Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas with a Capital C

   I went to a store the other day with my family; and my mom got something there. The checkout lady said happy holidays. My mom and I walked out of the store with my dad asking my mom "why didn't you say 'Merry Christmas' to the lady?"
   See ever since we heard this song by Go Fish called Christmas with a Capital C (lyrics link at the bottom) we’ve realized that less and less it has been Merry Christmas and more and more "Happy Holidays." People want to be politically correct. They don’t want to offend anyone. Or, they are at a place of employment that says they need to say "Happy Holidays." Why is that?
   I think that it is mainly because we have gotten away from the reason for the season. In the song it talks about how years ago people would say “Merry Christmas” because that was what culture said. People used to think that Christmas was so valuable people would say “Merry Christmas” even if they disagreed with the religion behind it. But, we’ve lost that as a culture.
How have we lost it? Why have we lost it?    Because people are tired of religion. They are tired of hypocritical Christians. They are tired or people who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. Christians are part of the reason why culture has lost the reason for the season.
   So, what can we do to bring Christ back in Christmas. Well an easy way is to say “Merry Christmas” back to the people who say “Happy Holidays.” You may be thinking that that would offend people; but we cannot hide who we are. I’m all for celebrating different peoples’ cultures and uniqueness; but if we hide who we are we are not spreading the gospel. We are actually slowing it down.
   We cannot stand in the way of the gospel either by not preaching it; or by being hypocrites. We cannot be people who think we are perfect because we aren’t. We need to show others our scars because by doing that we are showing our weaknesses and why we needed Christ in the first place.
   We also need to point out that we don’t practice religion. We practice relationship. We aren’t reaching up and worshiping a god who only wants things from us. God reached down to us first. He sent his son on Christmas, to die on the cross at Easter, and in three days rose again; and he is coming back for his people, for his friends, for his bride, and for his family.
   That’s why we need to say “Merry Christmas.” That’s why we need to bring Christ back in Christmas. That’s why we need to spread the gospel. God’s word is going to spread to others with or without us. Do you want to say you were a part of helping God’s family grow? Or, do you want to be a bystander?
   So are you spreading the gospel or are you being too timid? Are you being hypocritical at all in your life? Are you slowing the gospel down in any way? Are you practicing religion or relationship?
   Matthew 28:19, Luke 2:11, Isaiah 9:6  (Lyrics to Christmas with a Capital C). 
   Disclaimer; My mom pointed out to me that sometimes people say "Happy Holidays" to encompass both Christmas and New Years. I was trying to make a point in this blog that I still think we should say "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Years." But if you say "Happy Holidays" to encompass both of those holidays okay.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Difference Between Pretty and Beautiful: The Makeup Experiment

   So, some of you may or may not know that I did an experiment on the 13th and 15th of December 2015. I did an experiment dealing with makeup. For those of you who don't know, I am a tomboy. I do not wear makeup. I wear athletic clothes and would rather play sports than go shopping. For this experiment I dressed up, put makeup on, and did my hair just to see what would happen. This experiment led to me asking some questions that I will pose to you here; and the results were somewhat surprising.
   Why do we wear makeup? Some may say because it makes us look professional, it makes us feel confident, makes us look healthier, and so on.
   Well, during this experiment I got many reactions. Some people (who I have known for 21 years) did not recognize me, some people just stared at me, some people said I was a movie star, people who I knew but did not talk to much made a point to talk to me, and one person even asked me for my autograph. I’m not going to lie; it did feel pretty good to be noticed by people. But it also made me question do these people not like the way I look normally? Which led to me to wonder: do some people just wear makeup to please others? Honestly when I wore that stuff I did feel more confident and accepted. But, I also felt like I was conforming to the world; and that I was wearing a mask.
   I want to be clear that I am not saying makeup is a bad thing; but I want to know why we wear it. And I do think it boils down to masks, insecurities, and imperfections. We hide who we really are and who God made us behind masks. Now, I know some people who wear makeup for work or because it makes them feel confident. But, why does it make them feel confident? Is it because people notice them more? Is it because it makes them feel more beautiful? I don’t know.
   What I do know is that God made us who we are. We need to be thankful for the attributes that he gave us because those attributes are what make us unique. There is no one in the world with the same experiences, looks, thoughts, and emotions that you have. It is amazing to think about.
   Another thing this experiment taught me was the difference between pretty and beautiful. You can look pretty and not be beautiful. defines pretty as: “pleasing or attractive to the eye.” The Bible says this about beauty, according to 1 Peter 3:3-4, “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.” Beauty, true beauty, is not what is on the outside but is what is on the inside. God looks at the heart not outward appearance. He loves us no matter how we look, what we do, or what we own. It is true he does not like when we sin, or disobey him. But, his love for us is never ending.
   Finally, to wrap up this experiment, I want to reiterate that I am not bashing makeup or people who wear it. I’m just trying to make a point and questioning why we wear makeup. In fact, because of this experiment, I may wear makeup more. Not because I’m insecure, I’m trying to hide my imperfections, or because I do not want to be unique; but, because of this experiment, I was reminded about a quote a wise friend of mine said: “Food can be the most delicious thing in the world. But, if it doesn’t look appetizing on the plate do you think people are going to want to eat it?” Or, something like that :D
   The point is that this experiment has shown me that when I look “nice” I’m more confident. But, it’s not only an outward confidence; I’m God-confident because I know he made me and loves me no matter how I look (in other words I will not be dressing up all the time). And, because I’m more confident, I’m able to make an impact on the world by glorifying God with how I look; while at the same time being modest, and staying true to who I am. Because, I’m not trying to be pretty I want to be beautiful on the inside and out.
   So are you being true to who God made you to be, or are you hiding behind a mask? Are you trying to be pretty or beautiful? Do you have self-confidence or God confidence?
   Psalm 149:14, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Romans 12:2

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Days of Being a Princess and a Knight

