Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Graduation Past, Present, And Future

   I was blessed with the experience to be a Kindergarten teacher this year. Recently, we had our Kindergarten Graduation. The students worked so hard to put on an amazing program and they did a fantastic job.
   Now, my students are ready for the next step: first grade. Actually, they have a little something called a summer vacation before that. Here’s the interesting thing: my kids were ready for summer probably a month ago. They were already talking about going to the pool, going to Disney, playing with friends, and just relaxing.
   Have you ever noticed how many times we are waiting for the next exciting event? We are ready to go to middle school, then high school, then college, then the real world. Why do we want to fast forward our lives? Perhaps it is because during the season of life we are in we don’t like the challenges, we don’t like the work, we don’t like this or that. Let me ask you this: what happens if we do not have challenges?
   The answer is: we don’t grow. Challenges are difficult to face but we must face them, with God, in order to grow.
   I think that we need to stop and slow down. We need to remember to look at the past, present, and then the future.
   Looking back: We need to look back at the places we were, at who we were, and at the people who impacted us. When we look back, we should not look back with longing, regret, or sadness. We should look back and be thankful for the challenges and the people who helped us through those challenges.
   Looking at now: it is a well-known saying that “today is a gift that is why it is called the present.” Many times we want to fast forward days because we are looking forward to something. But, we should be using the present wisely. We are only given a certain amount of time on earth, and we don’t know how long that is. That is why we need to enjoy now and the moments of joy we get.
   Looking at the future: when we look at the future, it may be scary but we need to prepare ourselves for the future. We do not need to overthink about the future. This is a difference between worrying and preparing. Worrying means you are always thinking about whatever the future holds. Preparing means you are taking action in the present in order to reach your future goals. Preparing means that you are working hard, and trusting God because he holds your future.
   For those of you who are graduating I encourage you to look back at who you were and thank the people who helped you grow. Next, stop for a minute and enjoy this moment because it is fleeting. Finally, prepare yourself for the future that God had for you!
   Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
   Image from here.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Where is Your Focus?

   Have you ever used a digital camera? If you have you know that a camera has many parts that help it to focus. It is important for the camera to be able to focus otherwise the picture isn't clear.
   Our eyes also have many parts that help us focus on things. We choose where we look and what we look past. Try this: pick up a pencil and hold it an arm’s length away right in front of your face. Look at the pencil. The background behind the pencil probably looks blurry. Now look past the pencil at the background. The pencil should have become blurry.
   It's funny how God made our eyes work. We are only able to focus on one thing at a time, either what is in front of us or what is past it. 
   We can relate this to our lives. We can focus on what is closest to us. We have that choice. We can choose to focus on the problems closest to us. Interestingly enough most of the time it is just one little problem that we focus on, just like the pencil was little. Or, we can choose to look past the problem at the big picture. When we look at the big picture our problem comes out of focus and we see it isn't that big at all.
   That's the view that God has. Many people say that Christians saying "everything happens for a reason" is a cop out. They want us to stop saying that because we can't explain why we say it. We just say over and over that God has a plan.
   But, if we think of our problems like that pencil then we can see our problems the way God sees them. None of us know the future. We just know what is happening right now. All we see is the pencil. 
   God is able to see that pencil/problem woven within the big picture. He knows why that problem is important in your life and he's willing to help you with that problem. We just need to ask him for help. If we lean on God then he can help us past those problems. He can help us come to him and grow in him, as long as our focus stays on him instead of our problems.
   So, will you focus on the little problems you have? Will you choose to lean on God during your problems? Will you trust that God has a plan for your life?
   2 Corinthians 4:18, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 3:5-6
   Image from here.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Trinity of Teaching

