Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Memories, ah sweet memories. We all have memories, both good and bad. Sometimes we have to wonder if the memories are worth it. Wouldn't it just be better for us to forget everything that happened the day before if all of it was just painful?
So, where exactly am I going with this? Well, today is Memorial day and Memorial day is when we look back. We look back at the past. We look back at the battles that were both won and lost. We look back at the people who died serving their country.
Sometimes looking back can be difficult. We remember painful times of hurt and loss. However, those memories are important. If we didn't have those memories we wouldn't be where we are today. Experiences make us who we are. Without certain events occurring in our lives we wouldn't be who we are today. That's why we need to look back. That's why we remember those who served for our country and didn't come back, no matter how difficult it may be to do that.
So on this day remember what it means to be an American. Remember those who served so what we can be American.
Thank you to all the veterans out there who have served for our country. You all are amazing.

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