   Think back to when you were little. You always wanted to play outside. You imagined that you were a princess or fighting off a dragon. You wanted to know more about the world around you so you asked so many questions. You believed that you could accomplish almost anything. And, you had faith in your family and friends.
   Now look at yourself today. You go through the daily schedule of going to school or work. Then come home to do more work, play with your children, watch television, or just relax. And finally you go to bed then start the same routine the next day. There is not much creativity or excitement in your life.
   So, which would you rather have? Would you rather be a child who has an exciting life and believes in people and dreams; or, would you rather go through the motions every day?
   See, the problem nowadays is that people think that it is wrong to be like a child. I disagree with this idea. Now, I’m not saying that we need to keep the parts where we cannot take care of ourselves, where we whine about everything, act immature, or where we throw so many temper tantrums. What I am saying is that there are certain aspects we need to keep in order to live a joyful life. I mean, think about it.
   When you were a child you were excited whenever you learned something new. Now if you have to learn are you excited about it or do you scoff? I remember when I first went into college. It sounds bad but there were certain classes I was not looking forward to, mostly because I was not remotely interested in what we were learning about. Then, after some soul searching, I realized something. I am privileged to learn about anything; because, God created everything. I should want to get to know more about my creator and His creation.
   Another aspect of childhood we should keep is childlike faith. Children have faith in people because they have to. Now I’m not saying you trust everyone in the world with all of your money, secrets, or life. What I am saying is that we need to love others and give them the benefit of the doubt. As Christians, we are called to love and forgive everyone. That means believing in people and giving them second chances.
   Now I want you to do something that children do a lot: imagine. Imagine if we all looked at our world like children. Would the world be a better place or not? Would we learn more about the world and God? Would people be kinder?  
   So are you going to look at the world like a child, or are you going to keep going through the motions?
   Matthew 18:2-6

Saturday, December 5, 2015

"All For One. And One For All"

   "All for one. And one for all!" For those of you that know that is said by the three musketeers, congratulations. When we think of the three musketeers we either think of a candy bar :D or a group of tightly knit friends who save people. They are trying to make their world a better place. It is kind of like what the church is supposed to do, right? 
   However, instead of being the three musketeers, we end up being like the people in The Hunger Games. Fighting each other to survive and only thinking of ourselves. "I am right." "Things need to go my way or I'll leave church." Is this how the church should be?
   At Lancaster Bible College, we need to learn about the history of the church. One major thing we talk about are denominations. What are denominations though, are they important?
Denominations are basically groups of people who have different beliefs; but most, if not all, consider themselves to be Christian. So if we are all Christian shouldn’t we all believe the same things? Shouldn't we all be "all for one and one for all?" I mean, we all get our information from the Bible, right?
   The Bible is where we get our information, but the Bible is not always clear. Yes, it is divinely appointed, but what we need to remember is that we cannot understand everything about God. Our minds are finite and, if we could understand God, then we wouldn’t need to worship Him.
   Anyhow, my point is that Christians focus on fighting with one another over trivial issues. I’m not talking about things that are directly against the Bible, like murder. I’m also not saying that we cannot state our opinions to someone. What I am talking about how we do communion, feet washing, opinions on politics, and so much more. Is this really what we want people to see us doing? Do we want people to see us argue over trivial issues? I’m sure that these arguments will lead so many people to Christ, right?
   Um, NO! We wonder why so many people are lost in this world; and the answer is simple. We have a goal to prove to others that we are right. We argue about when to do communion because this is when we know we should do it. We argue like we are in court trying to win a case. Yes, some cases can be important to the faith; but others are just petty differences. What’s worse is when some Christians try to evangelize to the lost they start arguing with those people. Do you think that arguing will lead the lost to Christ?
   What we should be focusing on, rather than our differences in the church or arguing with the lost, is the great commission. God calls us to reach the lost. True, some people understand facts more than emotional things, so they may be led to God through arguments. But, it will not be arguments where people yell at them. That will just push them away. See God made us all differently. Sometimes we focus too much on the differences and not on the similarities. As far as I know, all Christians believe in Christ and that it is important to reach the lost. So we need to focus on that common goal. We need to use our differences to reach the lost. Because, not all people are going to be reached at the same time, place, or by the same person; and that’s okay.
   So my challenge for you this week is to stop arguing over trivial things with other Christians, if you do that. It will not help change that person’s mind if it is not out of love. I also want you to think about the lost people you know. If you haven’t been able to reach them, don’t press, but try a different tactic. Who knows? You might just make a difference. And, this way, we will be the church community filled with people who are saying "all for one. And one for all." 
   Titus 3:9, John 17:20-26

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Monster Inside

   One of my favorite bands is Skillet. They are a Christian rock group. They sing hard core songs that some people I know aren’t used to; but, normally, when I show those people the lyrics they say they enjoy them.
   One day my family and I were riding to my sister’s soccer game and the song “Monster” came on by Skillet. My sister started rocking out to that song; and, from then on, my dad started to play that song every time we went to one of my sister’s soccer games in order to get her pumped up. It has become one of my favorite songs.
   The song talks about feeling like a monster. How there is a part of you that you keep hidden because you don’t want anyone to know about it. But, eventually, that part of you comes out because you can no longer hide it. The monster is that part of us we don’t like. It is that one sin that we want to get rid of or hide but we cannot. We all have it; but not everyone knows what it is.
   This song really speaks to me personally. Not many people know this about me, because I’m not proud of it, but one of my nicknames is the Hulk. The reason was because when I got angry I used to yell and take my anger out on my family by yelling at them. I knew in my heart that it was wrong to yell at them; but I just couldn’t keep the monster inside. I know that I hurt my family because of the words I said in anger and I am truly sorry for that. But, I don’t regret saying those things because it happened for a reason. If I wouldn’t have realized that what I said in anger was wrong then I may still have that issue today.
   It is true that every once in a while that green monster inside me starts to rear its head. But, now I find more constructive ways to get the anger out; like writing about how I feel or spending time alone. Today I still use the nickname Hulk because it reminds me of what I used to be; and that I don’t want to go back to that.
   We are all sinners; and we all have at least one sin that keeps following us, or is difficult to get rid of. That is the monster inside us. We can try to keep it inside; but eventually it will come out. No matter how hard we try to keep it in. That is why we need to get the antidote for our monster. And, there is only one cure for our sin: faith in Jesus Christ. It is only through his help that we are washed clean of our sins. It is only through him that we can get rid of that one persistent sin. It is in him that we can be free from the monster.
   What is the monster in your life? Have you asked God to help you get rid of it?
   Romans 3:23, James 4:7, 2 Corinthians 5:17
   P.S. Here is the link to the music video of Monster by Skillet: 
   Here is the link to the lyrics of Monster by Skillet: 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Blessings on this Thanksgiving Day

