Saturday, May 18, 2019

Words Out of Context

   In the movie Iron Man 2 Tony Stark is being ask to give up his Iron Man suits so that the army can make suits like them. He decides to fight giving up the suits because they are his property. That’s when the court calls in Rhodes, a Colonel in the U.S. Army and a friend of Tony. The conversation goes as follows (Stern is the Secretary of Defense):

Stern: I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, complied by Colonel Rhodes. And, Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?

Rhodey: You’re requesting that I read specific selections from my report, Senator?

Stern: Yes, sir.

Rhodey: It was my understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner.

Stern: I understand. A lot of things have changed today. So if you could just read…

Rhodey: You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summery of my final…

Stern: Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you.

Rhodey: Very well. “As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.” I did however, go on to summarize that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh three liabilities and that it would be in our interest…

Stern: That’s enough Colonel

   Rhodes had completed a report on Iron Man. He worked hard on it and made it very detailed. He didn't want to read just one part of it because then it wouldn't make sense. It would be taken out of context. How would you feel if something you wrote was taken out of context? You'd be upset, right?
   Well, that's how God feels when his word is taken out of context. God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Yet, many people still take the words out of context in order to get what they want. They do it to justify their actions that are actually sinful! It's vital to look at the context of the verses we read/use that way we make sure we are not sinning and we aren't causing others to sin.
   So, do you take verses out of context? What can you do to be sure you don't take verses out of context?
   John 14:15
   Image from here

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