Saturday, April 27, 2024

I'm a Sheep

    I was once struggling with a lot of unknowns. I didn’t know what would happen with my job, my coaching career, my friendships, my relationship, and many things in my life. I was becoming stressed with all the choices I had to make. So, one day I took a walk in the snow.

   I reflected on a podcast from The Porch I had heard earlier that week. It was talking about Psalm 23. That Psalm begins with saying “the Lord is my shepherd.” Now we’ve all pictured this before, at least if you are a Christian and you’ve heard the Psalm. It’s easy to see Jesus as a shepherd guiding us. But you know what that makes us? Sheep. And sheep are not the smartest creatures.

   The next verse says, “he makes me lie down in green pastures.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like to be forced to do anything. But here it says that God makes us lie down. Why would we need to be made to lie down? Perhaps it’s because God knows the temptation to keep busy is so strong for some of us. Oh sure, our reasons for trying to busy ourselves are different but we forget to rest. We forget to rest in God. And he doesn’t just make us rest in a horrible stinky place. He makes us rest in good places, in green pastures.

   Verse 4 takes a turn. It doesn’t seem like it is discussing sheep anymore. It talks about a dark valley. That doesn’t seem to apply to shepherds, but it does. Shepherds would take their sheep to mountains in the summer months. But to get to the mountains, the shepherd would have to take the sheep through valleys. There are many dangers in the valleys and shadows can become dangerous things in an instant. Yet, the good shepherd is there to protect his sheep. His rod and his staff protect and comfort us through that protection.

   As I was putting all this together, a thought hit me. Was I insisting on staying in the valley? Was I fighting my shepherd trying to stay in my comfort zone? Things were not going well at my job, but it was comfortable knowing what I was doing each day. But was I forsaking the good of the mountain that God was taking me to by choosing to stay in the valley?

   I don’t know the answers to those questions yet, but it was a good start. And I felt peace for the first time in a while.

   So, do you trust the good shepherd? How can you trust God as he leads you through valleys to the mountains?

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Decorating Your Cell

    There are many times of the year where you enjoy decorating. During Christmas, during the Fourth of July, for spring, for fall, sometimes for Halloween, for almost any party, etc. People will decorate their homes, offices, cars, and much more to get the ambience just right for the celebration. It kind of puts you in a festive mood. It builds anticipation.

   Well, while all those decorations and the places you put them are fun, I’m willing to bet you probably have never thought of decorating one place: a jail cell. Woah! We just went from fun and fancy to dark and dreary. Why would I even bring up decorating a place like that? Isn’t that where criminals go?

   Now I don’t know if criminals do decorate their cells for real or not. But I’m talking about how some of us have a spiritual jail cell. Some of us choose to continue to live in sin. We all face temptations. Some of us choose to give in to those temptations. We choose to enter the cell of sin. I don’t know what temptations you have faced. I don’t know if you gave into them or not. What I do know is if we begin decorating our sin cell, we are in bad shape.

   See, usually, if someone is decorating a place, they are claiming ownership of it. They are planning on staying there for some time. Thus, they want it to be nice, homey, and a place they and others will feel comfortable in. Why in the world would we want to feel comfortable in sin? I realize that it may feel good for a bit but that source of dopamine, whatever it is, will wear off. And you will be back looking for your next fix sooner rather than later.

   People who are decorating their cells have admitted defeat. But you don’t have to. You can give up that sin. You can leave and decorate the home God has given you. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” Even if you have given into temptation. Even if you feel like there’s no hope, there is! God provided us with a way of escape. He sent his Son to die for us, to be the perfect sacrifice, so we could have a way of escape. It’s our choice whether we stay in the cell or not.

   So, are you in a cell decorating away right now? How can you escape the cell if you are in one? How can you refuse to enter the cell when it is presented to you?

