Saturday, March 14, 2015

These are a few of "My Favorite Things"

   “The hills are alive with the sound of music With songs they have sung for a thousand years.” So this week I went to see The Sound of Music at Donegal High School. It’s a classic musical, and has always been one of my family’s favorite. By the way, one of the best songs in my opinion is "My Favorite Things." I mean who hasn't felt down and then tried to think of something that would cheer them up? Anyhow, seeing the musical last night reminded me how important the lessons are in it.
   One lesson in the musical is to stand up for what you believe in. Maria goes to the Captain’s home to care for his children. The Captain tells her the rules. Now, for those who have not seen the show, these rules are outrageous. She need to call for the children by using a whistle, she is called for with a whistle, the children are to do lessons all the time, and when they are not doing lessons they need to march. Maria believes that the children need to be children. She tells the Captain
this when he returns from a trip. He promptly fires her, and yet he sees a change in the children. So Maria stays. Later the Captain is offered a job in the German army. He does not like what the Germans are doing and tells those who ask what he believes.
   Christians need to learn to stand up for what we believe in. Now, I’m not saying go out and be rude to people. I am saying that there are certain times we need to let people know what we believe in a respectful way. You never know, something good may come out of it. And, if it doesn’t, we need to remember what the Bible says. 1 Corinthians 16:13 says: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” We need to stand up for what we believe, what the bible says, and for our friend Jesus.
   Another lesson is that we need to love others even when it’s hard. Maria was telling the Captain things he did not want to hear about how he runs his household; and how he treats his children. She was not telling him because she thought she was better. She was telling him because she cared about him and his children. That is what good friends do. They tell the other person things they may not want to hear. Maria also loved the children, even when they didn’t seem to love her at first. Who knows? The love you show someone may just rub off on someone else. I mean, just look at the Captain. 
   So for those of you who have not seen the show it’s a great one. Hope you enjoy it, or have enjoyed it if you’ve seen it before. Shout out to all those in the Donegal High School performance. You are all doing great!

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