Saturday, July 30, 2016

Maybe There is Hope for the Human Race

   “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race” (Kofi Annan, diplomat). Nowadays it seems like everywhere you turn there is something horrible going on in the world. For a while now, almost the last month, I haven’t gone a day without hearing about a terrorist attack or a mass killing. Some people may begin to think that there is no hope for the human race.
   Well, believe it or not, an event happened the other day that made me realize that maybe there is hope for the human race. See, the thing about the news is that it typically focuses on all the negatives going on in the world; but great things happen every day because people step up and do the right thing.
   My mom, sister, and I were at the Salvation Army Thrift Store in Lancaster. It was a 50% off day, and we didn’t know it, so there was a huge line; and it was really hot. I knew that my blood sugar was low; and that I needed food and water. I told mom and then we got in line. We waited in line for a while and it felt like it was getting warmer. My sister kept leaning on my mom because she was tired; but my mom was hot too so she told my sister to get off.
   Finally, we got to be the second people in line. I was not sure I would make it because I started seeing blue but I figured I would make it. My sister leaned on mom again and mom said “it is too hot for this” again. Suddenly, my sister leaned over to me and we started to go down. I thought she was joking so I was going to yell at her; but then I stated to lose my balance. Luckily I caught myself and my sister so we didn’t run into televisions and hangers. I went straight down to the ground along with my sister.
   The next thing I knew I had my mom yelling my sister’s name, a Spanish lady in front of us saying she might have had a seizure, the manager running over, and the lady behind us calling 911. All of this happened in a matter of seconds. My sister’s legs were bent funny and her eyes were up in her head. Then after a split second she opened her eyes. She looked around and my mom said “are you okay?” My sister answered yes and started to get up. The manager and Spanish lady said “are you sure you should get up?” Another employee came with a wheelchair and had my sister sit down. Meanwhile, the lady on the 911 call told the 911 operator my sister was up. Then the lady on the 911 call finished up the call.
   The manager wheeled my sister over to a fan and we all double checked that she was okay. The lady who did the 911 call stuck around and said that an ambulance was on the way. My sister kept saying she was okay; but we could not cancel the 911 call. So, I went to get us food and water. When I got back the ambulance people were just about to leave.
   I am so thankful that my sister is okay. But, this whole experience taught me that maybe there is hope for the human race. I mean, as soon as my sister started to go down at least 5 people gathered around to help. And, one person called 911 without being asked. Some people would have just stood there and done nothing. But, everyone there cared enough about someone they had never met and jumped into action. It didn’t matter that my sister was a white girl there were people of many colors, backgrounds, and cultures there; and they all wanted to help.
   The next time you think there is no good in this world maybe you need to try and focus on the positive. There is always hope in the world. Even if we cannot hope in other people and things, we always have hope in Christ.
   So, are you focusing too much on the negative things in this world? How can you try to be more positive? What would you have done if you were one of the people around my sister? Would you have helped?
   Romans 5:2-5, Philippians 2:4, Romans 8:28
   P.S. I want to say thank you to everyone who was at the Salvation Army Thrift Store that day. I especially want to thank the lady who called 911 and the staff.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Croods in Church

   WAKE UP! That’s what I would like to say to some churches out there. Let me explain to you why I would like to say that the best way I know how: through relating it to a movie. ;)
   Back in 2013 a movie called The Croods came out. Grug, the dad in The Croods, is very protective of his family. He does not like change, or new things. The Crood family only goes out of their cave during the day; because at night it is dark and they don’t have any light. The family does not really argue with this point of view until Eep, Grug’s teenage daughter, begins to rebel against this idea. She becomes increasingly more curious. One night she leaves the cave and meets a guy named Guy.
   Guy has all these new ideas. He is very creative; and he has fire, or light. Eep takes a liking to Guy and starts to ask him about his ideas. Guy then has to leave because the end of the world is coming. Eep starts to go back to the cave when her dad comes. He yells at her and they get back in the cave.
   This is when Eep starts to get some “rebellious” ideas. She begins to say that what the Croods are doing now isn’t living it is just surviving. Then an earthquake comes and the Croods’ cave collapses. So the Croods have to move on. They are saved by Guy. Guy shares his new ideas with the family and everyone seems to agree with the ideas, except for Grug. Grug doesn’t want to change.
   This is how some churches are today. They are just surviving, they are not living. These churches are dying, they just may not see it. Change is very difficult; but if churches do not change they will die. I’m not saying that the churches need to change their beliefs when it comes to the Bible. They need to change how the service is. If churches do not change with the times then they will die.
   Grug did not want to change his ways. If the family would have followed him they would have died. But, the family chose to follow Guy. Some may see Guy as a radical, rebel in the church. This person comes in and wants to worship in different ways. Maybe it is using contemporary songs, starting different outreach programs, or anything against the grain of the church.
   Ultimately the Church is to follow Jesus’ example. Churches are totally different today from what they were back in Bible times. But, Jesus did leave an example for us. He differentiated, or changed the way that he dealt with people based off of who they were; and what they liked. He still preached the gospel but in different ways. That is what the Church needs to do today. Far too many churches are not reaching others. They are not following the Great Commission because their focus has moved to themselves. They want their way in the church and they will not change.
   I hate to break it to these churches but they are dying. They may survive for a time; but they are not living out the Great Commission. That is why I think the churches need to wake up. The people there need to take a good long look in the mirror and say are we following Christ’s example?
   So, how is your church doing? Is your church reaching others? Are you doing your job to reach others? Is your church differentiating to reach other people?
   Romans 1:16, Matthew 9:37-38, Ephesians 2:19-22, Ephesians 4:16