   So it’s thanksgiving! It’s a day where we get to travel to see family who ask us “how is school going?” And, they give us hugs and kisses. It’s a time where we sit down and watch football. And, a time where we think about our blessings. Well thinking about my blessings this year led me to a song called Blessings by Laura Story (lyrics at the bottom).
   The song talks about the things we pray for. Some lyrics are: “We pray for blessings, we pray for peace, Comfort for family, protection while we sleep, We pray for healing, for prosperity, We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering.” And, it’s true that a lot of Christians I know pray for those things. Being comfortable is important in our society. We can’t afford to not have a financial plan, can’t afford not to have a house, can’t afford not to have a nice car, and we can’t afford not to have the things we think we need. So, we pray for God to bless us.
   I’m not saying that being comfortable is a bad thing but think about the disciples. When Jesus called them did they ask him to bless them right away? Did they ask him for a house? Did they even think to ask him where they were going to get their next meal? No, these men were willing to trust God to provide for them. True, at times, they forgot to trust God; but they were still willing to follow Jesus even though there were so many uncertainties. And they were able to impact more people because they trusted God.
   So back to the song. Some other lyrics are: “'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops, What if Your healing comes through tears?, What if a thousand sleepless nights, Are what it takes to know You're near?, What if trials of this life, Are Your mercies in disguise?” We don’t know God’s plan for our lives. I’m certain that the disciples were not expecting to do what they did in their lifetime. I mean they were fishermen, tax collectors, and so on. But, because of the work of God, they became so much more. God had a plan for them and he has a plan for us. We just need to trust him.
   Finally, we may be praying for the wrong things. If we focus on praying for things that are to make us comfortable we may miss out on great opportunities to see God at work. It’s true that God doesn’t have to say yes to everything we pray about. But, I’m sure he would love for us to say that we trust him to provide for out needs. So, rather than praying for that promotion at work or a good grade on a test, why can’t we say “let your will be done?” Because either way God’s will will be done, but in saying this one little thing we are saying to God “I trust you.”
   So will you trust God to provide for you? Will you be thankful for whatever God has given you? Will you be willing to forgo comfort in order to make an impact on others? 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Whatever Happened to Thanksgiving?!

   So, can I just say that I am a little ticked off? I don’t tend to get ticked off that often, I may get annoyed but I feel like that is a different thing. Why am I ticked off? It’s because of Christmas.
   I know what you’re thinking, why is a Christian ticked off because of Christmas? It’s because of the fact that Christmas has begun to overshadow Thanksgiving. There are Christmas advertisements up already, Christmas songs playing on the radio, and Christmas decorations being hung up. Worst of all some stores are opening up on Thanksgiving at 6 pm. Hello people! There’s a red flag there already! Because stores are opening up on Thursday (Thanksgiving), the American culture is basically saying that what we have is not good enough. I realize that it is good for the economy and that the stores make a lot of money on Black Friday; but it’s call Black Friday for a reason, it’s not called Black Thursday.
   Now back to the Christmas songs and decorations. I realize that Christmas should be every day because we need to have good will toward everyone; and because we should be thanking God for his gift every day. However, as I stated in last year’s Christmas post  Christmas has become the season of getting. People are much too busy thinking about what they don’t have rather than what they do have.
   So, now you know why I’m ticked off. It’s like Thanksgiving doesn’t even exist anymore. We are told, in the American culture, that we don’t have enough. We need to have our own house, a few good cars, a dog, two children, and so on. And yet, we also celebrate Thanksgiving which is a national holiday. So, what do we have to be thankful for when we are told nothing we have, nothing we do, and nothing that we are is good enough?
   What can we do in our culture? We cannot fall into the trap of the American dream. We can remember what Christmas is really about. And, we can be thankful for what we do have. When people look at us they need to see that we are thankful for what we have. They need to see that we trust God to provide for our needs. They need to see that we are different, that we are set apart. That way they will wonder “what does she have that I don’t have?” Or, “why is he so content with what he has?”
   Once again, to clarify, I do love Christmas. I love Christmas time; and how people try to be kind and bring peace on earth. I love the decorations, the songs, and spending time with family. But, I think it’s important to remember the real reason for the season. I think we also need to remember that Thanksgiving still exists. We need to be Thankful for what we have, for what God has given us.
   I encourage you to think about how you have been viewing Thanksgiving this year. Have you been already getting into the Christmas season, thinking about plans and what you want/need to get for others? Or, have you been thinking about how thankful you are to have a home, family, food to eat, clothes to wear, and so on?

Saturday, November 14, 2015


   Did you ever hear one of your parents say “don’t do…” I know that I have. Funny thing though, every time I heard them say to not do something it just made me want to do it more. But, did you ever think about why you wanted to do what they told you not to do? Personally I blame two things: curiosity and temptation.
   When you tell a 2-3 year old to do something their typical answer is: why? Kids are generally curious. They want to know why they need to do certain things and why they are not to do other things. That is probably why someone came up with the phrase “curiosity killed the cat.” Curiosity can be a great thing because it helps us learn about our world. However, sometimes curiosity can lead to bad things.
   Temptation is the other problem in this “don’t do” situation. We usually want to do what we are told not to do. Why is this? Well it goes the whole way back to creation. Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. She knew she should not eat the fruit, but the temptation was just so great. At times I am tempted to think that I would not fall into that temptation; but, I cannot actually know that. I mean we cannot actually know in that exact situation. However, I do know that I have been tempted in other instances.
   The one situation that I remember the most is when my mom was baking cookies. They smelled so good and I went to touch one. Mom said I should not do that. So I did not touch the cookies but I went over to the pan. There was still a bit of cookie in the one area, so I decided I would pick that piece up (side note: technically I was still listening to my mom because I didn’t touch the cookie. I touched part of a cookie. You’ve gotta love loopholes). As I was grabbing the piece I didn’t understand why mom said: “don’t touch the cookie.” Well I learned. I left my finger on the pan too long and let’s just say there was a lot of screaming afterwards.
   One of the best parts about this situation was that, even though mom sort of told me not to touch the cookie/pan, after she heard me scream she came running over to help me. It didn't matter that I kind of disobeyed her. At that point, she just wanted to help me. Of course, later on I did get the lecture on did you learn your lesson? But, God also does that for us. When we are tempted, and we fail, we may feel like we need help. God gives us the help we need. If we ask, He is willing to forgive us.
   So basically, all that to say, curiosity can be a great thing if we use it as a learning experience. And, temptation is something that we are going to have to deal with in life. The question is: the next time you are tempted will you walk away or will you get burned? The choice is yours. 
   1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 5:8, James 1:12, Genesis 3

Saturday, November 7, 2015

"I'm Batman"

