kept thinking about that accusation. Then all at once it hit me.
   I am not a person who likes being in the spotlight. Sure every once in a while I like praise; but I’m not a person who begs for it. That week I had also done a lesson on character traits. I told the kids character is who you are not what you do. It may show in what you do but character is an adjective. Another thing we talked about is that character is who you are when no one is looking.
   With all that in mind, I looked back at what I had done lately to show my love for others. Most of what I had done was out of the spotlight. I did things like send an anonymous card, picked up trash someone dropped, got a ball for someone that was far away from them, and said words of encouragement. See to me love can be seen in actions. But, that doesn’t mean people always need to see you doing those actions.
   I want to give God the glory. God doesn’t always get the glory if people see what you have done. Normally, people praise you if they see what you do. I had never thought about how I love others before. Yes, I try to use the love languages but typically I do things in the background. I do it in hopes that God will get the praise because he deserves it. He has given us so much and he deserves the praise.
   Now, I’m not just tooting my own horn here. I do mess up at times. I am selfish and I don’t love others. I am selfish and I want the praise. I don’t always give God the glory. But, I pray that I will grow in my relationship with God. That way I will be secure in him rather than others, I will not worry about my selfish desires, and I will give God all the glory.
   So are you loving others? Are you trying to get praise from others? Are you giving God the glory?
   Luke 6:31, Colossians 3:12-15, 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy NOT Mother's Day

   Okay, so at this point you are probably thinking I am crazy, that my parents did not raise me right, or that I am about to get punished by my parents (even though I am 22). Stay with me on this, I promise I do have a point.
   When I was a kid I used to think it was not fair. It was not fair that there was a day to celebrate moms but not one to celebrate kids. I mean, why did my mom get free ice cream? Why was everyone thanking her for what she does? I did plenty around the house and I did not even get a thank you. But, as I grew I realized something that helped change my opinion about Mother’s Day.
   You ever feel underdemeciated? Oh, sorry that’s a reference to Bedtime Stories. I mean, do you ever feel unappreciated? You may feel like you never get thanked, that you are taken for granted, or that no one ever notices what you do. I know I have felt that way. But, I know someone who has felt that way even more than I have in my lifetime: my mom.
   Think about everything your mom does, or did, for you. She makes food, goes to work, cleans the whole house, does the laundry, takes you to your random activities, does grocery shopping, fixes your boo-boos, listens to your problems, and so much more. Everyday mothers everywhere make a constant decision to put someone else’s’ needs above their own. And do you think that a lot of mothers get thanked for doing all that stuff? No, they probably do not.
   I am now able to understand why exactly there is a day to celebrate mothers. Moms are probably the most unappreciated people on earth. Most of the mothers I know definitely follow the Greatest Commandment (love God and love others). It is amazing to look around and see so many women who are great role models for me; as I am studying to be a teacher, and I will have a lot of children to take care of then. But, the point of this blog’s title is that moms should not be celebrated one day a year. They should be celebrated every day during the year.
   So, have you thanked your mom lately? Do you thank her throughout the year for all she does/did for you?
   Proverbs 31 & Matthew 22:36-40
   P.S. I realize that there is a holiday called Children's Day, but who really celebrates children on Children's Day? I know my family does not. And, yes it is nice that there is one specific day to celebrate moms; but the point is that mothers should be celebrated every day.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

What's Up With the Word "No?"

   Okay, it is confession time: I am a poker addict. No, I’m not talking about the game of poker with the cards. I don’t even know how to play that game. I mean poking like I come up and poke people with my pointer finger. I’m actually not as addicted to it as I used to be. I mostly do it to my family now. Well, one day I did it to my brother and that event got me thinking.
   I guess I must have been in a really annoying or hyper mood. So I just kept poking him. Plus, he gets more annoyed when I poke him than my sister does when I poke my her. During this particular time he was trying a new tactic of ignoring me. Sometimes that works; but this time it did not. After a while he finally yelled “no, stop.” I must have been in a really annoying mood because I said “you telling me no and you telling me stop makes my brain say ‘do it.’” We started cracking up because it was just really funny the way I said that; and I did actually stop poking him.
   That event has become an interesting joke in my family. But the more I thought about what I said to him the more I began to realize that what I said was the truth. There have been plenty of times in my life where people have told me not to do something; but then them telling me not to do it makes me want to do it even more. Of course, now I find myself on the opposite side of this because I am a teacher. I will tell my students not to do something because I care about their safety but they will try to do it anyway. Why is it that when people tell us not to do something it makes us want to do it even more?
   I believe it all comes down to our sinful nature. We are creatures who like pushing the limits. We are creatures who have sinful desires. And, it is really easy for us to follow those desires rather than trying to follow God. But, in the end what do our sinful desires get us? Nothing really because we will die; and the things of this earth will pass away. Because of our sin we deserve to go to Hell; but because we have a great God we can inherit eternal life. All we need to do is accept that we are a sinner and ask Jesus to come into our heart.
   Now, many people just stop at that point. It is true that some do try to change and stop sinning; but some people think once they have that ticket they are good to go and they can just keep sinning. It doesn’t work like that. We must combat the sinful desires of the flesh. Some ways we can do that is to hold one another accountable, to pray for strength, and to grow in our relationship with God. It will not be easy; but it will be worth it.
   So, are you falling into the trap of following your sinful desires? Are you willing to try to combat those desires?
   James 4:17, 1 John 1:8-10, Proverbs 27:17