Saturday, October 28, 2023

Do You Want to Be in the Race?

 I do not like running. Yes, I am a soccer player and coach but in soccer I am running for a purpose. Running just to run does not appeal to me. 

Thus, when I read 1 Corinthians 9:24, which says “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.” I struggle because there are times where I want to be in the race but other times I don’t. Running a race is hard work. It would be so much easier to be like the hare in the tortoise and the hare and just stop. But, I know this is the race of life so running is kind of required. 

Here’s the thing though, when you look at long distance runners you don’t see them running all the time. They stretch, weight train, drink water, watch what they eat, and rest. They are not running all the time. They know if they did that, they would not win the race. 

1 Corinthians 9:26 says, “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.” Paul is talking about how runners do everything they do for a reason. They don’t just decide one day that they are going to run a marathon. If they did that, good things would not happen. No, they train their body and mind for it.

In this race of life, we choose what prize we will run for. Will we run for a temporary prize and chase the things of this earth, or will we run for a heavenly prize? If we choose a heavenly prize, things don’t get easier on earth. In fact, we need to prepare ourselves for puddles, cheating runners, insults from fans, to maybe get lost, injuries, etc. The way we prepare ourselves for this race is by knowing the one who created it. We get into the word, so we know what to do when hard times come. We pray. We reflect His glory in all we do. 

So, are you in the race? How can you prepare yourself for when struggles come in the race?

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Battle Belongs to God

   The punch comes. You know it's coming but you don't have the energy or stamina to block it. Any respectful opponent would have stopped hitting you a long time ago knowing you were going to fall any moment. But this opponent isn't respectful. He's cunning, crafty, hateful, and filled with spite. He doesn't just want you to get hit. He wants you to feel each punch in your gut. He wants you to feel defeated. He wants that so much, that he doesn't let up. The opponent wants you to fall, to fail, to think only you are in the fight.

   A hand reaches out to you right. All you need to do is tag it. You do, and your tag team partner steps into the ring. He blocks every punch. He doesn't punch back. He doesn't need to. The opponent wears himself down to the point that his punches are slower than a snail. Your partner won the fight without throwing a punch! How had that happened?

   Many times in life I feel I am fighting a battle. It's not easy to fight battles on your own. The thing is, you are not alone. It just feels like it because you are not looking for your tag team partner. God is always there. He's ready to take the burden. He's ready to fight the battle. But he won't do it until you tag him by asking him for help.

  Once you do tag him, it is so freeing. Romans 8:37 reminds us: "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" God steps up and takes the burden from you. He removes the sin. He takes the problem in his large hands and crushes it. And we get to rest. We just need to be willing to give it to him.

   So, what battles are you fighting today? Are you willing to give those battles to God? Can you admit that you are not strong enough to do this on your own?

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pray First?

   If you know me, you know I'm a fixer. If a problem comes up, I try to think of ways to solve it as quick as possible. There are times that works and times it does not. Its especially hard for me when someone I care for is hurting because of a problem. More than anything I want to take the problem away. Most of the time that's not possible.

   One time this happened when my friend's grandfather died. I was sad because I knew the grandfather. But I knew my friend was sadder. Each time I saw him, I asked how he was doing. I asked if I could do anything for him. This eventually annoyed him because there wasn't anything anyone could do. 

   I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to show my friend I cared but how could I? That's when I decided to pray. Now, it's good that I decided to pray eventually. But after things had settled, I asked myself a question: why was my last step prayer?

   Many times people, like me, don't want to ask for help. We want to be independent, self-sufficient, and it makes us proud when we are. But that's the problem: not admitting we have a problem and need help. When we pray, we are inviting our creator into our lives. When we pray, we are admitting we can't do it all on our own. When we pray, we are working on growing in God.

   See, prayer should not be the last step. It should be the first. The Bible says we are to pray without ceasing. We pray in the morning when we get up, at breakfast, as you are driving in your car, at work when that coworker or customer annoys you, when things are going well, when problems happen, and every second. Our thoughts should be on our creator and growing in him. Prayer should be first, not last.

   So, when problems happen, what's your first step? How can you be better at praying consistently? How can you grow in God today?

Saturday, October 7, 2023

It's Right There...

   Have you ever had the experience where you are stuck in line at a store? I'm sure you have. It is a good test of patience. But more than that, there are other things you are tested in. I mean, store owners are smart. They know you will be stuck in line but they don't leave you to be patient in peace. No, they have to put temptations within your reach.

   You know what I'm talking about. There are little trinkets there that look cool. There is chocolate. There are snacks, magazines, and much more. It's all right there... all you need to do is reach out and take it. 

   BUT, you know you shouldn't. Yet that nagging voice says you may as well because you are stuck in line anyway. And that's when you tell that voice to shut up. You say, no, I don't need it. It may look good now but eventually it will not be good for you. It's in the moments when you look at something, see that it looks good and may fill up your senses for a bit, but can let it go that you have defeated the temptation!

   Now your temptation may not be while you are waiting in line. It may be somewhere else like in your room, at the gym, or wherever it is. Many temptations pop up when you are at your weakest. The Devil knows your weaknesses and will capitalize on them. That's why it's so important to know Gods word. So when temptations come up you can combat them.

   So, what's your temptation or weakness? How can you combat that weakness with scripture?

   James 1:14-15