Saturday, April 13, 2024


    You know, our bodies are amazing things. One of the most fascinating parts of our bodies is our brain. Scientists are still trying to figure out our brains. One area they just cannot seem to figure out is our thoughts. Sure, you can see reactions in the brain when we have a thought, but you cannot know exactly what that thought is. I think that’s one reason why thoughts are so powerful, only you can control them and only you know what your thoughts are.

   Whatever thoughts you think about, I am fairly certain that you sometimes have trouble controlling your thoughts. How do we do that? Can we do that? It seems even if you have the best intentions and wish you could stop thinking negative things, they just come back up. I have found that thoughts can be fit into a few categories.

   Surface level immediate thoughts: things you think about that don’t have much meaning. I mean, while I believe the thought, “I would really like a chocolate milkshake” is an incredible thought it doesn’t serve much in the long run (other than maybe getting a milkshake).

   Surface level future thoughts: this is when you think about things you need to do. Like get groceries or get some things done for that project at work.

   Intelligent intellectual thoughts: this is my way of saying deep thinking. Most of the time, I feel, our brains don’t go into deep thinking unless we are in school, in a thought-provoking conversation, reading a book, etc. (could even borderline throw overthinking in here). An important note, this type of thinking can be considered both good and bad depending on what you are thinking about.

   Negative woe is me thoughts: when it is a rainy day and all thoughts you have are just bad. Like, can things get much worse thoughts? Not very healthy thoughts.

   Godly grateful thoughts: Not that things are always going to be amazing in our lives but there is always something to be grateful for.

   While there may be some other areas of thought, many of them could probably fit into these categories. Looking at these categories, ask yourself which ones tend to go through your brain the most? I’m not saying that there is any wrong category to be in the most. It’s okay if you have all these kinds of thoughts. But I’m saying you should not be stuck in just one of these areas of thought. Well, not stuck in all but one.

   Godly grateful thoughts should be where we land most of the time. It would be amazing if we were stuck (not in a bad way) in that area of thought. But I’m thinking that much of the time that’s not where your thoughts land. I’m the same way. How then do we change our thinking so we can have more Godly grateful thoughts?

   First off, I want to remind you that it is possible to change our way of thinking lest you be tempted to say, it’s impossible (which you should not say as nothing is impossible with God). 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” See, Satan has this horrid habit of trying to get into our brains. He likes to tell us lies. He likes to deceive. He likes to detain us. I think that’s why Paul told the Corinthians that they can take their thoughts captive. We have the power, through Christ, to tell Satan to get out!

   Now how do we change our thinking? We think about “whatever.” What do you mean “whatever?!” I already think about whatever I want daily and that hasn’t helped me! I mean we think of the whatever verse. Philippians 4:8 says “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” These are the things our thoughts should be focused on. Focused on Christ-like thoughts. Focused on His word so we can refute the lies of the liar. Focused on the truth about how God feels about us. Focused on reflecting God’s glory in all we think, say, and do. Because, while we may not be able to see and know your thoughts, there is someone who does.

   So, do you have a problem with thinking too many surface level or negative thoughts? What will you do to change your way of thinking? I encourage you to make an action plan today to help you change your way of thinking.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Past and Future Struggle is Real

   Have you ever thought about how much you reflect on things? Some reflection can be good. It’s not too bad to look back at where you were to see how far you have come. It’s not bad to look back and see if there is anything you can change to reflect God’s glory more. But looking back and dwelling on it about how good it was or how bad it was, can be a problem.

   Have you ever thought about how much you think about the future? Some thinking and preparing for the future can be good. It’s not bad to study for a test. It’s not bad to be prepared for a project or for the next day. It’s not bad to think about where God is taking your life. But worrying about the future or overthinking it can be a problem.

   Yes, thinking about the past or the future can be dangerous if one dwells on it for too long. Instead, it is best if we focus on the here and now. How can we do that, though? It’s so hard to not look back with longing at good times and contempt at bad ones. It’s so hard to not think about the future. It’s hard to not wish for different times.

