Saturday, January 9, 2021

Time Machine

    Way, way back my church used to do Vacation Bible Schools. When we had VBS we would take the children in a "time machine" and go back to Bible times to hear from someone from that time. Doing this got me thinking: "what if we would actually have a time machine? Would any of the people from Bible times want to change something they did? Would we want to change anything we have done?"
   What about you? If you had a time machine and you could go back and change any one moment in your life would you do it? Why would you want to change that event? Do you regret a decision you made? Well, I cannot speak to your answer because I don't know what your answer is; so, I will speak to my answer. I would not go back and change anything in my life.
   Some of you may have a hard time believing my answer. I have made choices in my life that were not the greatest choice. I could have done things differently and gotten a different result. However, if I would have made different choices, I would not be the person I am today. If I would have made different choices I would not be where I am at today. If I would have made different choices, I may not have been able to reach as many people for Christ.
   I am a firm believe that everything happens for a reason. It is difficult to hold onto that at times. However, over and over in the Bible we see God's perfect plan coming about. God also has a plan for our lives as well.
   In Genesis we find the story of Joseph. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, thrown in prison, and forgotten. I'm sure Joseph wondered if there was something he did wrong. He may have wanted a time machine to go back and try to get along with his brothers more. In the end of Joseph's story, he saved not only his family but also all of Egypt and more. In Genesis 50:20 Joseph says to his brothers: "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today." Joseph had to go through all of those difficult things as a test to see if he was ready to rule and save so many people.
   If you need more convincing check out Romans 8:28 which says: "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." It may be hard to go through difficult times, but they happen for a reason. We just need to trust in God and his perfect plan for our lives.
   So, would you go back and change an event in your life if you could? Why or why not? How can you choose to trust in God's prefect plan each day?
Image from here.

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