   My siblings have this tendency to say random things when people ask them questions if they do not know the answer, or they do not want to answer. My brother likes to say “I’m Batman.” The one day when he said that it got me thinking about identity. What is identity?
   According to Merriam-Webster dictionary identity is “who someone is: the name of a person.” I do not know about you but I don’t really feel like that’s a great definition. Identity is something we all struggle with. So when people ask me “who are you?” Obviously my first answer is Kaitlyn. But then it makes me think even deeper. I used to define myself by what I did. I was the soccer player, the oldest kid at church, the shy girl, and so on and so forth. But those things change. So does it make sense that our identities are always changing?
   There’s a quote in Batman that says “it’s not who you are underneath: it’s what you do that defines you.” This proves that, according to the world, our identity is always changing. I’m not always going to be a worker at Jimmy John’s or a soccer player. So then what stays consistent in our identity?
People have also said that you create your own identity. But, so many times it feels like the world creates our identity. If you are popular then you do things in order to keep being popular. Other people decide what is popular. So then you don’t define your own identity. Other people define who you are.
   SO then, what is our identity? The answer is actually quite simple. John 1:12 says “but to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” We are all children of God. He created every single one of us. That is what we need to rest in. No matter what the world tells us that we are. We will always be children of God. If we know that then no other identity the world gives us matters.
   So, will you rest in the identity God gave you or the identity the world gives you?
   Genesis 1:27, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 2:9.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Paths of Life

   Imagine you are walking down a path toward something you want to get to. You come to a fork in the road where there is a paved path or a dirt path. The dirt path looks well taken care of; and it is the closest way to your goal. So you decide to keep going on the dirt path.
As you continue down the path the plants start to go away; and the trees look like they are dying. You are a little worried about the path, but you keep going. Then the path changes from solid dirt to covered in mud. You are hesitant to continue but you really want to get to your goal. So you keep going but you trip farther down the path. You are covered in mud and trash. You are ticked off but you figure you are already covered in mud so the path cannot get much worse.
   After a while you discover why the path was so muddy. A stream goes across the path. You clean yourself off as best you can and continue on your way. The path begins to even out and become dry. Then all of the sudden the path is paved. You see beautiful flowers everywhere. And, there are trees with fruit on them. You go over and pick an apple off and begin to eat it. You feel like you have accomplished something great because you made it through the muddy part of the path. In fact, you feel so good you want someone to come along so you can tell them how much you have been through; and then they can tell you how great you are.
   Your good mood is interrupted by a fork in the road. One way is paved and has many different plants and flowers. Meanwhile the other path is very tiny. It looks like it is muddy along that path and most of the plants look dead. You know that the narrow path is the right way to go in order to get to your goal; but you are tired of going through mud and thorns.
So, which path will you take?
   If you haven’t figured out by now the path is a metaphor for your life. Sometimes our life is great and we feel good about ourselves; and what we have accomplished. Other times our path gets muddy and we fall down in the problems of life. Finally at times we come to cross roads where we need to make a decision. That decision could involve taking the easy way or the hard way; the right way or the wrong way.
   This path metaphor is life; but it is missing one thing. It is missing someone to walk the path with us. We need friends who can lift us up when we fall in the mud; and encourage us. But, sometimes our friends cannot be there for us because they are walking their own paths. So we have another friend who is always there for us: God. We need to trust in Him and follow Him while we are on our path of life. I’m not going to lie to you, the path will get hard at times and you will feel like you are alone. But, you are never alone so long as you trust in God.
   Also, in my path metaphor, the person kept working toward the goal even though it was difficult at times. But then when they came to the fork in the road, after the muddy problems, they had to decide if they would keep working toward their goal or take the easy way out. This is when life gets hard and when we need to trust in God all the more.
   So my challenge for you this week is to think about your path so far. Have you been walking the path with friends who will encourage you and vice versa? Have you made the right choices in life even when they were not easy? Have you been walking the path with God and trusting in Him?
   Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 7:13-14

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Special Edition: What God Taught Me During a Soccer Game

   So my loyal followers know that I typically post blogs on Saturdays. But, something happened yesterday that I just had to do a post about. I had a soccer game. The soccer game was fairly interesting because we went into overtime, but something happened that was even more interesting, to me at least.
   Did you ever have something happen to you that you weren’t expecting to happen? Something that could’ve ended really badly? That’s what happened to me yesterday.
   I was in goal, like I normally am, and I went out to do a standard breakaway save. But, I got more than I bargained for. I made the save and the next thing I know I’m on the ground with my eyes closed because the right size of my face hurt so badly. Then I heard the voices of my teammates over me saying you’ll be okay. I knew that I just needed a minute because the wind got knocked out of me and my face hurt. But then, I heard a new voice. He started asking me questions about me and the team in order to make sure I didn’t have a concussion. I didn’t have a headache, ringing in my ears, or blurriness in my vision. So I got up after more questions and I was asked if I wanted to stay in. My answer was yes. I wasn’t going to let me team down.
   During the game in the huddles with my team everyone kept telling me how bad my eye looked. After the game, when I finally looked at it, I was like “oh yeah that is bad.” I was told over and over again that I’m lucky I didn’t get a concussion; and I’m lucky I didn’t get my eye split open. I don’t call that luck I call that the work of God.
   There have been many times in my life where I have wondered why something happened to me. But, in this instance I can see God at work. I could’ve been knocked out, gotten a concussion, needed stitches, or worse; but God was there for me. Over and over again in my posts I’ve talked about praising God in the good and bad times. Sure I’m upset I need to live with a black eye for a while; but being upset will not change anything. And, I know that this happened for a reason. Who knows? Maybe me getting a black eye pushed my team to keep going. Or, maybe someone seeing how hard I worked in goal after I got hit wondered why I kept playing. That just may lead them to Christ.
   What about you? Has something ever happened to you that you weren’t expecting? Did you pity yourself and get angry at God, or were you thankful that something worse didn’t happen? Did you ever stop to think that maybe whatever occurred happened for reasons you just could not understand?
   I know that there are people out there who could never understand why I did what I did yesterday. But those people are the ones we need to witness to, whether that is with our words or our actions. Are you witnessing to them?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

I Want to Heap Burning Coals on Their Heads!