   The answer? We trust in God. Psalm 9:10 says, “And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” God doesn’t leave us, ever. He’s always with us. He cares for us and loves us. He wants us to grow in him, to reflect on how far we’ve come, and to be prepared for the future. But if that’s all we focus on we are missing the point of life. Now is the present. It is a present. It’s where we can wake up each new day and say, “I’m going to do my best to reflect God’s glory today.” It’s saying, “I trust you God, even if I can’t see the future, even if I’m longing for a past time.”

   So, are you dwelling too much on the past or on the future? How can you trust in God and his plan?

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Isn't Easy

    Have you ever thought about how Jesus came to earth? It was in a very unexpected way. Most people assumed the Messiah would come like a powerful king or a mighty military man. But that’s not what happened. And, when you think about it, Jesus came in a way that wasn’t easy.

   Wouldn’t it have been a lot easier to come in the way people expected him to come? To swoop down like a hero, wipe out the enemies of Israel, and rule? But if he did that, he would not be true to one of his characteristics. He came down as a baby, as a human, to show his love for us. He chose the hard path.

   Why do I say that? He could’ve taken the easy path and showed his power to all. He could have taken the easy path and just destroyed all of us when we sinned. He could have taken the easy path and just chose to ignore us because we chose to disobey him. But he chose to become one of us so he could know what it was like to be one of us.

   He chose the hard path of growing up, hitting puberty, learning a trade, facing temptations, and having hard emotions. He chose the hard path of not truly revealing who he was till he was 30. He chose the hard path of explaining hard topics to others, he went against the religious leaders of that day, and walking away from his family to show love to all. He chose the hard path of submitting to the Father, being falsely accused, being beaten, and dying on a cross for all our sins.

   Yes friends, Easter was far from easy. But, because Jesus chose the hard path, he made a way for us. Jesus took the hard part from us. He took our sins and became the perfect sacrifice for us. Then he made it easy for us to choose him. We just need to accept him as our savior, believe he is God, and confess our sins to him. Now, that’s not to say our life suddenly gets easier. But we do get to walk through life with the one who loves us. With the one who knows our pain. With the one who loved us enough to die for us.

   So, have you thanked God lately for what he has done for you? When life gets hard, how can you remember to lean on God?

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Who Are You Exalting?

   Have you ever thought about the gifts that God has given you? Everything you have from where you live to your talents was given to you by God. God is such a good father that he gives us these things. We have a choice in what we do with these things. We can choose to use them for ourselves or for God.

   We can choose to use our humor to be vulgar and crass, or we can make others laugh and share the gospel (God created laughter and has a sense of humor, look at the platypus). We can choose to use the car we have to transport only ourselves, or we can serve others by giving them a ride if they need it. We can use our gift of cooking to exalt ourselves and flaunt our talent, or we can make food for others less fortunate than us. We can use our bodies to be provocative and serve our desires, or we can glorify God with them by using them to serve others.

   1 Peter 4:10 says, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." He says WHATEVER gift. That doesn't just mean we use what we have as extra. It means we sacrifice. We show the love of Christ who gave the greatest gift through his sacrifice by sacrificing as well. We take action to praise God for what he's given us and not ourselves. We take pride in who our God is by pointing to him through our actions.

   So, who are you exalting? Are you showing God's love daily by using the gifts he's given you to reflect his glory?

Saturday, March 23, 2024

A Distorted View

   Have you ever looked through a camera, window, telescope, glasses, or binoculars and the view wasn't what you were expecting? Maybe it was dirty, foggy, or maybe you couldn't see at all. You think it would be better if you just didn't use the thing that was supposed to help you see better or capture that memory. Well, unfortunately, some people's views of the world is distorted anyhow even without using that dirty enhancer.


   The world's definition: calm, quiet, no war, no arguing, etc.

   God's definition: John 16:33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

   Peace isn't no war or problems. Peace is being in the middle of those problems, battles, storms, etc. And knowing you will be okay. You are okay because God is with you in those problems. He's already won the war so what can those problems do to you?


