Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Mask

   Think about movies you have seen. In the movie did someone ever act like someone they were not? I can think of so many examples. People act like someone they aren’t for different reasons: to fit in, so they do not get bullied, to protect those they love, and so on.
   At the end of Iron Man 3 he says this quote: “you can take away my suits, you can take away my home, but there’s one thing you can never take away from me: I AM IRON MAN.” Tony Stark’s identity is that he is Iron Man. But in the same movie he says this quote: “my armor was never a distraction or a hobby it was a cocoon, and now I’m a changed man.” He gives up his suits. So yes he is still Iron Man but, he said it himself, his armor was a cocoon. It was a mask he put on. It wasn’t really him.
   We act like different people to please the world. We put up masks to protect ourselves. But then that makes us wonder do people really love us for who we are, or for the masks we put on? We cannot keep on acting like someone we are not. We are called to witness to the lost. People want to know the truth, but they need to see that we are truthful in order for us to be able to witness to them. They need to see the real us or else we will look like all the other people in the world with masks on.
   I have found that being truthful with others helps you connect more to them. Believe me, I used to wear a mask and it was hard for me to connect with anyone on a real level. Now I can see God working through my everyday situations. It is an amazing thing.
   I'm not going to lie to you, at times it will be difficult to be the real you. You may have to show your weaknesses to others. But, most of the time, people will respect you for being real in a world filled with things that are fake. And, if they do not, at least you will have made an impact on them.
   So will you continue to wear a mask, or will you be the real you and make an impact on others?
   2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Memories, ah sweet memories. We all have memories, both good and bad. Sometimes we have to wonder if the memories are worth it. Wouldn't it just be better for us to forget everything that happened the day before if all of it was just painful?
So, where exactly am I going with this? Well, today is Memorial day and Memorial day is when we look back. We look back at the past. We look back at the battles that were both won and lost. We look back at the people who died serving their country.
Sometimes looking back can be difficult. We remember painful times of hurt and loss. However, those memories are important. If we didn't have those memories we wouldn't be where we are today. Experiences make us who we are. Without certain events occurring in our lives we wouldn't be who we are today. That's why we need to look back. That's why we remember those who served for our country and didn't come back, no matter how difficult it may be to do that.
So on this day remember what it means to be an American. Remember those who served so what we can be American.
Thank you to all the veterans out there who have served for our country. You all are amazing.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

What Should I Do?

   So think of a decision you have had to make in the past few weeks. Was it easy, or difficult? I personally do not like making decisions. Now, I’m not talking about the little decisions like what flavor ice cream do you want? I mean, that one is obvious: chocolate ;) I’m talking about the big decisions in life that will change your life forever.
   See, in my opinion, the toughest decisions are the ones that impact other people, not just me. When thinking about making decisions I thought back to the movie The Princess Diaries. Mia had to decide whether or not she would rule Genovia. Her decision not only impacted her, but other people as well. If she chose to be Queen of Genovia she would have to work to learn how to be a queen, move to a different country, speak in public (which she wasn’t that good at), and lead a country. If she chose not to be Queen Genovia would no longer have been a country. Her decision changed the lives of so many people. She chose to be selfless rather than selfish.
   However, along with decision making, comes some problems. Yes we need to be selfless, but we also need to remember ourselves. Otherwise we could end up like the starving baker in the book Habitudes. The baker kept making food to feed others, but he never fed himself. So he kept getting thinner and thinner. It is just like that for us. We need to feed ourselves by reading the word and spending time with God. That way we can help others.
   When it comes to making decisions it obviously is not that easy. That’s why we need to trust God and pray for guidance. He will help us with our decisions, if we ask. But, when we ask, we need to be willing to listen to what He says.
   So, the next time you have a decision to make will you listen to God, or do what you want?
   Proverbs 3:5-6, James 1:5, Philippians 4:6-7.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother Knows Best

   I hope you read that title and thought about that song in Tangled :D But Mother Gothel isn't the best example of what I'm about to talk about so don't get confused from the title. I just really like the song, it's catchy. 
   Anyhow, since Mother’s Day is coming up it got me thinking about mothers. And the more I thought about it the more I reached an important conclusion: Mothers are remarkable people because moms need to have a specific mindset, have a variety of important jobs, and they are teachers and role models bringing up their children.
   The first thing that came to mind when I thought about the mind of a mother was mamma bear. All mothers have a protective instinct for their children. And we all know that no one messes with a mamma bear. Next I thought about all the questions moms may have in their mind from day to day. Such as did I do this for tomorrow, am I setting a good example, and am I good enough? The first question leads to stress. And the last question leads to doubting your abilities. We will come back to these questions later.
   Mothers also have a variety of vital jobs. A few of them are CEO of the Household, personal chef, judge mom, lady MacGyver, and Boo-Boo fixer. Why do mothers do all of these things? Because it is how they show people that they love them. Mothers make so many sacrifices just to get a thank you, a card, or a hug. Then when their children finally understand something or learn a lesson it is like “wow I made a difference.” This is what teachers call the ah ha moment, which leads to my next point that is important for everyone to know.
   It is everyone’s job to teach children right from wrong. It does not matter if you don’t have kids or if you are a kid; because, whether you like it or not, people are watching you. It is our job, as Christians, to make our community a better place. One way to do this is to teach children, who are our future. Teaching can be intimidating, but it isn’t like you need to teach big groups. Teaching children can be as simple as teaching them how to open a door. One final aspect of this is that we all need to teach what we know; and learn what we don’t know, because we are all children of God. We will never know everything; and it is important for us to realize that, in order to grow, we need to continue to seek knowledge.
   So finally to you mothers who are probably looking at yourselves and wondering if you are good enough. I want you to know that your job is very important, but that you also need to relax. God put you in this place for a reason. He loves you no matter what you do, or what you think about yourself. So, just be you. And, if you are still having doubts check out this clip from Mom’s Night Out.

   I’m also going to put a little advertisement in here. Tomorrow, 5/10/15, at Maytown Church of God (14 West Elizabeth St. Maytown PA) I will be speaking during Sunday School. Church starts at 9 and Sunday School starts around 10:30. If you are able, I would love for you to come out and support me. If not, I hope you have a Happy Mother’s Day :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

What is God's Will for My Life?

   So on this Wednesday, May 6th, it will be my 21st birthday. It’s kind of neat and kind of scary at the same time. I mean, when you are a kid it’s like “yes it’s my birthday in like 4 days! I’m going to get so many presents.” Then as you get older it’s like “oh great another year gone in my life. Woo hoo.” Since I’m going to be 21 I’m kind of in the middle of that. So that got me thinking.
   I began to think about my life. What I had done so far. Had I helped as many people as I could? What could I have done differently? Who am I really? What can I improve about myself? The questions went on and on; but they all boiled down to one main question: what is my legacy?
I thought about that and all the things I had done in my life. But then I began to realize that I was focusing on myself so much. That brought up another question: what about God?
   See the question I should have been asking was what does God want me to do with my life? I mean, as one of my favorite Disney characters would say, “The past is in the past.” I need to look at my past and realize that, yes the events that happened have shaped me into who I am today, but I choose whether or not I let those events affect my attitude. I also need to trust that God has a plan for my life. I may not know what that plan is; but that’s okay because I know that God will take care of me. Finally, it makes me realize that I need to live in the present. Every day is a gift from God. It is a chance to change the world one person at a time, if we have to. It is a chance to give Him the glory for what He has done in our lives.
   So, what is God calling you to do with your life? Are you willing to do that?
   Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 16:9, Psalms 143:10