Saturday, November 26, 2016

Getting What You Don't Deserve: Lessons From 9 Square

   There is a game that is for all ages. If you can stand you can play. If you are not that athletic you can play. If you want to play a game where there are not really any winners or losers this is a game for you. It’s a game that was first introduced to me at Camp YoliJwa. It is the game of 9 Square.
   You may be wondering why I am telling you about a game right now, but stay with me on this. The game is set up with a group of pipes that make 9 squares. There is one person in each square. The person in the middle of the square is the king; and he gets to serve the ball. Once the ball is served if the ball comes into your square you have one hit to get it out and into another square. The game continues with each player getting one hit until a player hits a pipe, hits the ball two times, or the ball enters the players square and the player does not hit it out of the square (Find out more about 9 Square here).
   It is a great game because literally anyone can play it. I come from a very athletic and competitive family. But, I would have to say my mom is the least athletic and competitive (love you mommy ;). Anyhow, it turns out that sometimes the least athletic people reach the 9th square and become king. Now, being competitive I think that isn’t really fair. I mean, I work really hard to stay in the game but I get out. Then the least athletic people barely touch the ball and become king. But, that’s how the game works.
   One other reason I like this game is because it relates to life. The least athletic people who make it to the center, without touching the ball much, get what they do not deserve in my opinion. They get to be king even though they barely did anything. Has that ever happened to you in other situations in life? Where you work your butt off and do your best, but someone else gets what you wanted or thought you deserved. Yeah, I’ve been there and it’s not easy.
   However, there is someone else I know fairly well who did a lot of work in order to make sure I get what I don’t deserve. His name is Jesus Christ. He paid the price. In keeping with my blog, he got out in 9 Square so that I could survive. But, literally, he died on the cross to take away my sins. And, he did that for you too.
   Sometimes I think we forget the fire we used to have for Christ when we first accepted him. It continually amazes me that someone would be willing to die for me when I wasn’t even born yet. In a way he knew me. But I didn’t even exist when he did know me, if that makes sense. I think we need to look back and remember what Christ did for all of us. Then look at us now and let that knowledge impact how we treat others. And, finally, look forward to the future that we have with Christ.
   So, did you ever have a time where someone got something you thought you deserved? Have you ever thought about how you got something you did not deserve? Have you lost that fire you first had for God?
   Titus 3:5, 1 Peter 1:3, Psalm 73:25-26

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