   The world's definition: anything that gives you pleasure. (Food, sex, drugs, movies, etc.)

   God's definition: James 1:2-4 "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

   Joy, or happiness, isn't found in the things of this world. We can try to fill the hole in our hearts with the things of this world, but they only bring temporary happiness. True joy is found in God. When we choose him and follow him, we will still have problems, but we will know that our joy doesn't need to change because God is with us.


   The world's definition: having lots of money, cars, a big house, a high paying job, lots of material things, being famous/popular, knowing you are the GOAT, etc.

   God's definition: Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." 

   What is the point of being successful according to the world? The point is that you have a good job, a lot of money, you have things that are thought of as bringing happiness. It is thought to bring you comfort. That definition of success brings happiness for a time. But not eternal joy. The point of us being on earth is for us to know Christ, to show his love to others, and to lead others to him. All of which, is reflecting his glory. That's not saying that if we lead someone to Christ, we should have pride and think we are the best. No! Rather, we should rejoice that another soul was saved. Another person was brought into the kingdom.


   The world's definition: something that gives you butterflies. When that feeling of butterflies leaves, you fall out of love. Something that can be used to make you have happiness, success, or peace. 

   God's definition: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

   Love isn't a tool to be used to get what you want. Love isn't just a feeling. Love is action. Love is respect. Love is sacrifice. It takes sacrifice to do all these things in 1 Corinthians 13. We sacrifice time when we are patient. We sacrifice our needs/desires when we don't envy, don't boast, and are not proud. We sacrifice our feelings/rights when we hold back anger and forgive when we are wronged. God is love. And we are to follow Jesus' example and love God and others.

   So, is your view distorted of any of these things? How can you remember the true definitions of these things and put them into action?

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Study for Your Retest

   One day I was talking with my boyfriend about teaching and how much of it relates to our relationship with God. It was a bit of a rough week with the kids. They were having trouble listening and following the rules. My boyfriend asked me how I handle when that happens. I related it to something I talked about at Lancaster Bible College.

   A large area of discussion in education is whether teachers should give retests. If I was not Christian, I would probably say, "no, retests should not be given. You should have studied the first time." But God gives retests. When we fail and sin, God forgives us and lets us try again. Thank goodness in his grace, he does, or no one would be with him in heaven. 

   That's why I told my boyfriend that I give my students another chance. I forgive them and pray that they grow and learn their lesson. At that point, my boyfriend looked at me and said, "I'm glad God gives retests, I'm in one right now."

   See, my boyfriend had been in one other serious relationship before. That relationship did not work out because he wasn't focused on growing in God as much at that point in his life. After he said he was in a retest, I replied, "well at least you have studied for this retest." My boyfriend was seeking God at that point. He was growing in God and learning more about him. He was following Colossians 2:6-7 which says, "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."

   As Christians, we aren't meant to stay stagnant in our walk with God. We are to be rooted in him. We should have deep roots going down searching for spiritual water to grow in God. Each day, we should be spending time with God, so we are growing in him. Then when tests or trials come, and they will, we will have the answers to that test. We will be able to refute Satan with scripture because we are rooted in God.

   So, are you studying for your tests and retests? How will you spend time with God each day?

Saturday, March 9, 2024

A Battle

   I've talked about feeling suckerpunched before. I've found that it happens when things seem to be going well but suddenly you are attacked. That happened to me one time and it was a struggle.

   Things were going well; I was on a God high. Then I felt taken for granted, I was tired, and changes were happening all around me. I suddenly felt weak, alone, upset, and angry. I faced a battle within myself. Knowing that God was with me was on one side. The other side was it was unfair, I should just leave, and I wanted to punch something.

   I prayed. God, why? Why is this happening? You know how hard this was for me the last time. Why would you let this happen again?

   He wasn't afraid of my question, my tears, or my anger. He was glad I came to him. God answered me. My devotion reminded me to step away from the victim mentality because in him I'm more than a conqueror.