   Have you ever had that person who just always got on your nerves? That person who hurt you in some way? That person who doesn’t seem to have a kind bone in their body? Did you ever want to get back at that person, but you didn’t because you knew that was wrong? Instead you turned the other cheek and continued to love that person because that is what God calls you to do.
   Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ve all that that person. Because I grew up in the church my whole life, I had heard so many different Bible verses and stories where people forgave the person who wronged them. I never quite understood that when I was younger. Anyhow, one day I heard this verse from Romans 12:20 “On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.’"
   Now, most of you are probably thinking the way I did back then. “If I am nice to this person then it will make them feel so guilty that they will respect me; and leave me alone. God will also get revenge on them and heap burning coals on their head.” Yeah, that’s what I used to think. I know right, Kaitlyn Scheuing used to wish that people would get hurt who hurt her?! Well, I’m trying to be honest; and prove a point. I had that whole verse out of context.
   Looking back at the historical context of this passage one would realize that when the verse says “heap burning coals on their head” it is actually a blessing. See, back then, people needed coals to keep them warm. So heaping burning coals on your enemies head is a good thing.
   You may be thinking “what!? Why would I want to be nice to this person who hurt me if it is only going to give them blessings?” Well, think about it this way. You do not know what that person is going through or has gone through in their life. Aren’t there times that you have been grumpy and have done some things you regret to others? How would you feel if that person was mean to you then and wanted to heap burning coals on your head (for real, not like in the good way I just described)? You probably wouldn’t feel too good.
   Now, what if that person you hurt was actually nice to you? Would you want to get to know them? Would you want to ask them why they are so nice to you when you were mean to them? This is how we can spread the gospel: by being different from the world. People are going to want to know what you have in you that is so different. They are going to want to know Christ.
   Challenge for this week: be kind to others, even if they hurt you. When reading the Bible make sure that you do not take the verse out of context.
   Romans 12:20, John 13:34, 1 John 4:19-21

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Issue with Tolerance

    I’m going to say a word that tends to get Christians in an uproar: tolerance. Did I make any of you jump? The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes tolerance as a “willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.” I personally do not like this word. Don’t get me wrong it can be a great word, if people use it properly. However, people in our culture are starting to not use it properly. Basically, the way I see it, people are using it as a cop out. As soon as someone says something against what someone else believes what’s the normal response? “You are not being tolerant. You are a bully.” Then people go crying to a person in authority.
    I believe that people sometimes go about discussing their different beliefs the wrong way. Christians need to respond to disagreements with love. We can disagree with what people believe and what they do, but we need to do it with courtesy. We cannot respond violently. 1 John 3:15-16 says: “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” Christians cannot respond to disagreements with violence because this ruins our testimony.
     Another issue we may face is we feel like if we say anything we would offend these people. If we stand by and let these people go on with their sin then we are going against what the Bible tells us to do. Galatians 6:1-2 says: “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Christians need to let people know that we may not agree with what they are doing, but we still love them.
      There is a link at the bottom of this post. This video shows how some people dealt with a conflict. A white woman went into a Harlem barber shop and was harassed by a black barber. It is neat to see how some people react. How would God want us to react?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lessons from an Ogre

   For those of you who don’t know, I like to find quotes with good meanings in movies. One movie quote that I really relate to, and I’m sure you can as well, is from Shrek. Shrek and Donkey are sitting under the stars and Shrek says: “I’m not the one with the problem, okay? It’s the world that seems to have a problem with me. People take one look at me and go, ‘Aah! Help! Run! A big, stupid, ugly ogre.’ They judge me before they even know me. That’s why I’m better off alone.”
   It sounds bad but I used to feel like Shrek a lot, and I still do at times. People look at me and think that they know me right away. Well, they do not. I have asked people what their first impression of me was and then I asked them what they think of me now. Usually their answers are different. It’s like if people would just stop to get to know other people, rather than just judging them, the world would be better off. It was like the other day someone told me a joke and I didn’t laugh. The person then said that I never laugh. Uh hello, I do laugh. Everyone laughs at one point or another in their life. I just don’t have the same sense of humor she does. It’s situations like these that I need to get away from people because I get really down.
   Though I get away from people, mostly to think and also because I’m an introvert, I realize that I need to go back to them. God made us to be in community. If He didn’t, why wouldn’t we all have our own planets? Anyhow while people may annoy us, judge us, and make us angry; it is important to remember that people also love us, want to help us, and can be kind to us. It may seem easier to run from our problems, but then we would end up like Shrek. If Shrek didn’t have a loyal friend like Donkey he would never have gone to stop the wedding between Fiona and Lord Farquaad. It’s like I always say everything happens for a reason. God brings people and situations in our lives so we learn things.
   So, back to the judgment thing. Don’t you think it’s time we start getting to know people before we make generalizations about them? If we did then our walk as well as our light would be a whole lot better off. So the next time you look at a person don’t go off your first impression. You may just find a good friend that you wouldn’t have normally found. And the next time you feel like Shrek remember that people out there do care about you. Also remember that the only opinion you should care about is God's. True, words do hurt. But, God loves you and thinks you are special no matter what other people think about you.
   Romans 2:1-3, Psalms 62:8

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The 5 C's

   Being a goalie in soccer is not easy. Honestly, I feel like goalie is one of the most difficult positions on the field. I’m not saying the other positons are not important; but goalies need to have something more than just skill in the net. Goalkeepers are a part of the soccer team but they are an entirely different breed. Sometimes I feel like I am not actually a part of the team because we get our own training. But, while goalies are with the team in practice they are not the ones who are being cheered on. The offenders are the ones who are cheered on. Goalies also need to have a specific mindset. It is true that you can be a goalie without the mindset but you will not get that far, in my opinion.
I have played goalie for the past 5 years, as the official goalkeeper. In my first two years my goalie coach introduced this idea called the 5 C’s. I have used this idea in goal ever since they were introduced to me. But, this idea doesn’t just work in goal. It works in life as well.
   The first C is Courage. As a goalie I need to have the courage to go out and get the ball, no matter who is in the way. A goalie needs to be willing to sacrifice herself in order to get the ball, or make the save. In life we need to be willing to have the courage to do things that may be outside our comfort zone. God sometimes calls us to do things that are not easy or that are scary. But, if God calls us to it he will bring us through it. We just need to have the courage to follow him.
   The second C is Confidence. Goalkeepers need to do everything with confidence. If a goalie is going out to make a save and they do not believe that they are going to save it, then they will not save it. I’m not saying they won’t make the save some of the time; but most of the time if a person believes that there is no way they can make the save, then they probably will not. Also if a goalie does not come out in confidence they run the risk of getting hurt. In life we need to have confidence in all we do. We cannot be timid. We need to have confidence in all we say and do, especially when we are talking about our faith. That is why we need to be prepared to tell others what we believe and why we believe it.
   The third C is Composure. Goalies cannot freak out when they are in the net. If a goalkeeper is not mentally prepared then they will have problems during the game. Soccer is more than a physical sport. If a person is not mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for a game they will not play well. Goalies need to know exactly what they need to do and when they need to do it. They cannot be freaking out on the inside or the outside. In life we need to have faith in God when difficult, or stressful, times come along. We need to remember that God is on our side no matter what. We need to stay composed in all we do and trust in Him.
   Next is Communication. A goalie is essentially playing every position on the field. They need to know exactly what is going on everywhere on the field. Keepers need to communicate with their teammates so the team knows what they need to do next. If there is any miscommunication from the goalie or any teammate in general, it could result in someone getting hurt or a goal being scored. In life if people do not have communication then mistakes happen. And, depending on the person’s job, they could hurt many people. That is why communication is vital in today’s society. If we do not communicate properly people get hurt.
   The final C is Concentration. A goalkeeper needs to be focused on the game at all times. If the goalie takes their eyes off the field even for one second it could cost them the game. Along with concentration comes attitude. Goalies may mess up, lose focus, or get stressed; but through it all goalies need to keep a positive attitude. I have found that my attitude affects my teammates’ attitude. If I focus on that goal that I let in then my team will focus on it too. However if I let that mistake go and try to encourage my team, then they keep playing to the best of their ability. In life we need to focus on the task at hand. If we lose focus on what we are doing then we may let other people down. We also need to have a good attitude no matter what happens. Life will get difficult but with God on our side we know that everything will be alright.
   I have played every position in soccer, coached teams, and I was a referee. I can honestly say that goalkeeping is the most physically, emotionally, and mentally draining position I’ve ever been in. But, this position has taught me so much about myself and life. I am thankful for the time that I have played this position, even if I did get abused a lot. In life we may feel like we are getting abused at times. But, that’s when we need to remember that everything happens for a reason.
   So, how can you incorporate the 5 C’s into your life? Are you trusting God through all times of trials?
   Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:6-7, Proverbs 15:2, Hebrews 12:1-2