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Choosing Your Destiny: Lessons from Samson (at Sight and Sound)

   Did you ever watch a show, movie, or hear a story about someone who messed up and think “he should have known better?” Or, you watch a show and tell the character in the show not to do something you know the character is going to do anyhow (because you either saw the show before, or you are just that good at predicting shows). Yeah, I have definitely been there. In fact, I was there the other day before I saw the show Samson at Sight and Sound.
   There are many lessons in the production but the story boils down to a few key lessons specific characters learn.
   Delilah. A name well known by those who study the Bible, Delilah is the woman who caresses the secret to Samson’s strength out of him. Christians tend to see characters in the Bible as black and white. In other words: Delilah was a betrayer, Moses always followed God, Joseph forgave his brothers right away, Thomas was a doubter, etcetera etcetera. But, Sight and Sound does not portray characters that way.
   People in the Bible went through a lot of emotional situations, just like we do today. It is just the Bible is a narration of what actually happened; and it does not tell us how those people felt. That’s not a bad thing, it causes us to think more and have empathy about how other people are feeling. Anyhow, Delilah chose to follow her own path in the end. She knew that she needed freedom from her past and sin; but she didn’t follow the path she needed. She looked for freedom through what she wanted. But, she wasn’t set free in the end.
   The only way to true freedom is through the grace of Jesus Christ; but Delilah could not follow Christ because she felt she didn’t deserve it or she didn’t want it because of wanting pleasure in this life. She wanted to feel loved; but she compromised in order to get what she thought would make her feel loved. She loved herself more than she loved God.
   Just like Delilah, we many want something for our life that isn’t our destiny. To that some people may say “we make our own destiny.” And, in a way, we do. We choose the path we follow. Delilah chose to betray Samson. Samson teetered back and forth between following God/having faith and doing what he wanted to do. Many of us tend to teeter back and forth between having faith and falling away from God just like Samson. But, in the end, Samson had faith in God; and he chose to follow God. That is why Samson is in the hall of faith. He loved God and accepted God’s grace in the end.
   So, have you run away from the love and grace of God? Do you ever teeter back and forth between having faith in God and not having faith? When it comes down to it are you going to follow the destiny God has for you, or are you going to follow your own path?
   Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 12:9-12, Luke 1:37, Hebrews 11:32
   P.S. If you have not seen Samson at Sight and Sound in Lancaster Pennsylvania yet I highly recommend it. 
   More information on the show at this website: 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Overcoming Obstacles: A Story of an Overcomer

   Did you ever have a time when you felt you could not go on any longer? It may have been a situation where you had a lot of emotional pain. It may be that you have had way too many physical issues. Or, maybe you just feel like God is nowhere to be seen. Maybe you are in a time like this now. But, I’m sure we have all felt like this at one point or another.
   So, did you ever overcome the situation you were in? How did you do that?
   I don’t know about you, but typically there are a few key ways I overcome situations. First I take my eyes off the problem; and try to remember that everything happens for a reason. Next I pray to God asking for his will to be done. And, I constantly pray in order to keep my relationship with him. Then I may confide in a close friend. And, sometimes that friend may tell me about something similar they went through. All of those things help me take my eyes off the problem and fix my eyes on God. One final thing that really helps me is hearing stories of people who may have gone through worse things than I did and overcame them.
   I’m going to tell you the story of an overcomer I know. There is a girl at my church, named Lizzy, who is 15 years old. From the time she was born she seemed to have some brain problems. But, it was not too bad. Then she started to have seizures; and got headaches. The seizures and headaches got so bad that she had to skip some of the activities she loved to do. So, her parents decided that they would try to have a surgical procedure done to stop the seizures before they got worse. The surgery went well; but after the surgery she had a mini-stroke. She did not wake up for a few days; but when she did wake up she could not move her left side. Through physical therapy she has begun to move her left leg a little.
   But, the most amazing thing is that throughout this whole situation Lizzy has been nothing but positive. When she began to talk she started cracking jokes like she used to. Her positive energy has paved the way for her parents, family, and friends to stay positive. Also, Lizzy has not just impacted her family but other people as well. Part of her brain was removed and is now being sent to different research facilities. Her brain will now help others in the future who she doesn’t even know.
   Though Lizzy has gone through many trials she has stayed positive; and she has relied on God. She has asked so many questions and learned so much about God through this situation. Lizzy is still in the hospital. She is going through many different therapies in order to get her back to health. But, she has not given up hope. If this isn’t the story of an overcomer I don’t know what is.
   The next time you go through a situation that you feel like you cannot overcome remember that God is always with you. And, because you know that God is always with you, you can be sure that everything will work out. Maybe it will not work out the way you expected; but then you need to remember that God works in mysterious ways. He has a plan for your life that will be much better than any of your plans. You just need to trust him. And then, you can be an overcomer.
   So, are you going through a difficult situation now? Have you relied on God during that situation? Have you found people you can lean on during that problem? How has your attitude been?
   2 Timothy 4:7, 1 John 4:4, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
   I would also like to ask all of my viewers to pray for Lizzy. She is still in the hospital, as I said before. She is improving; but she can still use prayers that she continues to fight the good fight, prayers for the family, and that they all continue to trust in God.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Free Country but Still in Slavery