   The next morning, I was doing my other devos. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminded me to trust in God. In his plan because he has one for me. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 told me that I am to share my weaknesses. Also reminded me that God works through coincidences. He is with me.

   Then my heart began to sing "Confidence" by Sanctus Real. I can face my giants with God. He's on my side. I'm his daughter. He loves me and is with me.

   So what battle are you facing? How can you rely on God and remember he is with you?

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Let It Go, It Holds No Power Over You

    I enjoy reading books. Melanie Dickenson is an author who writes books based off fairy tales and adds Christian messages to them. One book is called The Merchants Daughter based off of Beauty and the Beast.

   In the book Beast is the way he is because his wife hated him after he was maimed. She no longer loved him because of the way he looked. Eventually the wife leaves but Beast cannot let go of the power she holds over him. He thinks no one can ever love him because of how he looks so he pushes everyone away.

   While reading this book, I said "Beast just needs to let go of the hold the past has on him." As I said it, I realized that I also hold on the past. Philippians 3:3-4 says, "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." This verse tells us that we need to forget about what's behind us. Yes, those experiences shaped us into who we are today, but they no longer have a hold on us because God changed us. 

   No matter what you have done in your past, God has wiped it clean. He loves you and walks with you. Nothing man has said or done to you matters in the long run. In eternity none of it will matter. That doesn't mean God doesn't care about what we are going through. It just means that in eternity it won't feel like a log has hit us like it may now. It won't even feel like a toothpick hitting us because there will be no sorrow or pain in heaven. Won't that be amazing?

   So, does the past have a hold on you? How can you trust God with your past and your future?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Leaving Comfort

   Mind blank. Darkness around. Breathe in, breathe out. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Ugh, you groan as you roll over to stop your alarm. Maybe you continue to lay there for a bit. Then eventually you sit up. Grabbing your Bible and devotional book, you spend time with your Lord. After that's done you sit. 

   Your bed is warm and soft. The blankets provide comfort. It's hard to leave. It's especially hard because you know, once you leave that bed, the crazy kicks in. You need to make breakfast, prepare your bag for work, maybe wake your kids if you have them, etc. It seems like a better idea to just stay in the comfort of your bed.

   In Matthew 14:22-33 we see the event of Jesus walking on water. Though there was a storm, Peter chose to leave the boat, which was safe and more comfortable than the deep raging ocean and walk on water. Had Peter chosen to stay in comfort, we would not have an amazing example of faith and what happens when we take our eyes off God to focus on our problems. 

   Yes, it's nice to stay in comfort. But if we don't leave the bed, the boat, our house, etc. Then we are not going to live out our purpose. We will not be following Jesus' command to go into the world and make disciples. We will not be reflecting his glory.

   So, are you staying in comfort too much? How can you leave your comfort zone knowing God is with you?

Saturday, February 17, 2024


   One day I was outside on a very nice day with my students. A newer teacher was with me. I heard the tweet of a bird. Looking on my right, I saw a female cardinal. I pointed it out to my co-teacher. Then I saw a male one and pointed it out as well. The next thing I said elicited an interesting response from the new teacher I said, "they are twitterpated."

   Her mouth dropped and then she laughed. I said, "what? They (the kids) don't know what that means. I'm shocked you even know what that means!" The only reason I knew was because of Bambi.

   This got me thinking about how we don't know things unless they are explained to us. It is the same way as with the gospel. We don't know about it until someone tells us it.

   We are called to spread the good news with others. Matthew 28:19 says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." We are to make sure that others know about Christ and understand who he is and what he did for us.

   So, do you know who Christ is? How can you spread the Gospel each day?