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Did David Really Trust God?

   The other day my dad was driving our van and he asked the question: “if David had faith then why did he grab more than one stone?” My dad was talking about when David fought Goliath David grabbed 5 smooth stones; when, of course, he would only need to use one. I thought about the question for a little and then remembered a story I had heard about.
   The story, basically, goes like this. A man was sitting in his home when he hears this flood warning come over the radio or tv (depending on who is telling the story). The man prays to God to save him. A little rubber boat comes by and the people in the boat call to the man in the house. They tell him to hop in the boat. The man says “no, I prayed and God will save me.” So the boat leaves. The water gets higher and the man in the house moves up to the second floor. A bigger boat comes by and the people in the boat tell the man in the house to hop in the boat. The man says “no, I have faith and I prayed so God will save me.” The boat leaves and the water gets higher. The man moves up onto the roof. A helicopter flies over and a man comes down on a ladder. The man tells the guy on the roof to climb up. The man on the roof says “I prayed and I know God will save me.” The helicopter leaves and the man who was in the house drowns. When the man gets to heaven he asks God “I prayed to you and had faith in you so why didn’t you save me?” God says “I sent you two boats and a helicopter to save you. You just did not hop in.”
   The reason I bring up this story is because there is a difference between having faith and being prepared. In this story the man had all the faith in the world; but he was not prepared to hop in the boat or the helicopter, he wasn't even prepared for a flood. Anyhow, he prayed which is great but then he chose not to accept the offers to be saved. The man had three chances to save himself, which God sent to him; but the man did not choose to be saved. This man was not prepared for the flood; and then when he did have the chance to be saved he choose to stay in his house and eventually drown.
   This is why it is important to be prepared. I mean, I could have all the faith in the world that God would help me pass a test. But, if I do not study for the test do you think I’m going to pass?
   So, David did have faith that God would help him defeat Goliath. But, David did not go into battle empty handed. He was prepared for battle by bringing his slingshot and stones. It is true that God didn’t need David’s help to defeat Goliath; but God wants us to be a part of His plan. We just have to have faith and be prepared for what God asks us to do.
   Challenge for this week: Be prepared for whatever God asks you to do; and have faith that God knows what he is doing.
   1 Samuel 17:40, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Matthew 24:44

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Trust Fall

   For those of you who don’t know me that well I absolutely love asking random questions to people. One of my nicknames is entertainment center. Because, when there is silence or nothing to do, I tend to try and entertain people. One question I have taken to asking people is “if you had to do the trust fall with someone who would you do it with?” Typically, people answer with a family member. Then I ask if they would do it with anyone besides a family member. Normally the answer is no.
   When I started to ask this question it got me thinking about who I trust. I am a very cynical and pessimistic person; which I am working on, but that’s beside the point. I don’t think there are many people I would trust with my life. Maybe with secrets and how I’m feeling; but if I had to do a trust fall from a high distance I don’t think I would do that. What about you? Would you trust someone with your life?
   Believe it or not I have already trusted someone with my life: Jesus. It is scary to think about trusting someone you cannot see. But, up at Camp Yolijwa they have done this skit that shows this relationship between you and Jesus physically. It is a skit about doing a trust fall with Jesus. For those of you who haven’t seen it or want to see it again there is a link at the bottom of this blog (I think Camp does it way better, but that’s just my opinion).
   Basically, Jesus asks the woman “do you trust me?” Then when she answers he tells her to fall back. She does, reluctantly at first. Then Jesus catches her and the next time she falls back with more trust. Jesus then asks her to turn and face him. He asks her the same question and she says “yes, Jesus, I trust you.” Jesus then tells her to fall back. The woman refuses to fall back.
   I don’t know about you but I would definitely be a little less trusting that final time when no one is behind me. But, that is really what our relationship with Jesus is like. We cannot rely on anyone else to save us. We need to trust in him and him alone, even when it feels like he isn’t there. We need to believe that he is there for us no matter what.  If we lean on him with all of our problems we may not have easier lives, but we will have comfort and hope.
   Believe me; it isn’t easy to trust God all the time. I’m going through some things right now where I have a crazy schedule and so many expectations on me. I just don’t want to let anyone down. But, I know that everything happens for a reason. Even when I cannot see or know what that reason is, I know that God is watching over me and he will be with me through it all.
   So do you trust in God? Are you taking all of your burdens to him?
   Proverbs 3:5, Romans 8:28, Matthew 6:25
   Link to video:

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Shoe is One Year Old!

