Saturday, January 25, 2020

Are You a Poser?

   As previously mentioned, I enjoy playing games. I don't like losing games but there's something that's almost as bad in Just Dance: being called a poser. After each dance, in certain Just Dance games, they give you a name/attribute that you were in the song. Typically, I get smooth, energetic, or in rhythm. But, every once in a while if I'm tired or I don't know the song I will be called a poser. That means that I just did well on the big moves.
   As much as I dislike being called a poser in Just Dance there's someplace else in my life that I'd rather not be called a poser in: My walk with Christ. defines a poser as "a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not." Are Christians becoming posers? There are some signs that some Christians are becoming posers.
   1. We wear Christian merchandise but we don't know what it means. Some Christians wear verses but don't know where they come from or why they are important. I'm not saying that if you wear Christian merchandise you are automatically a poser, I wear shirts with verses too. What I am saying is that if you are just wearing it to fit in or impress someone without knowing why it is important to you or others, then you are in danger of being a poser.
   2. We go to church but that's as far as our relationship with God goes. You go to church because that's what your parents do/did. You may treat it like a club and don't actually listen to the meat of the message. Then you go home and you don't pray, spend time with God, and don't immerse yourself in the word. You are basically putting on a show for the people at church and that's it.
   3. We only admit we are Christian when it benefits us. You like someone who is a Christian, that's the time to pull out you Christianity card. You are interviewing at a place and you know the boss is a Christian. Ooo boy, it's time to show him/her how much you know about Jesus. But, if you are out with your friends and they don't believe in Jesus, you keep your mouth shut. How is that okay? Being Christian is not like wearing a T-shirt. We cannot just put Christianity on and off. Once we accept Christ it is our job to show him to others at all times. It isn't easy, but it's what we are called to do.
   People are looking for something, or someone, real. We are called hypocrites so many times nowadays because we are posers. We pretend to be something we are not. In essence, we are becoming like the Pharisees who crucified Jesus. At every turn the Pharisees chose to only follow laws if they benefited themselves. Yet, they would condemn others who were committing the same sins they were.
   I don't know about you but I want to be real. I don't want to be a hypocrite, poser, or Pharisee. I want to show the love of Christ to others no matter what. Yes, I mess up. But, that's a good opportunity for me to tell others, "I messed up, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." That's how people will see there is something different about us. That’s how people will begin to question and become seekers.
   So, are you a poser Christian? What can you do to stop being a poser, or keep from being a poser? Will you choose to show God's love to others no matter the cost?
   John 14:15, 1 John 2:4, Matthew 7:21-23
   For more information on how to not be a "poser Christian" check out the book Jesus Swagger by Jarrid Wilson. 
   Image from here

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