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Most Powerful Force in the World

   Love: it is a simple word and yet it is so powerful. We use the word almost every day and yet, so many people don’t know what it means. I already discussed that in last year’s Valentine’s Day post so I won’t bore you with that again.
   But, I do want to point out that love is very powerful. There are many forces in the world: gravity, inertia, The Force (Star Wars), and so many more. But, though all of these are important forces, I think the most powerful is love. Merlin and King Arthur put it best in the Disney movie The Sword and the Stone: “Merlin: ‘ah, you know, lad, that love business is a powerful thing.’ Arthur: ‘greater than gravity?’ Merlin: ‘well, yes, boy. In its way, I’d, uh… Yes, I’d say it’s the greatest force on earth.’”
   Honestly, in my opinion, love makes the world go round, literally. Think about it: why did God create everything? He created us, water, food, earth, life because he loved us before we were even created. Without God, there would be no earth. Thus, love makes the world go round. And, it is still very powerful today. God sent his Son to save us because he loves us. God’s love is unconditional. It is him showing compassion and grace even when we don’t deserve it.
   God asks nothing in return; but he wants to have a relationship with us. Because he loves us, we should love him and his creation. We need to show others love no matter how difficult it may be. Remembering that, as stated in last year’s Valentine’s Day post, love is not just a powerful emotion. It is respecting others and caring for them even when they don’t love you back. God has enemies, I have enemies, you have enemies, everyone has enemies at some point in their life; but if God can love his enemies so can we. We must forgive and love our enemies.
   I encourage you on this Valentine’s Day to think about what love is to you. Have you been loving others, or do you hate them? Do you want God to forgive you when you mess up? If so, you need to take a long look in the mirror and figure out if you are forgiving those who wrong you.
   Happy Valentine’s Day
   1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 1 John 4:8, 1 Corinthians 16:14

Saturday, February 10, 2024

He Lifts Us Up

 The sun has just risen over the African plain. Animals tread across the ground all headed toward one particular rock. They stand waiting to see something special happen. Suddenly a baboon walks up to the top of the rock. He lifts up… a lion cub! The next king of the pride lands has been born!

If you did not guess, I was describing the beginning of an amazing movie: The Lion King. In the beginning of the movie, Simba, the next king, is born. After he is born, he is presented to his people. The way he is presented is by Rafiki lifting him up before them. It is a surreal moment. These animals are looking at the one who will lead them next. 

What does that have to do with Christianity? Well, we are born common. We are born sinners, unholy. God cannot be with anything unholy. Thus, we have a conundrum. Or we did, that is until Jesus died for our sins. 

Jesus became the perfect sacrifice. He died on the cross to take away our sins. In doing that he gave us a choice. We can choose to follow ourselves and keep sinning, or we can ask for forgiveness. We can trust in Jesus as our personal savior. 

If we do that, he lifts us up just as Rafiki lifted Simba up when he was born. When we are born again, Jesus lifts us up. We are now royalty. Wait, where did that come from? Romans 8:16-17 says, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” When we become born again, we become children of God. Thus, we are royalty. We are heirs with Jesus. Now that brings about good things and some challenges but that’s a blog for another time.

The point is, we are saved. We are royalty. We are in God’s family just by choosing to accept Christ as our savior. It’s mind boggling!

So, are you a part of God’s family? How can you spread the gospel today?

Saturday, February 3, 2024


    Dirt crunches under your feet. The breeze blows across your face as the ocean waves crash in time. Looking to your right, you shield your eyes from the sun as you look into your father's eyes. 

   He smiles at you gently then stops, "wait here, my child, I will be back."

   A slice of fear hits your heart. Where is he going? 

   Before you ask, your father says, "you made a request earlier. I am going to give you what you asked for, but you must wait here."

   You nod reluctantly. He puts his hand on your shoulder, half smiles, and for an instant you think you see pain in his eyes, but it disappears as soon as you blink.

   Father leaves. Where to? You do not know. You just know what you were asked to do. Looking around, you see just how beautiful nature is. Taking a deep breath, you take in the peace you have found here.

