I once began a journey I didn't think I'd ever begin: online dating. Through that experience I was in contact with many different guys. Some of them were not Christian who contacted me even though I had put on my profile, "must be Christian." Others were Christian.
The first date I went on was with a Christian guy. Let's call him Anakin. Anakin looked good on paper. He was a Christian, owned a house, had a good job, knew how to cook, was flowing with ideas, and was creating a new business. He was a man who has the total package. Yet, something felt off. It felt like we didn't connect for some reason.
After going on a date with that guy, I went for coffee as friends with another guy. Let's call this guy Obi Wan. He was a Christian, a soccer player, a coach, had a job, lives a minimalistic life, didn't own his own house, and didn't know how to cook. He was a good guy but comparing him on paper to Anakin on paper was a no brainer. Most people would choose Anakin because he brings more practicality to the table. Yet, I sat and had a three hour honest conversation with Obi Wan. There was something different about him.
A week went by and something continued to feel off about my dating Anakin. Then I realized what it was: we were unequally yoked. Now, at this point, you may be saying, "isn't Anakin Christian? How are you unequally yoked?"
While it was true that we were both Christian, we were at different places in our walks with God. We were on different paths. Meanwhile, Obi Wan and I were both seeking God. We both wanted to have Bible studies together. We talked about our challenges and victories with one another. We prayed with each other. We connected. We were on the same path.
See, sometimes God doesn't call us to take the easy path, or the path the world would take. Many people would have probably chosen Anakin based off his qualifications and what he could do for them. He looked good on paper. But love and marriage are not about looking good on paper or what the other person can do for you. Love and marriage is to point to Christ. People should see you relationship (in marriage) and see how Jesus is with his bride, the church.
So, are you equally yoked with your partner? How can you continue to walk, grow, and encourage your partner?
2 Corinthians 6:14