   When I was in college I learned a lot about education, different subjects, and the Bible. One day I was in a class where we were talking about having the art of artful teaching.
   In the book it talked about an artful teaching triangle. In the triangle is the teacher, students, and content. Teachers at Lancaster Bible College always pushed us to dig deeper into the text and make connections. This triangle reminded me of the trinity.
   God gives us knowledge. Back at the beginning of time he gave Adam and Eve one commandment: "do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil." They already had knowledge but they wanted more. They disobeyed and gained knowledge. Now God gives us more knowledge one little bit at a time. He says "wait until you see what I have in store for you next."
   The teacher is like God in the Trinity in the way that the teacher gives knowledge. A teacher's job is to convey knowledge to students so they will understand and grow more. After the teacher has done her job she sends her students on, either out into the world or onto another class. God sent his Son, Jesus to the world as well.
   Students are like Jesus in the trinity. Jesus came to this earth to help us and to die for our sins. Students don't die for others sins, but they do go out into the world and help others. They then teach and train others just like Jesus did.
   Finally, the content is like the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit guides our actions. That is its job. Content is what is to guide the teacher and the students. The teacher has a job to give students a certain amount of content so that the students can go out in the world and show others that content.
   What's this all have to do with you? Well, even if you were never a teacher there was a time in your life where you were a student. You had to learn and glean as much as you could from the teacher about the content.
   It is just like learning from God. We need to learn and glean as much as we can from the ultimate teacher, God. Once we have that knowledge what are we to do with it? We need to listen to the Holy Spirit, and use the content knowledge we have, to share the gospel with others.
   Even if you don't think you are a teacher you have a responsibility to share the gospel. You are a teacher conveying your knowledge to others whether you know it or not. If you never share the gospel with others you still have an impact on others. They see your walk. Are you walking the same way you are talking? People know, or will find out, that you consider yourself a Christian. Are you being a good example for them? That spreads the gospel too.
   So, do you realize you are a teacher even if you don't think you are? Are you learning from teachers so you can spread the gospel? Will you choose to go out and listen to the Holy Spirit if you are called to share the good news? 
   Hebrews 13:7, 2 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 28:19-20
   Image from here

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Naomi and Ruth: Being a Surrogate Mother

   This year I began my career as a teacher. I decided at the beginning of the year to get a class pet. We have a Beta Fish in named Charger in my classroom. At the beginning of the year, I was able to feed him every day. But, then I went to being part-time (I was subbing at the beginning of the year so I was full-time). I had to find someone who would be willing to feed my fish the other two days.
   I asked the teacher next door if she would be willing to take care of him on the days I was not there. She was hesitant but then said, "yes." She has done a great job taking care of him. I joked with her the other day and said "How is Charger's surrogate mother." She laughed and we went back to our jobs.
   Here's the interesting thing: after that conversation I got to think about how important mothers are. I'm not just talking about actual mothers. I am talking about people who come alongside us and care for us like mothers. They are people who are so important in our lives whether we realize it or not. 
   The story of Ruth gives us an example of a surrogate mother and daughter. Naomi had a husband and two sons. They moved to Moab, because of famine. While there, her sons got married. Then her husband and sons suddenly died. Naomi decided to go back to Israel. Ruth went with her.
   At first, Naomi may not look like the best surrogate mother but she is just trying to look to Ruth's best interest. She tells Ruth to go back home so Ruth can get married again. Ruth decides to stay with Naomi. Through the rest of the book we see a transformation in Naomi. She guides Ruth every step of the way.
   It is important for us to realize that even if we don't have children we are still an example to children. They are watching and listening. They then exhibit qualities and actions they see. Are you actions and words good ones? Would you want your own children to show those qualities?
   Here's the other thing Ruth and Naomi teach us: we don't have to be an actual mother to someone to be a mother to them. Ruth basically became an adopted daughter to Naomi. I'm not saying you have to call a younger person you are close to an adopted son/daughter but you can still treat them like one. You can come alongside them, guide them, and just love them like Naomi did to Ruth.
   So, are your actions and words ones you want the next generation to exhibit? Will you choose to guide the next generation?
   Ruth, Philippians 2:4, Hebrews 10:24-25
   Image from here

Saturday, May 12, 2018

What God can Do with Your Flower Pot?

Picture a pot,
What is missing in it, is a lot.
There isn't a sign,
Of dirt worth a dime.
In the pot is a flower,
That doesn't look like it has much power.
What can God do with that?

Picture a pot,
That does have a lot.
The dirt is overflowing,
So much so, it could do with some mowing.
In this pot there are many plants
They look like they could just dance.
What can God do with this flower pot?

God is so awesome,
He can make everything blossom.
If a pot is filled with void,
Should it be destroyed?
If a pot has a lot,
It can still turn to rot.
What should God do with these flower pots?

