Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Crazy Dream About a Wedding

   Have you ever had a strange dream? That dream you just cannot understand what went on, or why certain things happened. Yeah, I’ve had those. In fact I had one the a while ago.
In the dream I was at my grandma’s house getting ready for an event. I didn’t know what the event was at first until I came into the main room. The room was decorated and there were snacks out. There were a lot of people from my past there like friends who I have not talked to in a while, deceased relatives, current friends, and family members. Finally, someone congratulated me on my impending marriage. I have no idea who I was getting married to; but I could tell that there was some uneasiness in the room.
   But, you know how sometimes things happen in dreams that you cannot explain? Yeah, that happened next. Suddenly, I had a revelation that many of the people in the room did not like who I was getting married to. And, I also found out there was another suitor who was interested in me. Now, if you know me, I am very loyal. So I have no idea why there would be two guys interested in me; but I have to remember that this is a dream. Anyhow, the people who did not like the guy I was getting married to liked this other guy better. And, like most of my crazy dreams, I woke up before the dream ended so I have no idea what happened after that.
   So, why am I telling you about this dream? I tend to think about my dreams after I have them because typically I find hidden messages behind them. And, as I’ve stated before, I believe everything happens for a reason, even dreams.
   This is my interpretation of the dream: there are two suitors in the dream. The one who I am getting married to is the one who represents all the distractions and idols in life. The second suitor represents God. We all have something we tend to love more than God. It could be material possessions, money, or something else. But, in loving that thing more than God we bind ourselves to it. In essence, we are worshiping something other than God.
   What I found interesting in the dream is that everyone knew about both suitors, including the suitors. The idol comes from sin. And, we all know sin is something the Devil loves. So, the Devil loves when we love things other than God; and the Devil knows that we try to love God, but we typically fall short. God knows that we love things other than him; and he is a jealous God. He loves us no matter what; but he wants us to love him. And, we should love him above everything else because he created us.
   Also, as I said before, everyone at the party knows about both suitors. It is just like in life. If we are Christian, people are going to look at us and watch what we do. If we say we love God; but people see that we love something else too much that isn’t helping to spread the gospel. Whether we like it or not people see our actions and hold us to a certain standard. We may not live up to that standard; but that is why we need to emphasize that we are sinners and we will fail. But, God will forgive us.
   So, do you love something else more than you love God? Has something become an idol in your life? What can you do to get yourself back in a good relationship with God?
   Exodus 20:3-6, Colossians 3:5, 2 Corinthians 11:2

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