Saturday, February 29, 2020

Do You Feel Like You Don't Belong?

   I had a friend who was a really hard worker. She worked hard to help others. She worked hard to get better in her hobbies. She worked hard to follow her career path. And, she worked hard to show the love of God to others.
   She got a job where she encouraged her co-workers, cared about those she served, and worked hard to improve every day. Now, this friend was fairly quiet and did not speak up much in group settings. Because of this, she was fired.
   I couldn't understand why she was fired but she told me the reason she was fired was because she didn't fit in with the culture of the workplace. Just because she didn't talk much in group settings she was fired! Now, you have to understand this friend worked behind the scenes. She did not flaunt her success, she gave people gifts without telling them it was from her, and did many things to make sure the workplace ran smoothly without telling anyone she did it. That's what I call character! But, because she did that her bosses didn't think she did much to work with her team.
   This reminded me of a story where there were a lot of misfits: The Greatest Showman. In the movie Barnum, the main character, gets an idea to have a show of people who are usually outcasts. He wants to bring them together and show them they belong. It worked, he created the circus. Now, some people still called the circus people names and were mean to them. But, it didn't matter to the circus people because they now had a home. They had confidence in themselves. They had a place they belonged.
   What struck me in the movie is that the circus accepted anyone. They had a tall man, a fat man, dog boy, a small man, a bearded lady, and so much more. It didn't matter what these people looked like, where they came from, or what they did in the past. They were accepted into the family just because they were who they were.
   This is exactly how God's family is. Everyone in their life has felt like they don't belong at some point. Maybe you don't have many friends at school because you choose not to involve yourself in questionable activities. Maybe you don't fit in at work because you refuse to hurt others to get promotions. Maybe you don't belong in your family or your country because you believe in Jesus and they don't.
   We are all hurt by this world. We all feel like we mess up or we are inadequate. But, God loves us no matter what we do, where we come from, what we look like, etc. We belong to him. He created us and loves us. That's what we need to remember when we feel like we don't belong. It's what we need to remember when we work hard and still get fired. It's what we need to remember when we look different from others and are rejected. It's what we need to remember when our faith is tested in the fire.
   So, have you ever felt like you don't belong? What can you hold onto when you feel like you don't belong? How can you help someone realize they belong today (at work, school, or the family of  God)?
   Psalm 100:3, Isaiah 43:1, 1 John 3:1
   Image from here.

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