   We were made by an awesome God. We were created with certain abilities, thoughts, and desires. Every person has a void in them when they are born. We try to fill that void in many ways whether that be food, TV, drugs, or sex. We look for happiness on this earth but we cannot find it. We are born like the empty pot that isn't flourishing at all.
   Sometimes people are alright with filling their flower pot with the nothingness of this world. They make choices to fill their flower pot with food, tv, drugs, etc. They think they know what is best for them. It is their way or the highway. It is look out for number one. It is I am holier than you.
God can't do much with either of these flower pots until the flower pot realizes that it needs someone to take care of it. For the empty pot, God can fill it up with his love, mercy, and grace. He can help the flower in that pot grow and flourish until it seems like the pot will burst.
   For the full flower pot, God can tame the wild flower in that pot. He can take out all of the bad weeds that have grown there like food, money, drugs, etc. He can take away some of the dirt that says I know better than others. He can make that person realize that, that person's ideas that are incorrect and clean up that person's sins. Once that happens, the flower in the pot can also grow and flourish until it seems like the pot will burst.
   Now, you may be saying what will happen to the pot if the flower gets too big because the person grows with God a lot. Well, God is a great gardener. He knows what is best for each plant in his garden. If a plant gets to the point where it needs to be moved in order to grow more, God can move that plant to a new pot or a garden. He has an amazing plan for each of us, we just need to be humble and willing enough to say "God, let your will be done."
   So, will you be a person who has a void in your heart, always searching for a way to fill the void? Will you be the person who thinks you know it all and make the choice to follow your own selfish desires? Or, will you be the person who says "I will follow you God, no matter where you take me?"
   Luke 10:27, 2 Peter 3:18, Ecclesiastes 3:1
   Image from here.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

A Birthday Reminder

I'm turning ten,
Will fifth grade ever end?
I'm ready to go to middle school,
And look super cool.

Now I'm 14,
And middle school ain't so keen.
People don't like me and I don't fit in,
Because I choose not to sin.
Maybe high school will be different?

Here comes age 18,
I am excited for college I just hope people aren't mean.
Graduation here I come,
Then I'll be free to go anywhere I want to run!

I don't know about you but I'm feelin’ 22,
I cannot believe how much I grew.
From college is where I'm graduating,
Now I'll be thrown into the world's center ring.

Finally I've turned 24,
But I don't really feel like I can score.
I miss life when I was young,
But I have to remember God keeps calling me to run.

No matter where I go,
You are always with me, this I know.
So I will push on,
Even if everything seems to be going wrong.

Keep running the race,
Because you are covered in his grace!

   Will you choose to be thankful for the time you have on earth and what God has given you? Will you try to grow and learn as much as you can? Will you run the race no matter what challenges are ahead?
   1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Hebrews 12:1, 1 Peter 2:1-25
   Image from here.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Moses: Facing Rejection

   “If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection” (Lecrae).
   I don’t know about you but I know that I have a tendency to want to please people. It is difficult to not to want to please others nowadays. We have to please our bosses. We want to please our families and friends. We want others to think that we are good at different things. We are in a world filled with people who want to be greater, better, and awesome at everything. But, is it possible to be able to please everyone?
   One of my favorite people in the Bible is Moses. I’ve always loved that story since I saw the movie The Prince of Egypt. The other day I was watching the Sight and Sound version and there was a lesson in it that I had not thought of before. When Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh the first time good things did not happen. In fact, Pharaoh made things worse for the Israelites.
   See, originally, the Egyptians gave the Israelites straw to make the bricks required for building. But, after Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh, Pharaoh said that the Egyptians would no longer supply the straw for the bricks. The Israelites would have to make the same amount of bricks while collecting the straw to make them.
   Now, I don’t know about you, but I am already busy and beat up doing my normal routine and I am not a slave. I am pretty sure that the Israelites were not happy with their new situation. They already felt that God had betrayed them because they were slaves for so many years. Now they had to do more work because God sent a deliverer to save them.
   At this point Moses and Aaron were probably feeling pretty down. They were also probably rejected by their fellow Israelites. They might have even doubted God and thought about giving up. It’s your typical Israelite (and human) reaction. We fail at something or it gets too hard so we want to give up.
   Could you imagine what would have happened if Moses and Aaron would have given up because they were unable to please their people? But they did not give up. They did not give up because they knew that God had a greater plan. Do you think they expected it to take that long for them to be set free? Do you think that they expected to have that many plagues? It took a lot and people were probably not happy with them. But, they did not give up. It did not matter that people did not like them they were focused on one thing: God.
   I’ve said in past blogs that there is one way for us to care about others but not care what they think about us: we need to have peace in God. Moses and Aaron had their eyes fixed on God. They believed that God called them to deliver the Israelites. It did not matter what the others thought about them. They knew what they had to do.
   So, will you be a people pleaser, or will you do what God calls you to do? Will you believe God has a plan, even when it is hard to believe or understand? Will you keep your eyes fixed on God?
   Exodus 5, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Proverbs 3:5-6
   Image found here