Saturday, September 5, 2015

Labor Day: Faith in Working

   When I think about Labor Day it makes me think about work. Then that makes me think about money, which I’m not a fan of but that’s for another blog post. Then I think about everything I have to do with that money and the time it’ll take me to do what I need to do. I get stressed then tired and I need to lay down. True, on Labor Day I don’t usually have to work but still.
   So my question is why do I feel that way? Isn’t work supposed to be a good thing? I mean Colossians 3:23 tells us to work for the Lord. Proverbs 13:4 tells us that we need to be diligent and not sluggish in our work. If we do not work then we cannot survive; therefore, we cannot tell others about our faith in Jesus Christ. Which leads me to think about Faith.
   Why do we do what we do? Yes, society wants us to work because it makes our country grow. But, I do what I do for the Lord. I do everything I can because of my faith in Him and for His glory. But what is faith? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary faith is “strong belief or trust in someone or something.” All it takes for us to gain eternal life is for us to accept Christ into our hearts and have faith in Him. But, how do we show that we have faith?
   Most of you have probably heard the argument about faith and works. James 2:26 says: “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” That makes it seem like we need to work in order to gain eternal life; but that is not what this passage is saying. In order to show that we have faith in Jesus Christ we need to follow him. In order to follow Christ we need to listen to him and follow his commandments. How do we follow his commandments? We do that by reading the word and following it. Which means, that people will know we are Christians by how we act and what we do. This is why the faith without works argument is so important. We can have faith in Christ and not do good works; but then that means we are not listening to our master/God. Thus, we do not have faith in him.
   So on Labor Day I want you to think about work. I know right, this girl is making me think about that place on my day off. Yes, I am; because I want you to think about how you treat your job and how you act when you are there. Would your co-workers say that there is something different about you? Do you put your heart and soul into what you do? Are you a servant when you are at work? Can people tell that you have faith in Christ by your works?
   James 2:26, Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 13:4

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