   So, it is the anniversary of my blog and that got me thinking about all the posts I have done so far. You know, it is funny, when I think about how I used to be scared to share my thoughts. Then I realized that God had given me a gift for writing. He gives us all gifts; and if we do not use them we can lose them. Honestly, when I was younger, I was not really a fan of writing down my feelings or my thoughts. But, as I grew up, the words just started to pour out of me and I wondered why. That’s when I discovered the gift.
   I began to use my gift. I wrote a few books but I never showed them to anyone, at least, not until they were done. See, when I wrote it felt like a part of me was being poured out onto the page. I was sharing some of my experiences, problems, and emotions in my books. I did not want anyone to know the real me. Then I had an experience at Camp Yolijwa where I realized that it is okay to show others the real me. So I began to share my books with a few friends; and I opened up more to them. It was a great feeling but, after going to Lancaster Bible College, I realized it was not enough.
   I began to have these thoughts and ideas come into my mind. I started forming my own worldview. I realized that there are a lot of lost people out there who need to hear the word. And I began to think to myself “how can I spread the word more?” So I started a blog because I realized that there may be people out there who need or want to hear what I have to say.
   I once had a very good friend of mine tell me something I have never forgot. She was giving me advice on life and it finally opened up my eyes to a solution. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart and she said “whatever you heard that helped you did not come from me, it came from God." I did not really understand how she could say that, until now. I look back at my posts and I’m astounded at what I have said. Sometimes I have no idea where certain things I talked about came from. And then I realize that it did not come from me; it came from someone greater than me.
   So, what talents/gifts do you have? How are you using them? 
   Romans 12:6

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Labor Day: Faith in Working

   When I think about Labor Day it makes me think about work. Then that makes me think about money, which I’m not a fan of but that’s for another blog post. Then I think about everything I have to do with that money and the time it’ll take me to do what I need to do. I get stressed then tired and I need to lay down. True, on Labor Day I don’t usually have to work but still.
   So my question is why do I feel that way? Isn’t work supposed to be a good thing? I mean Colossians 3:23 tells us to work for the Lord. Proverbs 13:4 tells us that we need to be diligent and not sluggish in our work. If we do not work then we cannot survive; therefore, we cannot tell others about our faith in Jesus Christ. Which leads me to think about Faith.
   Why do we do what we do? Yes, society wants us to work because it makes our country grow. But, I do what I do for the Lord. I do everything I can because of my faith in Him and for His glory. But what is faith? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary faith is “strong belief or trust in someone or something.” All it takes for us to gain eternal life is for us to accept Christ into our hearts and have faith in Him. But, how do we show that we have faith?
   Most of you have probably heard the argument about faith and works. James 2:26 says: “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” That makes it seem like we need to work in order to gain eternal life; but that is not what this passage is saying. In order to show that we have faith in Jesus Christ we need to follow him. In order to follow Christ we need to listen to him and follow his commandments. How do we follow his commandments? We do that by reading the word and following it. Which means, that people will know we are Christians by how we act and what we do. This is why the faith without works argument is so important. We can have faith in Christ and not do good works; but then that means we are not listening to our master/God. Thus, we do not have faith in him.
   So on Labor Day I want you to think about work. I know right, this girl is making me think about that place on my day off. Yes, I am; because I want you to think about how you treat your job and how you act when you are there. Would your co-workers say that there is something different about you? Do you put your heart and soul into what you do? Are you a servant when you are at work? Can people tell that you have faith in Christ by your works?
   James 2:26, Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 13:4

Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Successful Team

   So, some of you may know that I have decided to play soccer again this season. I have enjoyed playing soccer for fourteen years of my life. But, if there’s one thing I have learned from playing soccer it is that it is important for a team to work together.
   So how do people work together? It seems like a simple question with an easy answer. But that is not the case. There have been many teams that I have been on which I did not feel like I belonged on the team. There were different reasons each time like all the drama, people not including me, people not encouraging me, and so on. But, over the years I realized there was something in common with each of the teams I did not feel like I belonged on. People did not form relationships with one another. They did not want to get to know each other.
   In order to have an amazing soccer team, leadership team, work team, or whatever team there is you need to have relationships with others. If I did not know how the people on my team played then I wouldn’t know what to expect out of them. I also would not know if something was wrong with them. See, people on my old teams did not seem to care about me if something was wrong with me. Because of that, I did not feel like anyone cared about me.
   We need to get to know one another in order to be successful at whatever we are doing, if we are on a team. We also need to listen to one another. One major problem I’ve had in the past with teams is that people think we are just there to play soccer. Yes, we are there to play soccer; but we also have other things going on other than soccer. People on my teams did not get to know what was going on in each other’s lives. Sometimes there are issues in people’s lives that impact how they play soccer. But, people wouldn’t know that unless they asked that person or knew that person well enough.
   You may not be on a soccer team; but I know for sure you have had to work with others or will have to work with others in the future. Do you know the people you work with well enough to know when something is going on with them? Do you have relationships with the people you work with, or are you just going through the motions? Do you care about others the way that you would want them to care about you?
   Philippians 2:4, Galatians 6:2, 1 John 3:17

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Moses: A Life Changed

   I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: change is a difficult season to be in. But, we are always in that season. I was reminded of this the other day when I watched The Prince of Egypt. It is an old Dreamworks movie about the story of Moses. The movie is one of the reasons why Moses is one of my favorite Bible stories. But back to the point, I was looking up the songs on YouTube the other day and I found one video that put two of the songs together: “All I Ever Wanted” and “Let My People Go.” That got me thinking about Moses’ story.
   “All I Ever Wanted” happens right after Moses finds out that he is a Hebrew. It shakes him up because everything he’s ever known to be true was a lie. So the song talks about what he wanted in life. He doesn’t expect much out of life other than to live comfortably in the palace. Because, his older brother will eventually be Pharaoh.  The problem with Moses’ view is that he was focusing on himself and what he wanted, not God's will. So then, we all know that, Moses runs away. Eventually, God speaks to him through a burning bush. God tells him to go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let His people go. Which, leads to the next song in the video.
   “Let My People Go” is Moses’ message to Pharaoh. What I find interesting is in the song Moses says that he wishes that God had chosen another to be Pharaoh’s “foe.” In the movie, Pharaoh is actually Moses’ brother. It tears Moses up to know that he has to oppose his brother, but he does what God tells him to do.
   The interesting aspect of these songs is that it shows how Moses’ priorities changed. The first song, “All I Ever Wanted,” is all about what Moses wants. He doesn’t really care about anyone else, especially the Hebrews, until he learns that he is one of them. The second song, “Let My People Go,” is all about Moses following God’s lead even though it is difficult for him to do. Changing can be difficult but, as Moses’ life shows us, it is worth it in the end. Moses was a stronger leader because he followed God.
   So are you following your own selfish desires or are you following God? If you are following your own desires are you willing to change in order to be better?
   Link for the video:
   Romans 12:2, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Matthew 16:24. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Rescuing the Damsel in Distress

