Saturday, December 12, 2020

You Can't Touch This

   One of the things I do with my students is what teachers call brain breaks. Students have a tendency to have issues focusing for long periods of time. Or, they just may need to get some energy out. Thus, we will do some simple dancing for them to get their wiggles out so they can focus again. One of the songs they dance to is "You Can't Touch This." It's a clean version of the song.
   This song brought out a game the kids like to play. It's kind of like tag but the game is always going on. When someone comes up and tries to take their toy or do something mean they say "you can't touch this." It makes me laugh and think about what would happen if we would do this in real life.
   If we have a problem and it makes us stressed, sad, or frustrated we could say to those emotions "you can't touch this." Why could we say this? We can say this for a few reasons. We can say this because we have control of our emotions. We may not be able to control what happens to us but we can control how we react to the problems. We can also say that because no matter what happens to us on earth Jesus has already won.
   John 16:33 says: "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." We will have trouble on this earth. But, this earth isn't the end. No matter what happens to us Jesus is with us. Jesus died so that we could have a relationship with him. He also died so that we could be with him forever. That's amazing to think about. And, that's why, when we have problems on this earth, we can say "you can't touch this. Jesus has got my back."
   So, will you trust in God when problems arise? 
Image from here.

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