   "What are you doing?" A voice asks. Beside you is a man with friends surrounding him. "I am waiting for my father," you reply. He gives you a strange look, "why?" "He told me to wait for him here." The man laughs, "okay, well, do you want to come into the water with us while you are waiting?" That sounds love more fun than just waiting here but your father told you to stay. "I'm okay, I'll just wait for him, thanks." The group leaves and you take a deep breath as peace washes over you again. Waiting.

   "Are you lost?" A woman asks. "No, I am waiting for my father." The woman looks concerned. "Honey, there is no one else here. You are the first person I have seen here all day." You shake your head and begin to point to the direction the group who came earlier went; but when you look, you realize they are not there. "Do you want to come with me? I can help you find your dad and take care of you until we find him." The woman smiles. Did your father leave you? No, he wouldn't do that, would he? "I... I'm okay, I'll stay here." "Suit yourself," she shrugged and walks away. Waiting...

   Before you can let peace wash over you again, an older voice shouts, "a storm is coming! If I were you, I would leave!" No one is there when you look around for a person. Sure enough, when you look in the sky, you see dark clouds. There is a rumble in the distance and a flash of light strikes. Wind begins to blow sand into your eyes. WAITING....

   This is getting dangerous. Where is your father? He would never have left you here if he knew what you were going to go through. You should leave to seek shelter, but your father told you to wait. But if he knew there was a storm, he wouldn't want you to be in it, right? What if he came back and you were not here, would he know where to find you? Should you leave, or wait? WAITING?

   What you don't know, what you can't see, is your father is watching you during the storm. He wants to see if you will trust him and wait. It may not seem like he is there with you, but he never left. No thing that came to you or against you while you were waiting would be able to separate you from your father and his love. He is watching over you and protecting you. So, do you go your own way, or trust him and wait?

   Psalm 40:1, Romas 8:25, Exodus 14:14

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Looking at the Paper

   I once began a journey I didn't think I'd ever begin: online dating. Through that experience I was in contact with many different guys. Some of them were not Christian who contacted me even though I had put on my profile, "must be Christian." Others were Christian.

   The first date I went on was with a Christian guy. Let's call him Anakin. Anakin looked good on paper. He was a Christian, owned a house, had a good job, knew how to cook, was flowing with ideas, and was creating a new business. He was a man who has the total package. Yet, something felt off. It felt like we didn't connect for some reason.

   After going on a date with that guy, I went for coffee as friends with another guy. Let's call this guy Obi Wan. He was a Christian, a soccer player, a coach, had a job, lives a minimalistic life, didn't own his own house, and didn't know how to cook. He was a good guy but comparing him on paper to Anakin on paper was a no brainer. Most people would choose Anakin because he brings more practicality to the table. Yet, I sat and had a three hour honest conversation with Obi Wan. There was something different about him.

   A week went by and something continued to feel off about my dating Anakin. Then I realized what it was: we were unequally yoked. Now, at this point, you may be saying, "isn't Anakin Christian? How are you unequally yoked?"

   While it was true that we were both Christian, we were at different places in our walks with God. We were on different paths. Meanwhile, Obi Wan and I were both seeking God. We both wanted to have Bible studies together. We talked about our challenges and victories with one another. We prayed with each other. We connected. We were on the same path.

   See, sometimes God doesn't call us to take the easy path, or the path the world would take. Many people would have probably chosen Anakin based off his qualifications and what he could do for them. He looked good on paper. But love and marriage are not about looking good on paper or what the other person can do for you. Love and marriage is to point to Christ. People should see you relationship (in marriage) and see how Jesus is with his bride, the church.

   So, are you equally yoked with your partner? How can you continue to walk, grow, and encourage your partner? 

   2 Corinthians 6:14

Saturday, January 20, 2024


    About a year ago I began a journey I never thought I would take online dating. Throughout the course of that journey, I talked with a lot of guys. I only met a few of them. Some of them may have chosen to go on dates with me or to meet but they were not the ones I chose, and they didn’t choose to continue the relationship with me.