   When you think of a Disney Princess what do you think of? She is someone who either has a problem or is rich. She is someone who is strong in her own way, could be the daughter of royalty, and could be married to a prince. One other thing I think of is a damsel in distress.
   I don’t know about you but whenever I watched the old Disney princess movies I would think to myself: “why do these girls need men to save them? Why can’t they just do something for themselves?” But, now that I’m looking back, I realize each Disney princess had their own strengths.
   I mean, think about it. Cinderella worked so hard, went to a ball, wasn’t looking for a prince but he found her. Belle did not let others choose who she would be, she did not follow the crowd, she did not marry Gaston even though she could have had a comfortable life with him, and she gave the Beast a chance when she could have chosen to ride him off like everyone else did. Tiana was willing to work hard to see her dream come true, she did not just expect someone to do her work for her, and she saw that there was a difference between what she wanted and what she needed (basically I see her story as what we want vs. what God has planned for us, in other words God always gives us what we need). There are so many more examples; but it is important to realize that, because the princesses have strengths, they also have weaknesses that they need rescued from.
   It seems like Disney Princesses are weak when looking at the movies. I mean, in almost every movie, a prince has to come along and save the girl. Some examples would be: Ariel needing rescued from Ursula, Rapunzel needing rescued from Mother Gothel, and Aurora needing rescued from her deep sleep and Maleficent. But, when I thought about it, the girl needing rescued isn’t such a bad thing. It just proves the message that we need each other. We need to be willing to ask for help when we need it. That is why I see the Princesses needing rescued as a good thing. For those of you who still need convincing about weaknesses being a good thing look up 2 Corinthians 12:9.
   One final thing I want to point out about princess movies is that there is always one underlying theme: love. Whether it is love between a prince and a princess, between parents and a princess, or between a friend and a princess love is a major theme. While the world will not admit it, this proves that we need each other. Humans need to feel loved and need to help one another. God designed us that way. He wants us to love each other no matter what; and to help one another. God also wants us to love him; because he loves us and created us.
   So how do princess movies relate to us? We need to look for the lessons in our lives and the stories we know. We need to use our strengths for God’s glory. We all need rescued every once in a while. Even if we don’t want to admit it, we need help and love. We also need to love others and be willing to sacrifice ourselves, just as Jesus sacrificed himself for us. Which leads to my final point: we need to be rescued from this world. Jesus died on the cross for us so that we could be saved. We just have to accept him into our heart.
   2 Corinthians 12:9, Matthew 22:36-40, Colossians 3:23-25

   P.S. I realize that some girls in the image I have used are not princesses; but all the girls in the picture needed rescued from problems.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Jimmy John's Story

   “Hello, welcome to Jimmy John’s.” That is a sentence I say at least fifty times whenever I work at Jimmy John’s. I love working at JJ’s. But, something happened at JJ’s the one day that made me think "she needs to get out of her comfort zone."
   There are four different managers at JJ’s. And, that day the main manager was trying to train another manager, we will call her Betty, because they are planning to open another store. The boss told Betty that she needs to learn to tell others what to do. Betty yelled “No!” I was so surprised by her outburst I looked back at her and she said “shut up,” in a joking tone. But, I could tell that she was still uncomfortable. Why do you think she was uncomfortable? I’ll tell you why: she was doing things outside her comfort zone.
   I’m the same way as Betty. Unless I know someone really well, or I actually know what I’m doing, I’m not comfortable telling people what to do. However, sometimes we are required to do things we don’t want to do. If we never do things we aren’t comfortable doing we never grow. See we can have people believe in us; but if we don’t believe in ourselves then we will never learn or grow. I believe in Betty; and I believe that she will be a great store manager when she believes in herself like everyone else does.
   So are you going to step outside you comfort zone so that God can teach you new things; or are you going to stay stagnant and never grow to the point where God can use you?
   Joshua 1:9, 2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, August 1, 2015

How Do You Define Yourself?

   What defines you? That’s the question that Lizzie Velasquez was asking during her speech. She was once called the “world’s ugliest woman.” She found out that people were calling her that in High School. Can you imagine that? Think back to when you were in high school. What would you have done?
   But, Lizzie does not let what people said about her define her. Lizzie thought about fighting back and yelling at those people who said mean things about her. But, she did not. Instead, she took all the mean comments that people said and turned them into positives. She set goals that she wanted to reach in life; and let those comments build her up rather than tear her down.
   She decided to define herself, rather than let other people define her. Most of what she says is great. However, there are certain things she forgets in her speech. Mostly the fact that even when we define ourselves problems arise. It doesn’t matter what others think about us. It matters what God thinks about us. We need to find our identity in God. Our identity is that we are children of God. If we do not believe that, all hope is lost. Also we cannot judge others by their outward appearance. God looks at the inside and so should we. We are to show love to everyone no matter how they act or what they look like.
   Another thing Lizzie talks about in the video is she says that you are in the driver seat. You choose your own destiny. And, I guess, if you are talking about that in a worldly way that is true. However, I have found that things only work right in my life if I let God sit in the driver’s seat. When I try to take control of things and do things my own way problems begin to arise in my life. I’m not saying that problems won’t arise when God’s in the driver’s seat. What I am saying is that if God is in the driver seat, and I trust that he knows what he is doing, I know I can handle any problem that comes my way.
   The video is very good. And, I find it amazing what this woman has gone through. The link to the blog where the video is at the bottom of the post.
   1 John 3:1-2 “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.”

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Moral of the Story is...

   “And the moral of the story is…” How many times have we heard this saying as children? There are so many books and movies just made to teach us right from wrong. But, those movies and books do not always do such a great job. I mean one only has to look at the world right now to see that people do not seem to have great morals. That is why the Maytown Church of God decided to present our Vacation Bible School as: “The Moral of the Story is…” from the 26th-30th of July (6:30-8:30 pm, ages 3-10).
   Throughout the week we have scripts at the beginning that introduce a story well known to children; and then we connect it with a story in the Bible that has the same moral. During these scripts one thing that is said a lot is “that’s not how the story works.” The characters in the stories want people to just fix their problems for them; but that’s not how the story, or how life, works.
   God is not our “fairy godmother.” When “wolves” or problems come along in life we need to know that they come for a reason. God does not just take our problems away because he wants us to learn from them. He is asking us “do you trust me?” Another moral in the week is that we need to be willing to come alongside others and help them out of their “tower” or comfort zone. Finally we need to be brave enough to tell others about the sacrifices Jesus made for us. And, we need to show his love to others. We should not hurt others, or even people who hurt us, because that is not love. It also gets us “lost in hatred and revenge.” We need to be willing to sacrifice ourselves with “an act of true love” to save others, just like Christ did. We will mess up, because we are human, but that’s where forgiveness comes into play. God will forgive us; just like we should forgive others.
   While I was planning for this VBS, it got me thinking about stories. Ultimately each of us has our own story to tell. No two stories are alike. Each story has its own moral; and the moral can change from time to time. But, each of our stories are just a chapter in His story.
   So what is God trying to teach you right now? Are you teaching others good morals? Do you trust God through all of your problems?
   1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Timothy 2:15, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 3:5-6