Saturday, October 31, 2020


   One day a professor was holding class. He decided to give his students an essay to write. Now, you may be thinking that's not that special. Professors give essays all the time, why is this important? You just asked a very good question because it's close to what the professor gave for his question for the students to write about. The professor said the students had to write an essay answering the question "why?"
   What would you write to answer that question? Many students wrote large essays with lots of citations. They said many different things in those essays. I'm sure many of them were filled with "because" :D
   The professor got the essays back and looked them over. He gave ever student a failing grade except for one student. The student who passed answered the essay with just 2 words: "Why not?"
   The question "why?" can be answered in many ways, believe me I know because I'm a teacher and kids love to ask this question. But, only one student understood what others did not. Matthew 19:26 says: "But Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'" We ask God "why is this happening?" God says "why not?" God had the idea to create a platypus which looks like a funky combination of many animals. He created the basis of life called laminin, which looks like a cross.
   He is the God of "why not?" We ask him "why does my mom have cancer? Why did I lose my job? Why are there so many natural disasters?" He says, "why not?" He is in control. He loves us and has a plan for us. We may hurt when bad things happen but many times we either don't look for good in the situation or play the "woe is me" card. It is our choice to look at the positive and to move on from hard situations.
   Maybe instead of asking all these negative questions we should ask ourselves some why questions. Why can't I focus on the good in life? Why can't I help out others more? Why can't I have joy in all circumstances? Why can't I trust God? Why not?

   Image from here.

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