Saturday, July 22, 2023


How many of us like to be disciplined? Some of us dislike discipline so much that they cringed at reading that word. Discipline is done in different ways depending on who is giving the discipline. Is discipline important? Let's look at a person who chose not to discipline his sons and see what happens.

In 1 Samuel 2:12-36 we find the story of Eli and his sons. Eli was a priest of the Lord. He had two sons: Hophni and Phinehas. Both of his sons were also priests. Eli's sons made choices that were displeasing to God. They did not follow the proper way of the law in sacrificing and taking their part of the sacrifice (1 Sam.12-17). Eli knew this and he also knew that his sons were sleeping with the women who were at the entrance of the tent of meeting (v.22).

What should Eli do, knowing that his sons are sinning? He should discipline them. Does Eli discipline his sons? Eli went to his sons (v.23-25). He says the report he hears about them isn't good. He reminds them that no one can intercede for someone who sins against the Lord. That's all Eli does. Now, was it good for Eli to remind his sons about what they should and shouldn't be doing? Yes, should Eli have done more?

Eli's sons are probably adults in this situation. When children become adults they will make their own mistakes. That's okay, but this situation is a bit different. Eli isn't just a father in this situation. Eli is a priest who is an elder to his sons. Eli could have done something else to stop his sons from sinning. But, Eli doesn't do anything else. (We also find in verse 25 that God made it so Eli's sons wouldn't listen. We know no one can go against God. Yet, Eli still could have tried to discipline them)?

Because Eli chooses not to discipline his sons God gives his family consequences (v.27-36). The biggest consequence being both of his sons will die on the same day. This message is brought by a man of God. God had decreed this once. What God says will come about. Yet, God is a merciful God. If Eli and his sons would have repented and changed their ways what would have happened? We don't know because nothing changes. This isn't the last warning Eli gets. Samuel is given a message to give to Eli when God speaks to Samuel (1 Sam.3.11-18). This message is about Eli and his family. Eli is given plenty of warning and time to change his family's ways.

Eventually everything God said would happen  to Eli and his family did happen. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want that to happen to me or my family. How can we keep that from happening? We can't really, because God's will will be done. However, we can do something to try to prevent it. We can bring up our family in God's ways. We can discipline children to make sure they know right from wrong. Eli's story shows us what happens when one does not discipline their children.

Now, when we discipline, we must remember the words of Ephesians 6:4 "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." We are not to provoke children to anger. Yes, children will be angry if you discipline them. But, we shouldn't discipline them in the wrong way. We shouldn't constantly be bashing on kids. If we do, they may turn away from God. When we discipline we should think about the proper consequence for the action. We should also talk with children about what they did that was wrong and why it was wrong. That will help them think about right from wrong next time.

So, are you disciplining your children? Do you provoke your children to anger? What and you do to teach others right from wrong today?

Image from here.

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