   So, on Independence Day I want to talk about an idea I learned about in a book called God is Not... by D. Brent Laytham. In the book Michael J. Baxter has a chapter called God Is Not American. This chapter came about because of a few people saying that they always believed that God is American. After reading this chapter it got me thinking about a few things.
   This got me thinking about why people would think about God being American. I mean when we think about the way that America was created it was created by people who wanted religious freedom (at least in the North East). Then we go to the founding fathers. Many of them believed that the Republic would fall if America was not religious. So I can see why some people would think that God is American. However, that is not true.
   We need to make sure that everyone understands that God is not American. He does not favor one person or group of people over the other. Even back in the Old Testament He did favor Israel, but he also allowed others to come into His family. God wants to see all people saved; but, because of our sinful nature, that is not possible. This leads to the Great Commission. We are called to tell everyone about Christ. That way they know that God loves them.
   On this holiday I want you to think about how you are sharing the gospel. We are a free country, but so many people are still in slavery to the devil. They follow a false idea that they are not worshiping any God; or, that they are their own God. That, my friends, is slavery. It is our job to make sure that people know that they can be free; both in America, and in their spiritual life.
   Do you know anyone who is in slavery but does not know it? Are you in slavery?
   Romans 6:12-18, 2 Peter 2:19, Galatians 5:1

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Family of Family Bible Camp (at Camp YoliJwa)

   For the past 8 years I have been going to Camp YoliJwa. Last year I talked about how when I go up to camp I don’t want to leave the mountaintop; but I have to leave so I can impact others. I still feel that way; but that’s not what this post is about.
   This year’s theme is “Iron sharpens iron.” So of course I wanted to write a blog about friendship. But, it is interesting; sometimes what you plan on doing isn’t what you actually end up doing. That’s kind of what is interesting about writing. Many times my writing goes to different levels because I feel led to write about something else.
   This whole camp was about relationships. So of course there is the typical we talk about relationships with friends, non-believers, family, and God. All of that was really good; but at the end of the week it all boiled down to one relationship that everyone at family camp has. And that is the relationship that everyone at family camp is a family.
   The dynamic of family camp has changed over the years. Our first year we attended we felt included; but we did not really feel close with anyone. But, as the years went by, we got to know the core families there; and we started helping with the preparation for family camp. That was really when we started to feel like a family there. Now that we have been there for a few years we are able to get to know new families that come; and we are able to help them feel included.
   But that isn’t even the coolest part. The coolest part is that everyone at family camp, and all Christians, are in the family of God. So, when we go up to family camp we are not just a family of five; but everyone there is a family. Of course, like any family, we do have our arguments; but we are all working to help one another grow. And, that is one of my favorite things about family camp.
   I have one last thing I want to say about this relationship we have with other people at family camp. Not many of these relationships would be possible without two people. Tom and Ada have been directors at family camp for 8 years now. They have done an amazing job working with all the families over the years at family camp. Tom has been so supportive of everyone at family camp; and he acts crazy so we all feel like we can be ourselves. On a personal note he has followed my blog and he encourages me to speak up and be myself. Ada is, as Tom says, "the brains and beauty behind the operation." She is so amazing at organizing everything, is willing to do whatever is needed during camp, and is very kind to everyone. Everyone at camp loves them. But, as Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time for everything. And, sadly for all the campers at family camp, Tom and Ada are moving on. I wish them well in their future plans and want to thank them for all they have done for camp over the years.
   So, my question/challenge for everyone this week is: how are your relationships? Are you helping those in the family of God grow? Are you being a good example for those who are not in the family of God yet?
   Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:24-25, Ecclesiastes 3