   That is, until I met Nate. We began as friends meeting for coffee. It was clear he had a heart for God and wanted someone who had that as well. We found we had similar interests and enjoyed talking about the same things. After about a month, Nate asked me to be his girlfriend. During the time as his girlfriend, there were definitely ups and downs in our relationship and in our lives. That’s the way it is with any relationship. 

   Up until January 14, 2024, we were still choosing one another in a dating relationship. But on that day, Nate chose me. He asked me to marry him. I said yes. After, I reflected on a lot. One of the things I reflected on was how good it felt to be chosen.

   Here’s the thing though, I was already chosen. I was chosen by God. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” We are chosen people. God chose us. He chose us before he created the Garden of Eden or anything in the universe. He chose us when he sent Christ to die for us. And that feels great.

   So, do you know you have been chosen? How can you remember that you have been chosen?

Saturday, January 13, 2024

I'm Struggling With...

   "I'm struggling with faith." "I'm struggling with anxiety." "I'm in a battle with drugs." "I can't seem to stop gossiping." The list can go on and on. We all have struggles, problems that come along, sins we can't seem to shake, etc. Jesus promised us life wouldn't be easy.

   John 16:33 which says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." In the world we will have trouble, but Jesus has overcome the world. Because of that, we can have peace no matter what struggle or battle we face. 

   Now, there is something we can do no matter what struggle we face. We must choose if we will give more power to the struggle or to God. If we focus too much on the problem, sin, or struggle we give it power. Instead, we should focus on God. He gives us strength to defeat the struggle. God is with you in your struggle. Fix your eyes on him. Trust in him. He will not let you fall.

   So, are you focused too much on your struggles? How can you focus more on God during struggles? How can you pray for those who are struggling today?

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Held During Anxiety

   There is one time in the year that my dog freaks out the most: when we go on vacation. That's because he needs to travel in a car for 30 minutes to my Aunt and Uncles' house. He does not like car rides. He will whine, cry, growl, bark, cut our legs with his nails, etc. The thing I didn't understand is I am holding him. I will literally hug him and he will still be freaking out. It did not make sense.

   Then I thought about how I have anxiety too. I whine, cry, growl, and get upset when problems come in my life. Yet, I am being held by the Lord. He is literally wrapping me in a big hug and I still have anxiety.

   In those times I remember Isaiah 41:10 which says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I don't need to fear because God is with me. In the highs and lows he's got me. He loves me. He helps get rid if the fear in his great strength.

   So do you believe that you are held by God? When fear and anxiety appear in your life what do you do? Who do you turn to?

Monday, January 1, 2024

Three P's: New Year's

   Each year I choose a spiritual resolution. This year I prayed about it and God led me to I choose patience. That was tested through work, relationships, soccer, and life in general. I would take a step back each time I felt impatience coming on and talk with God.

   As the year went on, I felt something I hadn't felt before. I felt God tugging on me to add another resolution. This one was also a difficult one for me: prayer. When you think about it, patience and prayer go hand in hand. But I had been holding off on those resolutions because I knew they would be hard for me. Yet, through God, I have been able to work on both of them. 

   When trying times would come up, not only would I pause, but I would pray. I would spend time each day with God in prayer. Then, midway through the year, something happened.

   I was tested. I was myself. I was honest. And it came back to bite me. I didn't understand. Why would God allow this to happen if I'm following him? 

   The final "p" I was asked to do this year was some pruning. I had been holding on tightly to my reputation. I prided myself on what others thought about me. I wanted others to praise me. It took that testing and reflection for me to realize what I needed to let go of.

   Now, I'm not going to lie, the pruning hurt. But, in the end, it was a good hurt because I grew in God through it. It also reminded me that I am continually growing in God; and he is going to grow me as I keep my eyes fixed on him.

   So, what is God asking you to grow in? How can you keep your eyes fixed on him? What might God be asking you to prune, or get rid of, today?